On the Altar of Love
by Martinus

1. The gospel of love
Every human being who studies the cosmic analyses of existence becomes time and time again witness to the fact that love is so essential for the true experience of life that it is referred to in these analyses as the "keynote of the universe". In the Christian world religion love is also strongly emphasized as fundamental to life. If we look at the Bible's ten commandments, we can see that the essence of these is also love. When in these commandments it is, among other things, commanded "Honour thy father and thy mother...", "Thou shalt not kill", "Thou shalt not steal", "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour", "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house nor his wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour's", it is exclusively in order to prevent war and to create instead true peace and harmony and thereby happiness and joy among people. But true peace and harmony, happiness and joy are precisely the blessings of love.
At a much later point in time, love, in an even higher and more fundamental form, became revealed as the only true way towards light. The whole of Jesus' life, the Sermon on the Mount, his behaviour or way of being and his Passion became the unshakable affirmation of love itself as absolutely the only thing that can make the human being one with God and thereby victorious over the vicissitudes of his fate, the only thing that can make him fearless in every situation and enable him to maintain his inner spiritual well-being untouched by outer physical opposition, persecution or crucifixion. Jesus' pilgrimage on Earth was the revelation of a mental sunshine that shone out over the mountains of Palestine and down through centuries. In this heavenly sunshine the speech of the eternal God was revealed. The voice of the world redeemer became the voice of the universe. And the eternal voice vibrated out over the world the following hymn of love to the eternal truths: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God." "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me." "Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven..."
This mental light, this spiritual sunshine became stronger and stronger. And the voice of the universe, the eternal voice, continued: "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you that you must not resist evil: but whosoever strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.. Give to the one that asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you ... You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, Love your enemies and bless those that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven; for he causes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust... Be therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect... Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also... Judge not that you be not judged. For with that judgement you judge, you shall be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you... Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened". Thus spoke the eternal Father these and many other words to the world through his son, whom he had sent out. And the people marvelled greatly. They did not know that it was the voice of the universe or the voice of God they heard. They had no idea that they were having revealed to them eternal principles, unshakable truths, the highest science.
2. The practical behaviour of love as the salvation of the world
But through the world redeemer an even stronger light from the flood of rays of God's spirit was to be revealed. The principles of love were not to be revealed in beautiful words and hymns alone. Love was not to remain something abstract. It must also be revealed in flesh and blood as a practical way of living or behaving. How could people otherwise see for themselves? How could they otherwise have confirmation that a mentality capable of fulfilling all the above-mentioned principles of love in its behaviour or way of being was not a utopia, was not fantasy or non-reality, but an unshakable fact that not only already existed in flesh and blood but was also one of the models manifested by God, the imitation of which in mind and behaviour will inevitably lead all the people of the world out of the dark night of war and suffering, forward to the life-giving, heart-warming and sunlit regions of love and thereby of peace? Through the exceptional behaviour of the world redeemer it was revealed to the world how a human being in flesh and blood can really feel such great love for his neighbour that this love is totally unaffected by whatever persecution or suffering this neighbour might have subjected him to. Not for one single moment during the long and painful death by crucifixion, which is surely the very culmination of torture and suffering that can be inflicted upon a human being, did the world redeemer lose his composure or his loving frame of mind. The loving attitude he had to the beings around him, including his executioners and the mocking crowd of people at the foot of the cross, manifested itself as the great caress that was to become the key of the gateway to bliss or the salvation of the world. And, as a huge halo of light in the spiritual atmosphere of the earth this world-saving caress sparkles, shines and warms to this very day in the form of the eternal words on the cross: "Father! Forgive them, for they know not what they do". Here it was revealed that the world redeemer was...one with God...one with truth...and one with love, both physically ,and spiritually.
