Information about my Spiritual Work
by Martinus

As that form of spiritual knowledge that has fallen to my lot to manifest is an expression of a completely new spiritual world-impulse, which in this case means a completely new teaching about love and wisdom, and which in no way can be seen as a plagiarism of any other way of viewing or conceiving life's highest problems that has existed up to the present-day on this earth, but on the contrary appears as an isolated result of my own purely cultivated, advanced spiritual or cosmic set of senses, aided by the extraordinarily mighty Christ-forces to which I have become receptive, it is possible that it may be difficult for the seeker after truth to understand straightaway my mode of manifestation or to become conversant with this new Christ-impulse.
The basis of my entire mission, which is an expression of a completely new spiritual impulse, is, without creating a sect or any other form of segregated organisation, to lead all those beings, who can no longer feel inspired or enlivened by the current forms of religion or belief, and who have therefore partly or completely lost their belief in the divineness of life, forward to what for their intelligence and feelings is a really true and realistic recognition of the absolutely just, all-loving and exalted governing of existence, so that the law of existence or life's greatest commandment, love one another, more as knowledge than belief and therefore just are practically as theoretically, can in the future become the highest basis of life for all beings, and in so doing stabilize or build up a lasting peace within the sphere of which sorrow, war and mutilation are impossible. In this way the kingdom that previously was not of this world will also be able to extend over the continents of the earth.
So the purpose of my mission is really to clear the way for all the main spiritual realities to become real knowledge for people. But in order that a thing can become knowledge, it has to be experienced. It is not enough that these realities are knowledge for me, and that I can explain them to other living beings. These other living beings naturally have to do extensive work themselves studying this explanation. The explanation is a signpost, but the road has to be travelled if the goal is to be reached.
So as my work constitutes a spiritual signpost, the individual's interest in it will be all the more obvious to the extent that he admits that he is unfamiliar with the road to be travelled, while the opposite is the case to the extent that he admits that he is content with his own knowledge or supposes in advance that he knows the road, or has had it pointed out from another zone of consciousness that suits him better. And this is of course quite natural. There is nothing more to say than that naturally everyone has to seek their spiritual teaching where, by its nature, it has the greatest inspirational power for that person, and where it can therefore be only what is for him or her the greatest and most stimulating basis for the development of what is good and elevated in that being's innermost self. There alone is every being's proper place in existence. Whether these teachings of other beings are seen as naive, superstition or fanciful, or whether the individual is a Buddhist, a Moslem, a Jew or a Christian etc. is quite immaterial. The main thing is that the individual adopts precisely that spiritual teaching which is of such a nature that it has the aforementioned influence on his daily life and consciousness.
As I said before, my work is designed for beings who have no spiritual anchor, or for beings who are really seeking, which means individuals for whom spiritual teaching is of such importance that they have enough desire, courage and energy to be able to overcome any struggles that may crop up, which are the price of becoming familiar with a higher form of knowledge and the ensuing widening of the horizon and consciousness of their daily lives.
That this form of teaching, which is one revelation of the new world-impulse, turns the highest precepts and ideals of life to a greater extent into knowledge rather than belief, which means it shows the greatest laws, principles and basic realities of life in detail, you will be able to understand that this impulse is something you cannot become familiar with just by listening to a single lecture; in this way you can perhaps even misunderstand the whole thing.
Just as in order to become an expert in languages, music or art you have to make a thorough study and practise daily similarly in order to develop the faculties and aptitudes that will turn all the invisible realities and causes behind the visible physical world into real knowledge and experience, you have to do some thorough work here too in your day-to-day existence in the form of studying, practising and training, the extent of this work being absolutely no less than that needed in the development of the realities I mentioned earlier, especially because the development of spiritual or cosmic consciousness requires training in being able to think independently of time and space. So you have to get used to working with completely new fields of consciousness, fields that perhaps at the moment seem to be the most far-fetched fantasy or unreality. Just as you can be born with a talent for music or languages etc., you can also be born with a special aptitude for the development of a spiritual consciousness. What is first and foremost in this respect is a distinctly well-developed faculty to love, which means an outstanding faculty for loving all living beings, or to dissociate yourself from anything that causes pain or suffering in the existence of the beings around you. If you furthermore in connection with this have a correspondingly well-developed intelligence, you possess the most supremely favourable talent for the development of a divine spiritual consciousness or cosmic consciousness, which is dawning now, a consciousness that is raised above the ordinary terrestrial human being's level of consciousness just as much as this is raised above the level of consciousness of those beings we call "animals".
