The New World Culture after Armageddon
By Martinus

1. Forgiveness is the foundation of a new culture
It has been said that one must forgive everybody, but one cannot start the creation of a new culture with that. Many people are not prepared to forgive and it is obvious that they cannot be either. But forgiveness is the essential point in the complete abolition of revenge and weapons, which gradually will become completely outlawed. It is clear that it will be discussed for a long time. People will say that one cannot do without weapons, but one can. All weapons manufacturing, all war, all revenge will disappear. It will be an enormous transformation, the largest that can ever befall the earth's population.
Why should one not just as well be able to create a "culture of forgiveness" as create a "culture of non-forgiveness"? It is clear that one can just as well create a loving world as one can create a devil world. Both must be created, for otherwise one cannot experience anything. If one does not live through the darkness oneself, one does not have it as an experience. As long as one has it from only what others have said about it, one has not come very far. After all, there are thousands of people who are very humane, but whom have not finished drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco and all that. It takes its time, but they will break all these bad habits.
2. During the coming Armageddon, death can be a salvation
Those people who have come around to not stealing, murdering, going to war and doing evil actions do not need to be afraid of Armageddon. It does not mean that they cannot be struck by death, for it can be the sole salvation for them. Death is after all a birth. When Armageddon rages, houses collapse, volcanoes erupt and everything tumbles down, so in many cases those who are not meant to have the karma cannot be saved by other means. After all, there are so many people living next to each other. One may possibly have a terrible karma, while the others do not have this karma owing. This then has the potential to become an unfair fate. But it certainly is that death is just as good a salvation as it is an ending of physical life.
Let us say, for example, that a man who is going to be drafted is completely against killing, yet he is forced to fight in the war. Then it happens very often that he gets shot in order to be saved. For by being shot, he enters a higher world where he shall not kill. Such a man who enters in that way is indeed mighty in the light of the other plane. Therefore, a lot of people will be saved from Armageddon by dying. It may sound strange. There is so much that creates scepticism, but I have to say it, because that is how it is. It is crystal-clear, of course, that those who do not have dark karma owing shall not get it either. And how else should one be able to separate them from each other?
3. Cultural environments for people who are not evolved to live in a normal culture
In the new world epoch, one must separate the people who are not evolved enough to live in a normal culture. A cultural environment must be created that is suited to their lower stages so that they can also experience normal life.* But they must be under control so that they cannot come to murder, kill, commit sexual crimes and everything that one now punishes for. Yet there will not be so many of them in the new world epoch. Those who cannot improve through Armageddon are no longer born on the earth because they cannot come into contact with the Christ consciousness or the higher plane into which the earth is lifted up. Of course, a lot of people will be converted, but there are also many that are so far down that they do not get much better after Armageddon. And they must then keep going on a world where they can experience further Armageddon.
The animals that are deadly and dangerous to humans will also disappear to planets where they belong.
4. Housing conditions of the future
The earth will be less populated after Armageddon. Fewer children will also be born as the pole transformation progresses. On the road to the new world kingdom there will be fewer and fewer marriages, even cohabitations, because man and woman will be very much alike. One will not talk of men and women, but of human beings.
All these two-poled human beings do not live in houses; they build large palaces where they have communal events, communal dining, entertainment and cinemas. It will be communal and much cheaper.
Today, many people die from illness, but at this time they are all advanced in years because they come to live healthily. Food during the communal eating in the communal palaces will be made in accordance with the highest health guidelines, which are based on the highest spiritual experiences.
In the future state one will not live in cities, but in large palaces with large parks and forests around them. And it will not seem like cities with streets and slums. It will be organised according to the highest perfection.
5. The work and administration of the future
The fields will not be cultivated to provide feed for the animals, but to give food to humanity. There will also be plant species that one does not know of today.
To the rough kinds of work that people do today, one says goodbye. There will be only that which is very easy to deal with. One cannot, in fact, work too much. There will be no hard work because one has machines, data processors and computers made that can do it all. There are inventions on the way that one cannot hardly conceive of today.
Human beings will get their inheritance of the earth. They are not given it out in the sense that every human being is given a piece of land. It is, however, managed by a common authority. It is calculated how much each person's life costs and how much work it takes in order to get a proper standard of living. The person then gets a work card to the value of a corresponding sum.
