Particles, Empty Space and the Power of Thought
by Martinus

1. Macrocosmic particles and empty space
On a cloudless night when we look up at the starry sky, we see that it makes up a picture of shining particles and empty space. But it is not only as far as the eye can see that the sky consists of particles and empty space; it does so just as far as one can observe with the aid of optical instruments millions of light years out into infinite space. This vast space could not possibly reach an end and come to a stop; this ought to be a matter of course for every advanced observer.
But what is it we are actually seeing? We are seeing the basic principle of the universe, which is precisely particles and empty space. We know a little about these particles; and we know that they constitute gigantic centres of power in the form of suns charged with the energies and powers that are necessary for the existence of life in a physical state. These powers of life, the eternal basic energies, emanate from the centres of suns to heavenly bodies and planets, to living physical worlds, which are actually organisms for living beings on a macrocosmic scale. The planets are living beings, but living beings cannot live in nothing. They can live only in a macrocosmos that is suitable for them; and we also see that our own planet, the Earth, is situated within a greater system, which has our sun as a power centre. We see that several other planets with secondary planets or moons are connected to this sun just as the Earth also has a moon. It is such a system of planets with the sun as the power centre that we call a solar system, and such a system also constitutes an organism for a living being. This living being cannot of course live in nothing either and is situated within an even larger system consisting of many solar systems, which we call collectively a galactic system or a galaxy, and this too is an organism for a living macrobeing. We know that in the universe there are other galaxies than the Milky Way, in which our sun and our Earth are situated. These galaxies are cooperating phenomena in a system that must also be recognised as the organism of a living, and compared to us, supercosmic macrobeing. And here we have reached the limit of what the terrestrial human beings' sensory faculty, extended by technical, optical instruments, can observe to a certain extent. All these systems are situated within one another, and the supercosmic system only seems to be a limit; in reality it continues for ever. "Particles and empty space" is a fundamental system in the macrocosmic universe, but the fact that the particles are alive is also something fundamental.
2. Particles as organisms for living beings
The particles of the universe are each organised power centres for the cosmic basic energies, which cast their reflection through the solar spectrum's seven coloured rays: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. We know these energies from the cosmic analyses in "Livets Bog (The Book of Life)". They fulfil exactly the required conditions for the eternal cosmic I's to be able to create organisms and consciousness and thereby appear as living beings. They constitute the foundation for physical matter in the form of mineral, vegetable and animal substances as well as for the powers of consciousness itself: instinct, gravity, feeling, intelligence, intuition and memory, which are maintained by the primordial desire and the mother energy. The fact that these macrocosmic particles are alive is established in that they consist entirely of combinations of movements, vibrations and wavelengths. Movement is life's most distinguished characteristic. How could we otherwise discover what is alive and what is not alive? Something that was absolutely dead could not possibly manifest movement. All these radiant bodies, these particles in infinite space that seem enormous to us are bodies that are expressions of life, and since life is the same as experience and manifestation, then experience and manifestation must also occur through the large macrocosmic particles that we call planets, suns, galaxies and even larger systems. The macrocosmos is consciousness and life.
But what about the vast empty space there is between these macrocosmic particles? Here we must remember that living beings do not consist of only a physical body. The entire structure of the power of movement lies beyond the scope of the physical senses; it belongs to that reality of the living being that we know under the concept of its "spirit", that is, its consciousness and world of ideas. This reality can be sensed only on the physical plane through its effects in physical matter. The empty space between the planets, suns and galaxies is not actually an empty space; it is filled with the consciousness and spirit of the living macrobeings; it is the seat of the spiritual world behind all physical phenomena. And as the spiritual structure of the living being is electrical in nature, the empty space of the universe must be filled with electrical rays and waves from the mental activity of these macrocosmic beings. This manifestation of electrical power extends far beyond what terrestrial human beings can observe with their physical senses and measure with technical instruments. What people call electricity is a special part of the Earth-being's life force, which the terrestrial human beings have learned to use. But beyond this, what people at their present step in evolution are able to perceive of the universe's ray-formed powers is still very limited. For the macrocosmic beings themselves the above-mentioned rays and waves form their visible space with its details, creative processes, beings and things, whose local details can never become accessible to unfinished terrestrial people until they themselves become the inhabitants of planetary, solar and galactic spirals.