You can of course also notice in other ways whether you have an aptitude for understanding the newly expanded divine impulse. If you, for example, have no ill-feeling whatsoever towards beings who think differently to you, which means that you feel a far-reaching tolerance towards beings with a completely different understanding of existence, a completely different outlook on life, it indicates that you are at a stage in evolution where you to some extent will in fact understand the new impulse. As, within this impulse, you will meet the revelation of the identity of beings as eternal realities, which means the recognition of the fact that their present physical life is not the only one that has fallen to the lot of all these beings but is simply a single present-day link in a chain of physical lives continuing from the past that these beings have experienced. Furthermore you will be confronted not only with the recognition that planets, suns, solar systems and galaxies are all "living beings" but also with many other ideas that you are not accustomed to. So after this you will in fact be able to feel whether you have an aptitude for the new spiritual knowledge, because if you have, you would harmonise with these ideas. If you, however, have not, you would only be able to see them as fanciful or unnatural. This new spiritual impulse would succeed only in being a completely closed book and not a source of inspiration which it otherwise would be. But there are of course enough divine sources in life, and you have to seek your God and your spiritual guidance in other ways that suit you better.
I have felt prompted to make these things clear to you in order to give you, in advance, some idea of the serious and vast nature of what I am working with, and in order for you to understand that my lectures do not constitute some easily understood evening entertainment, but are on the contrary a sphere of activity where you need the whole of your concentration, your focussing of thought and an impartial attitude to get even a few glimpses of the immense divine principle of wisdom that a higher world administration has now decided should be realisable even in the zones of the earth. Furthermore if you have the desire and energy that is needed to take up the struggle with your inborn and habitual lower tendencies and passions, by which one is bound to the dark zones with their illness, sorrow and suffering, and if at the same time you carry out a thorough study of my work "Livets Bog", the first volume of which will be coming out soon, I can promise you that you will be guided towards the experience of the spiritual initiation that in "Livets Bog" I call "the great birth", which in fact is a releasing of the individual's present latent, cosmic organs, and which makes permanent this being's ability to sense spiritually or cosmically. The individual experiences this like waking up to behold "a completely new world" behind the usual physical world. In this new world or in this new panoramic area the individual experiences seeing the eternal life of the universe and itself as an immortal being. Where previously they had to make do with getting information about everything from other beings, they now see everything for themselves as realistic facts. After this the physical world constitutes just a single localised region in the panoramic area that they now have access to. So in short the individual experiences the divine form of consciousness. In the midst of a temporal physical state, elevated to an eternal transfigured existence, glowing with the beauteous glory of the almighty Godhead in the form of other worlds, other human races and other forms of experiencing life, this will now, to the son of God, newly returned from the dark zones of hatred and war, all freely appear in detail before his eyes as he gazes in wonder.
It can perhaps seem strange to many people that I don't give lectures more often, because looking at the situation in the world, you can have good grounds for seeing them as being very much needed or necessary. Against this I have to say that the vast matter that I am working with is still in its infancy, and that the demands upon my person concerning the transference or transformation of my cosmic material into the physical form of pictures or text is so great that I cannot feel justified in giving up my time exclusively to giving lectures, because I would thereby be held back from representing in written and pictorial form the remaining part of my spiritual material, which is so important for my mission. This is also the reason why my lectures are not public, but are held only for my personal friends and for people who in advance are assumed to have the requirements that render them able, with special receptivity and interest, to come into contact with my cause.
Later, as the manifestation of my material gradually begins to progress, my qualified helpers will carry it on further in the form of teaching and lectures, just as my book "Livets Bog", the first volume of which is coming out in a couple of months and contains text and pictures, will speak fundamentally to and guide the receptive being to a divine, personally experienced view of life, to an experience of God as knowledge, and through that to a higher form of existence.
In the hope that the reader will be able to understand me correctly, I send him or her my best wishes.
Original Danish title: Orienterende oplysninger angående mit åndelige arbejde. Placed on the seats at Martinus' first public lecture on 1st December 1930. Published for the first time in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 5, 1981. Translated by Andrew Brown, 1995.
Article ID: M1872
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 4, 1995
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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