Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Mental Sovereignty
Chapter 5
Beings who talk with the Godhead and in whom the Godhead is well pleased
So this is how the Godhead proclaims His satisfaction with and joy over a being who loves his neighbour. But the Godhead is Providence. Providence is Nature and Nature constitutes the fundamental forces of life or the being's everyday surroundings. So to love one's neighbour means that with this love one sets these forces into vibration or motion – and this motion favours oneself in the highest way possible – and eventually causes the Godhead, that is to say the surroundings, to reveal the divine confirmation of one's own actual identity as a son of God in the previously mentioned exalted words: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased". Can a higher, more beautiful and more perfect experience possibly befall the living being? Is it not the greatest initiation that can befall the living being, that Nature, the surroundings and everyday life should fundamentally form itself as a divine voice that in every way tells the being that he is a beloved son of God, a prince of the spirit, a king of wisdom or the holy spirit? Have not millions of people over the centuries recognised that "Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father"? In fact even in the case of the one who betrayed him, we can detect a vague sense of divine praise. Otherwise why would he have taken his own life? Likewise can we not see that over the centuries millions of people have praised Buddha as a heavenly or superterrestrial being, which means a being in whom the Godhead was well pleased? And in the same way are there not millions of people that today live in praise and worship of Mohammed as a son of heaven? What is it we are seeing and experiencing here? Is not these millions of peoples' praising and recognizing of certain beings as divine and perfect, the voice of the Godhead? How else would the Godhead proclaim or make it known that this or that being is a "beloved son, in whom he is well pleased"? Do you not think there must have been something in these beings' mentality and behaviour that appealed to people and was of such imposing greatness that people fell on their knees or prostrated themselves before this something in these beings? And was not this something precisely neighbourly love? And was not this neighbourly love in turn the same as the result of a totally superior mental sovereignty in these beings? Their manifestations were not an echoing, a copying or mimicking of other previous or contemporary beings. The whole of their bearing and behaviour, their knowledge and command, their advice and guidance was absolutely original and thereby sovereign, princely or royal in the very deepest, most literal sense of the word. These beings were conscious "sons of God" in the pure state. There were none above these beings other than the Godhead. So they spoke directly with the Godhead and on the basis of the Godhead. And through this contact they offered their lives to terrestrial mankind. No greater expression of love can be manifested. They offered themselves wholly to their neighbour. In this case terrestrial mankind was this neighbour.