Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Mental Sovereignty
Chapter 3
With the very judgement that one judges others, one judges oneself
But how does it come about that the living beings, eternal and thereby immortal beings, come right away from themselves, come right away from actual life, in fact so far away that they believe themselves to be one with matter and thereby with death?
      The reason living beings have come so far away from life that they really believe themselves to be one with matter, believing that there was once a time when they did not exist and that equally there will once again be a time when they cease to exist, is due exclusively to an arrangement in the divine world plan. These beings' state is exclusively a fulfilment of the eternal laws, upon which the entire universe rests. Every living being's state is therefore today precisely as it should be in order to enable it to be developed on towards the fulfilment of the ultimate divine purpose that is its preordained goal. Blaming the living being for being today like this or like that, is a way of manifesting that can be expressed only by a being that still knows nothing of actual life. Such a manifestation is precisely "the dead being's sign of being dead". It is the "dead" being that judges its neighbour as a "dead" being, thereby pointing out the truth in the eternal words that one will oneself be judged with the very judgement with which one judges others. No one can in fact judge others to any other life than the one that they themselves represent. If a being says about another human being that he is a villain, he has revealed that he is himself a villain, because no being in the absolute sense can be a villain, that is to say a bandit or an evil human being. Every human being, as well as every other living being, represents today the very highest point of its evolution and finds itself on an evolutionary step that corresponds to it. It can therefore express or manifest itself only through the special faculties and dispositions that are characteristic of that particular evolutionary step. One cannot expect a being to manifest itself through faculties and dispositions that belong to a higher step that it has not yet reached. Therefore everyone who manifests such an expectation and lays blame if the expectation is not fulfilled can be summed up as a villain. Thus all beings who lay blame and are harsh in their judgement of other people's behaviour are precisely revealing themselves as being the very thing they are judging others for being. All judgement, all harsh criticism and blaming can be nothing more than a result of its originator's own spiritual or mental imperfectness. And as only a mentally imperfect being can manifest harsh blaming or criticism towards his neighbour, thereby judging his neighbour to be a mentally imperfect being, it will therefore from a cosmic point of view be exclusively his own mental imperfectness that he is revealing. With his judgement of others he is therefore judging himself.