Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Mental Sovereignty
Chapter 16
What it is that is wrong with the behaviour of terrestrial human beings
But if the beings live without making themselves the servants of life, how can true life flourish or achieve its true purpose, how can it fulfil its special aim. Who else can make life perfect, thereby creating a happy fate other than the living beings themselves? Why should they not just as well be able to make themselves servants of life as they have been able to make themselves masters of matter? Should it be more difficult to stretch out their hand to their neighbour in forgiveness or to give an understanding and warm caress, than it is to fly above the clouds or sail under water? Can one not just as well develop so that one is able to direct a pair of gentle, loving eyes towards one's neighbour as one has been able to develop a brain that can weigh the sun and measure the course of the stars, looking down through the microscope into the microcosmos and travelling thousands of light years into the macrocosmos? What use is this enormous capability, this enormous talent, this enormous control over the elements when it favours oneself alone, thereby bringing misfortune and harm to one's surroundings? Do you not think that this enormous development in physical understanding and the capability that results from it ought to be to benefit life rather than inconvenience it? Do you think that this enormous mental development that the individual has undergone should only bring pleasure to the individual itself and ruin to its surroundings, when it can obviously bring joy not only to itself but also to its surroundings? Would it not be logical to assume that this is not what life intends? Is this not precisely the reason why many of the Earth's beautiful cities and cultural artefacts are today in ruins and millions of people killed or wounded? Do you think that it is the intention of life that the beings "in God's image" should hobble around on artificial legs, shaking hands with people using artificial hands and embracing their loved ones with arms of metal? Being master of matter has not brought terrestrial human beings any true, real happiness. Amidst their great mastery over matter they are crying out for a lasting peace, which in turn actually means a real and lasting happiness.
      But because the individual's appearance as "master" of matter has not brought it real happiness, but has on the contrary placed it in a situation where it is actually crying out for happiness, it becomes clear that its existence as a master of matter is not the final goal as regards terrestrial human beings' evolution. Thus the absolutely only goal possible for its evolution can be this peace. But in order to reach this peace or this goal, life has of necessity to be altered. To have become master of matter is not enough. What is wrong with the appearance of the being? Is it not precisely, as we have already mentioned, the way in which this mastery is used? The being uses its mastery of the elements or matter to benefit itself. And in its eagerness and its insatiable desire for matter, it has not been able to sense or see that whenever material capability is used exclusively for its own benefit it leads just as exclusively to destruction, inconvenience and suffering for its surroundings. It therefore does not understand that the aim of making the individual the master of matter is exclusively this: to make it a perfect servant for its fellow beings. A servant that is not a master of matter cannot be a perfect servant for his neighbour or his surroundings. For this reason there is a whole series of stages in the spiral cycle exclusively intended as a place of evolution where the individual can train in subjugating matter. And the being has now come so far in this evolution that it is in the process of subjugating the atomic forces beyond which there exist hitherto unimaginably colossal amounts of energy with which the individual can destroy all culture, all human creation, and it is continually carrying out numerous experiments on how it can best bring death and destruction upon its fellow beings. Do you not think it is intended that one should use this immense source of power, as well as the other marvellous forms of technical and chemical capability that terrestrial human beings have gained, to benefit one's neighbour, which means to benefit one's fellow beings and surroundings? Do you not think that this unusually high degree of giftedness should be used to benefit the creation of a happy existence for all fellow beings?