The macrocosmic particles and empty space of the universe thus constitute respectively the organisms of living macrobeings and their consciousness or spirit. So, when we look up at the stars, we see a small area of an inhabited world. However, this world is so gigantic compared to our own existence and sensory faculty that we see its solid matter as particles and empty space. And this macro-world is so gigantic compared to us that the tiny bit of it that we experience through our physical senses can be likened symbolically to particles and empty space in the little finger of an organism. It is not so strange that the macrocosmos is an insoluble mystery for purely physical science and will continue to be so eternally if science does not develop to include something other than research into physical substance. Only the finished human being in God's image can observe with cosmic consciousness that part of the universe as a whole that is the eternal Godhead's all-containing, all-experiencing, all-creating organism and all-penetrating consciousness or holy spirit.
3. Microcosmic particles and empty space
If we now direct our cosmic gaze the other way in the universe and instead of looking up towards the stars we look down into the innermost structure of our substance, not only the substance that comprises our own organism but also the substances from which nature around us and all kinds of created things in our surroundings are built up, then we also here witness a shining world of stars consisting of particles and empty space. We call this the microcosmos, and it consists, among other things, of the worlds of the cells, molecules, atoms and even smaller particles. Compared to these microcosmic particles and empty space, we appear as macrocosmic beings. The many organs of our organism are individual systems of particles and empty space. They are "galactic systems" or "galaxies" on a microcosmic scale compared to which terrestrial human beings' organisms are on a macrocosmic scale. Viewed in this perspective our organism can thus be likened in principle to the above-mentioned organism in our macrocosmos, which consisted of various integrated galactic systems. We see, whether it be a question of the macrocosmos or the microcosmos, how we meet the principle of particles and empty space everywhere as living beings that respectively constitute universes and substances or matter for one another.
But what about the terrestrial human being's own sensory faculty and faculty to experience? Apart from the macrocosmos, we do not sense the world around us as particles and empty space. We experience it as living beings and things, something we can see, hear, feel, smell and taste. I call the world that the human being experiences through its physical senses the "mesocosmos". It exists between the macrocosmic world and the microcosmic world and it of course consists of particles and empty space, but it is not sensed or experienced as such. Here the Godhead reveals to us what the macrocosmic and microcosmic starry universes really mean. The mesocosmos, as we know, appears to us as living beings and things that have shape, colour and volume. We see myriads of diverse living beings; we see solid, liquid and gaseous matter or substances and we see that all these phenomena are subject to change, which is the same as creation. We see that the final result of this creation is logical, which in turn means that it is a joy and blessing for living beings. It is this creative process that has produced our organism, our organs and all the phenomena in our surroundings. But who lies behind this creation?
4. Creation that is manifested by living beings
In the mesocosmic world of terrestrial human beings it is common knowledge and experience that the terrestrial human beings themselves can create. People build houses, ships, cars and other technical aids; they produce works of art and do practical craftwork, all of which are creative processes. Could any of these things come into existence without the creative faculty of a human being or a living being? They could not; it would be completely impossible. But there exist, of course, other created things than those people have produced, namely, all the many things that we collectively call "nature" and that are just as logical and useful as the things people have produced. Indeed, have not people in even innumerable cases learned from nature's creative processes in order to create something that could be beneficial and useful? It must be natural for the human being from its own experiences to recognise a creator with a creative faculty behind created phenomena. But where is the creating, living "something" that – on the basis of the experience that a creator must exist behind the created – must exist behind all the creative processes of nature? Have we ever seen this? No, absolutely no living being has seen it because it is beyond all creation; it is beyond all matter and is therefore inaccessible to all sensing. This "something" can be established as a fact only through its influence and effect on matter, which means its creation. The creator manifests itself only through creation and manifestation, that is, through the effects of its creative faculty. Only the things that are created in matter are accessible to direct sensory perception. What we see of the living beings is not the living beings themselves. It is not the directing and experiencing "something" of the living being that we sense, but effects in the matter that this "something" has created. A human being's physical organism is not this being itself, but an effect of its creative faculty, which in turn is an emanation from the invisible "something", the invisible creator that mankind will gradually come to recognise as the eternal, omnipresent Godhead. A godhead who is omnipresent must, of course, also be present in the human being, indeed, in the human being's organs, cells, molecules, atoms and so on, just as the same Godhead is present everywhere in the universe, in the macrocosmos and the microcosmos. The entire material universe is this Godhead's physical organism, and all living beings in the universe are the Godhead's organs and tools through which this same Godhead experiences and manifests his creative power.