With this huge spiritual strength, which was expressed in the Garden of Gethsemane by the words ''Father, Thy will, not mine, be done", the world redeemer became one with the will of God, one with the salvation of the world that here must be based on the creation of an example, a model for the perfect behaviour to be imitated by future generations, a revelation of the fact that love in its highest manifestation really is to give one's life to save others. Here it was revealed that he was one with the culmination of this elevated mental state. Through the expression "for they know not what they do" it was documented that he was in contact with the very highest knowledge. For his executioners did not know what they were doing. They did not know the truth about Jesus' life and behaviour as God's messenger and world redeemer. Had they not been as cosmically underdeveloped as they were, they would have praised him and paid him homage. But since they did not know what they were doing, it would be unreasonable that they should incur punishment. Life has other ways of teaching people about their mistakes than the violent methods that they, under the concept of "punishment", inflict on the underdeveloped fellow beings they call "criminals". These three demonstrations of the perfect human being's behaviour or way of being - one with the father, one with the truth or the highest knowledge, and one with love - were the manifestations of light that are the salvation of the world, which means people's liberation from the relics of the animal mentality, from which they to this very day still have not freed themselves, indeed which they still hold in high esteem, due to their still underdeveloped or unfinished state.
3. The declining belief in a providence or a loving, divine world rule
We have seen above that the evolution of mankind itself forwards and upwards towards higher forms of existence is to a very great extent promoted by the love of developed people or by these people giving their lives for the salvation of those of their fellow-beings who still, from a mental point of view, are imprisoned in the primitive, animal traditions of existence. We have, through the history of Christianity, seen a great summoning of the powers of love, inspired by the world redeemer, Jesus Christ. That the other higher world religions are also promoted by love from higher beings who have given their lives to help mankind's education in humanity and wisdom has already long since become a fact for the developed researcher. We have seen how love, through mankind's great spiritual leaders and through Christ's behaviour and view of life, is revealed as the only way forwards and upwards towards the light. But what is mankind's situation today? Does it believe that love is the salvation of the world from the unhappy states of war and suffering? No, the majority of the people of the earth, those who are in power and who rule mankind, have not yet come so far in cosmic evolution. It is still only the minority, those who in reality have no say at all in politics, government and moral views, who can begin to understand the real truth. The majority of mankind no longer believe in any providence, any real divine world rule behind all the great manifestations of life with all its ups and downs.
4. The modern civilized states have become a religious desert where money has become the all-outshining foundation for life
In this century the religious tendency and view has disappeared from large parts of the earth's population. Just as a terrain becomes desert when all the water disappears from it, so the human mentality becomes a psychic or mental desert where the religious tendency has disappeared from the human view of life. In this mental desert there is admittedly a lush mental vegetation, but, from a psychic or mental point of view, it consists only of desert plants. It gives nourishment only to that part of the human mentality that, because of its underdeveloped state, is still bound to the purely physical or bodily sphere of interest. "Plants" that can give nourishment to the spiritual or psychic side and thereby to the primary or eternal part of the living being do not occur in this desert area. But here there are, as previously mentioned, great desert plants that give an abundance of nourishment to the physical, bodily or purely material side of the being in question. The mental desert vegetation consists of a countless number of species that, so to speak, belong to the same family. This family is known under the concept "money". By the various species is here to be understood the many methods by which the money is appropriated. We know these methods by such terms as: profit, dividends, interest, earnings, salary and so on. These many plant species of mental desert vegetation have gradually become a vital necessity for people at the same time as being extremely unhealthy for the soul, since they are nearly all infested with a certain percentage of a well-hidden poison called "dishonesty". This poison is absolutely deadly to the creation of real, lasting happiness. Not only does it not give real nourishment to the human being's spirit, but it destroys everything that can create a mental foundation for life through which the dark fate-situations of physical life can be experienced without nervous breakdown, without worry, fear, pessimism and suicide, quite apart from the immunity to great areas of dark fate that lasting, absolute honesty or being-one-with-the-truth gives.