The standard of living of the future will be above the standard of living that even millionaires live on today, so there will be no shortage of anything. For example, if one imagines that a man by current living standards has a car – I doubt whether they will have any cars at that time – and he would like one more, then he can easily get it. Labour authorities know how much a car costs. It may cost two or three hours of work, and then he just has to work the extra hours. There is no shortage of anything; the earth is so immensely wealthy.
There is no money. There is only the work card and one cannot sell it; it is just like a passport that applies only to the person concerned. There will be no scams and no strikes.
6. Materialisation and dematerialisation
The world kingdom depicted in Chapter 4 of Livets Bog (The Book of Life) is, so to speak, the gateway to the real kingdom, to the spiritual realm. Before one enters the real kingdom, admittedly one enters the spiritual plane between lives, but it is on less developed terrains where one is in order to experience, rest and strengthen oneself before one is born again.
When humans reach the world kingdom, they first begin to enter the world without birth, through materialisation. There one sees that spirits and people sit at the same table and talk together. There the physical world enters deeply into the spiritual world, and there they gain cosmic consciousness and become Christ beings.
They will all be great artists. Those who do not have cosmic consciousness are on their way to it, and it must be easy to be on their way when surrounded by many lofty beings. They see them suddenly appear, see them materialise and dematerialise themselves. Then the scepticism that can hold them back mentally disappears.
7. Scepticism is a major obstacle to being able to create miracles
It is this huge scepticism that is to blame for human beings being unable to work miracles and the like. That is to say, it is part of the reason, because even if they were not sceptical, they would still not be developed to be able to work them. But scepticism is a major obstacle for those who are beginning to work miracles. It is, after all, that they cannot believe it. Christ says, "It was your faith that helped you." All the time he is calling for faith. Of course, he had to be aware of it because he knew he could do it. He had no scepticism. That is why he knew that the sea would obey him, that he could suspend gravity. When the I in the human being gains all its power, it is master of all movement. From there comes all movement in life, and from there one can explain all the miracles. The I in the living beings indeed has all the power when they become Christ-beings.
8. The primary consciousness of the Godhead
On the true spiritual plane one obtains a million-year existence, if one can put it in figures. Here are all the beings who have become Christ-beings. They do not have any specific bodies. The body is created by thought, and there is thus no separation between the I's; they are all centres in the I of the Godhead. On the plane where the Christ-beings belong, it is as though the auras come to band together. They all, after all, have omnipotence, omniscience and universal love. There is thus one omnipotence, omniscience and universal love. That is what they form together. And that is the Godhead, and that is why God is omnipresent.
Human beings are already the brain cells of the earth, but they thus become the Godhead's cells of consciousness cells. There they stay for a long, long time before going through the kingdom of bliss again and being born into a new spiral where they then grow anew. In each spiral they experience the culmination of darkness, and then they experience the culmination of light, and then they enter a new spiral once again, and in this way everything is used.
Eternity does not exist as an empty space where there is nothing. Planets and stars are not created out of nothing by an explosion in an empty space. No, space is filled up! As a child, I thought, "I wonder what it is - the whole world?" But it is really an eternal reality, an eternal living being. And this living being is all the time omniscient, omnipotent and all-loving because in its primary consciousness it has beings only of this stature. They grow up and attain this omniscience, omnipotence and universal love as they become Christ-beings, and so they form the primary consciousness of God until they begin to degenerate again. This cycle ensures that God's consciousness is always at full height. It is not as with the rest of us. We have a time when we have to leave God's primary consciousness, where we need to go down to learn again. But God's consciousness works one hundred per cent completely incessantly, which is why it makes no difference when one prays to God, for God is everywhere: in all people, in all plants, in everything.
* For further reading, see Livets Bog 7, section 2400.
The article is based on a tape transcript of Martinus's statements at a council meeting on 16 December 1980, less than three months before his passing away on 8 March 1981. Editing of the tape transcript, title and paragraph headings by Ole Therkelsen was approved by Council 04.06.2004. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos No. 8, 2006. Original Danish title: Den ny verdenskultur efter ragnarok. Translated by Anton Jarrod and first published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 1, 2020. Article ID: M1762.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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