5. The living being and the cosmic principles
Every living being in the universe lives, moves and has its being in the eternal Godhead, and all living beings are therefore equally near to the Godhead and are embraced by this Godhead with equally great love and sympathy. But is this supercosmic being then not of greater significance than a terrestrial human being that is perhaps even a criminal and an atheist? No, absolutely not. For this potential criminal is, of course, also a macrobeing compared to everything that lives and moves and has its being in him. He too is a supercosmic being compared to the microcosmos, and he means just as much in the universe as the being that constitutes such a macrobeing for the human beings. That he is perhaps at the moment a criminal and an atheist is, as we know, only a temporary stage in his evolution within a spiral cycle, where he too will receive cosmic consciousness and become an organ for divine creation and manifestation. If, at the moment, he is a criminal and from a human point of view is negative, it is because he belongs to that part of the consciousness of the Godhead that I call the "secondary consciousness of the Godhead", where the renewal of the consciousness of both the living beings and the Godhead takes place. And this "secondary consciousness" permeates all spiral cycles. There can also be galactic beings and other macrobeings who are at the moment criminals and atheists within their spiral of evolution on their way towards their experience of cosmic consciousness, after which they too will pass into the "primary consciousness of the Godhead" as organs, as will the terrestrial human criminal in his spiral of evolution. In all spiral cycles there are dark and light states that living beings go through on their way from the darkness to the light, based on the unfolding of the universe's eternal principle of contrast, without which no experience of life or creation could take place. And the dimensions are based on the eternal principle of perspective, which is just as necessary for creation and experience to be able to take place. All living beings are simultaneously both a macrobeing and a microbeing that have their own mesocosmic sensory experience; therefore, all living beings viewed from a cosmic perspective are of the same size and the Godhead is equally near to all of them. Even if that which is an almost immeasurable period of time for a terrestrial human being, namely one thousand years, is only a short period of time for a galactic being, so it is also true that for God one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day, just as one second is for the same Godhead as a million years and a million years as one second.
All this can, of course, be difficult for a terrestrial human being's consciousness to grasp, and it is, of course, also a knowledge that must be acquired gradually. But today many people long for, and in the future even more will long for, an overview of the universal conditions viewed not only from a physical perspective but also from a spiritual one. And I have been tasked with providing this cosmic overview through which the seeker can acquire theoretical knowledge of the cosmic laws and principles for use in practical thinking and behaviour. It is very important for the further development of the whole of mankind that more and more people realise that the Godhead's creative power of thought vibrates in and pervades all the so-called empty space in the macrocosmos, the mesocosmos and the microcosmos, and that they can become recipients of this power, not as blind mediums but through impulses, ideas and inspiration. A flood of ingenious ideas surrounds the human beings, and will be able to shine into their consciousnesses as they gradually get onto the same wavelength as the keynote of the universe, which is: to be a joy and blessing for living beings, and which is expressed in old religious language as the "holy spirit".
All living beings, which, based on the principle of the spiral cycle and the principle of perspective, form universes and matter for one another, find themselves in their respective spiral cycles either in the darkness on their way towards the light, or in the light from where, when this light has become such a habit that it threatens to turn them into automatons, they will pass smoothly into the dark state of a higher spiral, which is then "light" for them. This is synonymous with them passing through the Godhead's secondary consciousness, where renewal takes place, in order to experience in this new, perspectivistically higher spiral the unfoldment of light in the Godhead's primary consciousness as a manifestation of wisdom and love on a scale that is the fulfilment of their innermost wishes and longings.