The entire administration, structure and maintenance of life of terrestrial mankind has gradually become totally dependent on this mental desert vegetation. All governments, all politics, all social conditions, all positions, honour and prestige, living standards, civilisation and so on are today exclusively a question of money. Because of people's underdeveloped morality, the appropriation of or hunt for money has become the great problem of their lives. Seen from this point of view the otherwise so highly acknowledged civilized states together become merely a society of primitive people whose main source of nourishment is the hunt for money. Everyone is compelled to take part in this hunt. It has gradually become such an all-outshining vital necessity that it has eclipsed religion and the worship of God.
5. The worshipping of idols and Armageddon
Since not all people are equally competent money-hunters, we see here the rare thing that some beings have acquired such gigantic proceeds from the hunt that they are about to be choked by superabundance, while others are equipped a talent for hunting so poor that they can take almost no part at all in the vital and sometimes brutal and bloody hunt for money. In the worst cases they have to live in poverty and hunger, by begging and in degradation. This is completed and emphasized by the fact that the most competent hunters have already long since conquered the hunting-grounds themselves, so that millions of people have no direct access to any hunting-ground. They can then gain only indirect access to the hunting-grounds, an access that is very much reduced or impaired by the conditions that the owners of the hunting-grounds feel justified in demanding be fulfilled by those to whom they give access to their areas. But there are also many people the world over who have no access at all to the vital hunting-grounds. They must therefore languish to death in degradation and ruin, since they can get neither physical nor mental nourishment. The modern culture of today, with its owners of the hunting-grounds (the employers or the possessing class) and those who have merely an indirect and reduced access to the hunting-grounds (the workers), together with those who have no access at all to the hunting-grounds (the unemployed), is thus in reality in the social area still not raised up to a stage where the name "culture" is totally or one hundred per cent justified. True human culture is not a social order where the clever and strong steal the vital necessities from the less clever and the less strong, and live according to the principle "Every man for himself". For a social order within which it is possible to live in excess, gluttony and wastefulness, while others perish in need and misery because they have no access to earning their daily bread, the term "culture" can only be an ironic description. The social morality of modern culture has consequently given rise to world history's greatest and most deadly and bloody wars in all fields. Everyone is at war with everyone else. Everyone, to a greater or lesser extent, seeks consciously or unconsciously, openly or covertly, to plunder or use everyone else. This holds true between the states as well as between man and man. As a safeguard against this there have gradually arisen various forms of "war defence", "standing armies" on all fronts. Firstly, there is thus the usual deadly military alert on land, on sea and in the air. Then there are such organisations as trade unions, insurance companies, health insurance societies and the like. What are these institutions other than more or less effective defence institutions against the evils to which the struggle for the financial hunting-grounds gives rise, institutions for those who cannot keep up with the struggle? The primary structure of modern culture is thus a cult of money, a downright worship of the golden calf. And as long as this worship of idols is controlling the majority of the earth's population, dictating politics and national government, determining success, position, honour and esteem and enslaving people's sympathies and antipathies, then the Armageddon, death-cries, invalidity, illness, death by starvation, degradation and oppression of war cannot possibly cease.
6. Cosmic science is the world redemption of the twentieth century
As regards people's previously mentioned behaviour there is nothing whatsoever to criticise, neither in the state nor in the individual human being. This epoch of the golden calf or of money is a perfectly natural and unavoidable link in the cosmic evolution by virtue of which the human being is created. It elicits all those experiences that mankind must of necessity have in order to acquire that evolution or that knowledge and the associated talents that can make it perfect. And just as one has not been able to remove epidemics or illnesses by dictatorship, but only by scientific discoveries and overviews of the situations, so too the cult of the golden calf, the epoch of money cannot be abolished by dictatorship, politics, dogmatic religion, the creation of unions or the like. This worship of idols, this all-overshadowing control that gold or money has over people's lives and behaviour, which is still based on people's under-development, can only be removed with the help of the development of cosmic science or empirical insight into the meaning of life, the behaviour or way of being of peace. Neither people, animals nor other forms of life are slaves to chance and illogical manifestations of energy or power. On the contrary, they are subject to an absolutely logical and loving world rule. This determines that absolutely nothing can persist in being imperfect. Everything is cyclical. Since that which is imperfect leads to darkness and suffering, the experiences are here gained by virtue of which the same beings will create their future lives more and more perfectly. And thus the culture of the golden calf, the epoch of money, will gradually create a complex of experiences or a science that will reveal this cult as a deadly and totally destructive factor in all higher or true "human" creation of culture. And by virtue of the evocation of this science this cult will gradually be overcome and replaced by a cult of justice, and thereby of love, that will allow every single human being to pay for his life with his ability and his work, absolutely regardless of whatever rank or position he may hold. Here money will no longer exist. No one will be able to buy his way out of his duties, which here means the working hours necessary to maintain the necessities of his own life.
