Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Mental Sovereignty
Chapter 19
The formation of the perfected human being through neighbourly love or the fulfilling of life's intention
A perfect or completely evolved human being is thus a being that is liberated from this animal form of life or way of living. It has advanced so far in its combating of this form of life or method of living that it has totally overcome it. Its life or behaviour is no longer something it has to fight with other beings to be allowed to preserve. It is no longer taken up with the tendency to practise the principle of "putting oneself first", but is completely taken up with the total opposite of this form of life, that is, "putting one's neighbour first". Because this form of life can be released or manifested exclusively through the joy of it being "better to give than to receive", and as this form of life will always seem to the surroundings to be extremely pleasant or welcome, the surroundings will gradually perceive such a being as their absolutely true friend. They will begin to love that being. And whoever one loves, one serves. The surroundings thus become this being's servant. Whatever the being has sown, it thus begins to reap. Is it possible to imagine a more perfect relationship than the one in which a being loves his surroundings, and is in turn loved by them? How else do you think life could be experienced as absolutely happy and thereby as perfect? The individual's fate can be determined exclusively by two factors, namely, the individual's own self and its neighbour, which are, respectively, the same as its appearance as an individual and its surroundings, everything and everyone without exception. There are therefore really only two forms of fate. The individual can either hate his surroundings or he can love them, which in turn is the same as hating or loving his neighbour. If he hates his neighbour this is an expression of the fact that he is in conflict with life and thereby with happiness, and he believes that his neighbour is the cause of this conflict and the ensuing limitations to his happiness. His mentality is therefore imprisoned or enchained to a corresponding degree by the desire or the urge to eradicate or wipe out this neighbour, because he believes that this eradication will restore his happiness. His haste to achieve liberation shows that he is an enchained being.
      If on the other hand he loves his neighbour, this is an expression of the fact that he lives in contact with life. By virtue of his neighbourly love he is not confronted with a being he wishes to eradicate or wipe out. As his wishes or desires are directed exclusively in favour of his neighbour, the way in which his own life expresses itself will not ultimately meet with any nuisance or restraint from the neighbour, the neighbour under normal conditions not being interested in undermining what is in his own favour. To have one's mentality transformed in such a way that one's highest happiness and satisfaction of desires is exclusively nothing other than to be of advantage to one's neighbour is thus the absolutely only thing that can guarantee the living being the experience of the very highest contact with life, a contact that means total sovereignty. The first of the two previously mentioned factors of consciousness thus leads to total mental imprisonment, to being a slave of matter, which in turn means being a slave of material advantages or apparent benefits, whereas the second factor on the other hand leads to total liberation from the desire for these benefits in favour of loving the neighbour, which, as already mentioned, is the same as loving the fellow beings in the individual's surroundings. But to love one's neighbour in this way is the same as to release that form of manifestation that is life's intention. But to be in contact with life's intention is the same as being immune to any conflict whatsoever with this intention. And this immunity is absolutely the only thing that can guarantee perfect or ultimate happiness and the resultant corresponding joy in being. Reaching this state of consciousness or form of manifestation is thus the same as being one with life, and that in turn is the same as being "one with the Father".