6. The empty space and the invisible
The particles of the universe, whether they represent the macrocosmos or the microcosmos for us, are the created part of the universe; they are the effects of an invisible creator. And it is the invisible that is the so-called empty space. This creator can thus be represented only by the empty space between the particles, which is no empty space at all. Here all the I's of the living beings that together form God's I, are to be found, in that the I's are inseparable. Here is the consciousness or mentality of God; here the eternal superconsciousness exists in the form of the cosmic worlds and the so-called holy spirit. The empty space between the particles is thus filled with the mentality of God, consisting of the mentality of all living beings. From this invisible world the I's of the living beings direct by means of their superconsciousness their organism and daily way of being. And from this invisible world, all the planets, suns and galaxies of the universe are thus directed. We here witness the mentality of God, which steers the course of the worlds in the eternal, infinite universe. Now what can we learn from this? What is God revealing to us here? Here it is revealed to us how the universe is steered by the mentality and power of thought that, together with the I, form God's invisible part of this universe, while the particles form the Godhead's physical body. And since we ourselves also represent an invisible I and an invisible mentality, our consciousness and our I likewise become the empty space, viewed from the physical world, while our organism consists of the particles. We are "in God's image" for we also represent the basic principle of the universe: particles and empty space.
7. Our own I and its milky-way and galactic systems
If we want to learn more about our own organisms than we can experience through our physical senses, we must look at the macrocosmos that represents what we ourselves are, when viewed from a larger perspective. Or we must look at the microcosmos where we see the same in a smaller perspective. But the laws and principles are identical. If we want to understand what it is, we actually see as planets and galaxies, we must observe the human organism, and the human being can, by observing the macrocosmos, the mesocosmos and the microcosmos, understand life and its laws in a way that can have the greatest significance for one's daily existence.
Our organism consists of a series of various organs. It has a brain, a heart, kidneys, lungs, a stomach, glands and so on. We see these organs as solid matter, but their most profound cosmic analysis is that they constitute particles and empty space. This means that they constitute suns and galactic systems, which according to the above analyses means that they are living beings with an invisible I and an invisible consciousness, which is the empty space, and an organism that consists of particles. The difference is that the universe we see in the form of the stars in the sky is so gigantic compared to our sensory faculty that we see only a very, very small local part of this huge system. We cannot therefore understand what it is we are seeing when we use only the physical sensory faculty. For this reason, the universe, with its particles and empty space, despite advanced technology is an insoluble riddle, a mystery for physical science. But it is not life's intention that life should remain a mystery. It is therefore a stroke of genius in the divine world order that what one cannot see in the macrocosmos or in the great, one can see in the microcosmos or in the small and vice versa, that what one cannot see in the microcosmos, one can see in the macrocosmos. And finally, what one cannot experience in either the macrocosmos or in the microcosmos, one experiences through one's physical senses in the mesocosmos and its living beings. The cosmic researcher, by observing the microcosmos in his own physical organism, has therefore access to seeing the unveiling of or the solution to not only the mystery of the night's shining stars or the macrocosmos, but also to his own identity as the sovereign ruler in a stellar system consisting of numerous galactic systems. He understands that his organism is a universe that is completely permeated by his spirit, which means by his consciousness and the power of his thought. He recognises that his organism is particles and empty space and that these particles form galactic systems that he, from his mesocosmic viewpoint, sees as organs. One group of particles forms his heart, another his lung system and so on, and every organ is a system that cooperates and interacts with the other systems in the whole that is the universe of the organism. All the galactic systems are controlled and directed by our consciousness, partly automatically and partly by our will. The particles are controlled from the empty space that is permeated by our spirit and the power of our thought, which is in turn controlled by our wishes and desires. These wishes and desires appear as microelectrical forces and are released by our superconsciousness through our subconsciousness to our day-consciousness. This, our power of consciousness or microelectrical force, is conducted through our brain, which constitutes a specially adapted or constructed galactic system, to our nerve galaxy, through which the power of consciousness, by means of the magnetisation of the blood, is conducted to all the other galactic systems with their particles and empty space. The brain galaxy is the most highly developed system in our physical organism or our I's universe, in that it is the organ for the transference of our consciousness and our will to the organism and likewise for the transference of our series of mental images formed by our physical experience, back to our subconsciousness and superconsciousness, which exist in the invisible world or what we call empty space.