A human being will pay for these working hours not with money but only with a corresponding number of working hours in the area of work in which he is most skilled and most interested. In this way every normal human being who comes to the world will have an innate means of paying for his life. It will not be as it is today, where millions of people die of hunger and poverty because of the deadly power of the worship of money, which is in itself the most ghastly weapon in the hands of the being who has no consideration for his neighbour's life and well-being or his ruin and destruction, when it is a matter of possessing for himself great profit or some desired money-power. The method is applied under the so-called "business principle". This principle is in its pure form fair enough. Here it means the same value for the same value and it can in this pure form be an exceedingly great and useful cultural factor. But today it does not occur in this pure form, even if it does bear the name. Today the term "business" to a great extent constitutes merely a smokescreen or a camouflage under which the corruption of the business principle, making it constitute the principle of the greatest possible value or profit for the least possible payment, can, on the contrary, take place. This culminating plundering of one's neighbour cannot take place where the monetary system is abolished, and where there is no other legal means of payment than a receipt made out by the authorities to show that one has oneself paid with one's work. (For further details see "Livets Bog (The Book of Life)", Volume 1, Chapter 4.)
Mankind will thus gradually enter a new epoch of life in which all the unhappy states, the Armageddon that it today, by virtue of its cosmic unconsciousness, inflicts upon itself will, with the light of reason and love, be put to an end in the area of life of terrestrial mankind. It is this cosmic science, the science, about terrestrial mankind's present and future place in evolution or in God's great creation of "the human being in his image after his likeness", that is the world redemption of the twentieth century. It constitutes that seed in which all the generations of the earth will be blessed.
7. The fulfilment of all the laws
We have here a little overview of the present fate-situation of mankind itself. We have touched on the essence of the guidance that it has received from its great leaders or world redeemers. We have seen that this guidance culminated in the life and behaviour of Jesus as a living example in flesh and blood of that relationship to God and that neighbourly love that is the fulfilment of all the laws. We have seen how mankind has not yet grown so far in evolution as to be able to fulfil this world-redeeming behaviour or way of being, not even where it calls itself "Christian". The result is that mankind to a corresponding degree must live in an Armageddon or domain of war with all kinds of deadly sufferings and mental darkness, horror and terror. We have seen that the essence of this guidance that has been allotted to mankind is based exclusively on the great principle of neighbourly love. This principle, and thereby the ability to love in the human being, will thus become the foundation for his liberation from dark fate. To the extent that his ability to love is developed, to the same extent is he a joy and a blessing to his fellow-beings and his environment. And is it not precisely such behaviour or such a way of being that means something? What is the situation in a religion or a view of life where there is no love? What is the situation in politics, unions and societies where there is no love? What is the situation between one man and another where there is no love? Is it not cold, sad and desolate and more or less full of antipathy, anger, evil criticism, inconsiderateness, gossip and the like? The present modern culture is to a great extent equipped with technical and chemical perfections, and can create wonderful benefits for people, but of what significance is this when it is not sufficiently loving? Disharmony, suffering, depression, feeling tired of life and suicide will always prevail where there is no love. Is it not one hundred per cent obvious that if every human being were a joy and a blessing to his fellow-beings and the environment, and sacrificed himself in order to take part in the promoting of other people's happiness, there would be no possibility for the existence of an Armageddon? Where everyone is a joy and a blessing to everyone else the so-longingly-awaited lasting peace will be a fact, just as it is obvious that where everyone is more or less inconsiderate, brutal, vindictive, envious and intolerant towards everyone else, life cannot possibly be an expression of happiness or joy. We see here that the invoking of love as the only true way to light is not imagination or a mere assertion. The way out of darkness indicated by the world redemption is living, realistic knowledge or reality.
