Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Mental Sovereignty
Chapter 4
Mental liberation and the perfect faculty to love
The living being is therefore bound by his own conception of life. He judges everything on the basis of this conception. But because this conception may be false, may be untruth, just as much as it may be truth and an expression of the actual analysis of life, the question of whether the individual is in contact with life and reality or whether he is animated by untruth and quite mistaken conceptions of life and thereby his own actual immortal identity, will totally depend on the individual's conception. If his conception of life is absolutely correct or one hundred per cent in contact with reality, with truth, and this contact has thus become the foundation of his existence, he will sense all of life's actual mental or spiritual riches and pleasures, such as freedom from any trace of sorrow, anxiety, depression, feelings of revenge or anger towards his neighbour, professional jealousy, rough treatment or having to struggle to earn his daily bread. He will in fact be completely liberated from the so-called "curse" that compelled Adam to "eat his bread in the sweat of his face". The being will no longer harbour any desire whatsoever for any right of possession of whatever kind. He will in fact feel the very highest happiness, the very highest joy in wholly giving his life for his neighbour. And no greater fulfilment of these divine laws exists. Did not the world redeemer say precisely that "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"? Is it not the same thing that has been reaffirmed by the same great "son of Man" when he says "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" and adds that this is the fulfilment of all the law and the prophets. And furthermore does not Biblical tradition tell us what the Godhead or Providence itself thought about this being that practises and proclaims love, through the words: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased"?