8. The power of thought, illness and health
Now, what can we see from this? We can see that we maintain the health and well-being of our organs and our organism with the entire functioning of our thoughts. Or that we cause unhealthiness, illness, disintegration, indeed, perhaps even the total destruction of certain organs, perhaps of the whole organism. When the power of our thoughts, via the brain, the nervous system and the blood, penetrates and magnetises all our organs, it of course means that it permeates these organ-galaxies, whose empty spaces and particles are influenced accordingly. And just as the power of our thoughts can consist of life-giving and constructive impulses, it can also consist of such a negative type that it causes havoc, indeed downright catastrophes in our organ-galaxies. If a human being is able to live by the thought-power of universal love, it will have a strengthening and health-promoting effect on all the galaxies or galactic systems in the organism. A human being with such a way of thinking cannot contract any mental illness and, because of its thoughts, will also be very well protected against physical illness. But beings whose consciousness is what we call dark, that is, full of anger, hatred, jealousy, bitterness, irritation and so on, fill the empty space in their organ-galaxies in a very negative way, which is also the case, albeit in other variations, where it is a matter of those forms of dark consciousness we know as sorrow, fear, depression and stress. Dark kinds of thought cause havoc in our organ-galaxies, where every individual system has its particles that cannot withstand coming into contact with particles from another galaxy. Explosions and world catastrophes occur in one or more of the galactic systems of our universe depending on the nature of the thoughts. Certain particles are then literally thrown into areas where they do not belong. The originator of the organism may perhaps experience, in its mesocosmic perspective, the effects as rashes or skin eruptions, inflammation and sores. If a human being is subject to great nervous strain with disappointments and anxieties, then particles of feeling from the lung-galaxy enter the stomach-galaxy and give rise to stomach ulcers. If particles from the stomach-galaxy enter the lung-galaxy, pneumonia or some other lung disease occurs. Particles from the lung-galaxy, if they enter the brain-galaxy or other galaxies of the organism, can cause cancerous tumours in these areas. If, at the same time, particles from the stomach-galaxy are also present, the tumours may become very destructive and cause death. The intrusion of stray particles into galaxies where they do not belong is the cause of all diseases in the organism, so one can say that they are of an astronomical nature. They are world catastrophes in the microcosmos.
9. The terrestrial human being is on its way towards an existence of light
This straying of the galaxies' particles or micro-suns can also be caused by outer influences. When a human being's organism is injured by an accident resulting in fractures, wounds or scratches, it has the same effect as world catastrophes in the above-mentioned organism's galactic systems. A human being experiences this catastrophe as karma, as a returning fate wave. But for the microbeings it is, of course, also a part of their fate, otherwise life would be unjust and meaningless. The pattern of fate is a finely drawn fit, also when it is a matter of the relationship between a macrobeing and its microbeings. It is therefore no coincidence that the human beings live in the organism of the planet Earth. It is because the formation of the fate of this macrobeing – that it will experience the "great birth" or cosmic consciousness in its present incarnation – fits the human beings' step in evolution when viewed from the necessary time perspective, where 3000 years for the terrestrial human beings is only a moment for the Earth-being.
The terrestrial human beings are therefore truly on their way towards an existence of light, not in a way that can be expressed as a dictatorship from more highly evolved beings or through miracles, but through his own willpower, wishes and longings to get onto the same wavelength as the Earth-being's radiant thought-power, behind which lies radiant thought-impulses from the solar-system being, the galactic-system being and so on, which collectively means the radiant impulses of love emanating from the eternal Godhead in whom we live and move and have our being. The human being must work to develop its talent for fulfilling the commandment of love; then this unfoldment of love will emanate as life-giving forces in the universe that is the human being's physical body, and it will emanate to our neighbours in everyday life as humaneness and neighbourly love.
Original Danish title: Partikler, tomrum og tankekraft. A manuscript written by Martinus in preparation for a lecture he gave at the Kosmos Holiday Centre on Monday, 22nd July 1968. Manuscript edited by Mogens Møller. Published for the first time in the Danish edition of Kosmos nos. 1-2, 1969. Translated by Mary McGovern, 1985 and published in the English edition of Kosmos no 1, 1985. Translation extensively revised by Mary McGovern, 2021.
Article ID: M1890
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 2, 2022
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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