We can see that this reality is further emphasized by Nature itself in a multitude of ways. Is the living being's organism not created in such a way that it is the greatest possible joy and blessing to that form of life up to which the same being at this moment in evolution has grown? Is our own organism with its multitude of vital functions not a joy and a blessing for us? Is it not an expression of love that we have eyes with which to see, and ears with which to hear, in addition to all the other life-promoting senses with which we are equipped? Is the goal of Nature's creation not this: to create a totally perfect being, that is a being that does not need to kill in order to live, a being that does not need to defend itself against violence or force, a being that can understand that all so-called "evil" is merely an expression of unfinished states in the divine process of creation or perfection we call evolution? And does this goal of creation not become visible when one looks at evolution in its entirety? Have people not previously stood on a lower step of consciousness than they do today? And have the beings on these lower steps not also stood on even lower steps and so on continuously in the line of evolution downwards through more and more primitive forms of being? And what are all living beings on the long scale of evolutionary steps other than the same being that, under the creating hand of God, is transformed from step to step in order finally to constitute the terrestrial human being of today and that is thereafter led further in creation or evolution to even higher steps and here constitutes the finished goal of this long creation: "the human being in God's image after his likeness"?
Is this creation in itself not a shining manifestation of love? Are the earth's previous processes of creation not an expression for the same creating hand? Was it not through many epochs transformed from a flaming sea of fire to the now radiant, inhabitable world that has the possibility of becoming a divine paradise for the people of the earth when they have reached the stage of having overcome the animal natures in their mentality that today imprisons them in dark fates and states of suffering?
So, the great truth about life's highest behaviour or way of being and happiness is this - that one must give one's life in order to come to own it. Just as the Godhead behind all the processes of creation has bestowed his love on us, so must we sacrifice ourselves for the Godhead, which can be done only through loving our neighbour. We met the love of God through a pair of parents or their substitutes when we, frail and helpless, came into the world. We met the love of God through the development of our organism as a tool for still higher and higher forms of the experience of life and thereby for the process of our perfection from primitivity to intellectuality. We met the love of God in the transformation of the world that made it a shining and warming residence for us in the universe. We met the love of God in the creation of Nature, which every day supplies food and vital necessities for the living beings. We met the love of God through all the beings who loved us, but we also learned to feel the love of God behind all the beings who persecuted and hated us. We learned to love them because we saw that they were God's life-belts for us at a point where we were on our way to drowning in the ocean of delusion, superstition and selfishness. We saw the all-embracing love of God in the wonderful abilities and talents that give the developed human being access to his radiant holy spirit or cosmic consciousness whereby he becomes able to be God's outstretched hand to help all those who are to be freed from darkness and sufferings, and be promoted upwards towards the highest heights of life. And we saw the love of God in the shining flood of rays at the pinnacles of life where God in his omniscience, almightiness and all-love holds the fate of every single living being in his hand. This is the great truth about love.
Real life is thus a cult of love. The universe is an altar of love. On this altar God bestows his love on the living beings, leading them forward on this high altar of life to being able to give his life for the benefit of the liberation of his fellow-beings from darkness and suffering, whereby they themselves come to live in the shining flood of rays of cosmic consciousness or the holy spirit.
In truth! To love God above all things and one's neighbour as oneself is the fulfilment of all the laws.
Original Danish title: På Kærlighedens Alter (from Book No. 20 Meditation). First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos in 1956. Translated by Mary McGovern, 1990.
Article ID: M1980
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 2, 1990
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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