Moral Education
by Martinus

1. We are about to experience the destruction of our modern civilization and the creation of a new culture
Moral education is a subject which we all particularly have need for. We now find ourselves in a period where we are on the way to changing from one culture to another. Each culture has its own special moral, its own special precepts, which little by little are becoming outlived, becoming antiquated whereby the same cultures are degenerating and perishing. Through the course of history we have seen culture after culture disappear. And we are now experiencing the death of the modern civilization of our time. We are about to pass from the old culture and into a new one. This new culture is the very beginning of the "real human kingdom". Day by day we are continuously undergoing a change. Gradually nature becomes our only and real true teacher. Nature shows itself to be energy of consciousness; it discloses that it is influencing us or communicating to us in an intelligent way, which by far surpasses that influence which we are experiencing on the part of our fellow-beings, and thus nature becomes the only real and true priest. And the earlier we can come to understand that through the immense power and means of nature there is revealed planning and intelligence the better. Then we come to realize that a Godhead exists behind everything, as intelligence cannot possibly exist without being identical with an attribute of a living being. Thus the development of this knowledge is furthered by the daily experience of suffering, sorrow and misfortune as well as of well-being, joy and happiness in conjunction with theoretical teaching and guidance from experienced older human beings in life. And everything in this way becomes one single great ''moral education" for living beings.
2. He who vivisects animals is lacking in his faculty of compassion and is backward in the area of feelings
Today this "moral education" is very strongly intensified. Great suffering and unhappy destiny is equivalent to concentrated development. When an animal is subjected to vivisection, if for instance a man cuts a small piece out of its brain in order to see-how the animal's consciousness reacts in such a situation, then the animal, through this terrible process of suffering, experiences the suffering of many lives concentrated in one moment. This consequently again means that this moment of suffering gives the animal a development of feeling which normally would have taken many lives to obtain. But this is, of course, no defence of the vivisector and can never in any case exempt him from the responsibility of his bloody trade. The vivisector display to a high degree that he lacks development of feeling, that is the faculty of compassion. In this special realm he is backward. But when he is backward in this special realm, he has himself to experience an intensified development in this same realm in order to reach the present standard of his intelligence. But as no one can harvest anything but that which he has sown, then the vivisector must first of all "sow", which means that he must release those causes, the effects of which can be identical with an intensified development in his feeling of compassion which is absolutely necessary for him. And this can only take place if the vivisector vivisects, mutilates or tortures other living beings. In this way he releases energy in the shaping of his destiny, which sooner or later in one or another form will be a corresponding "vivisection", mutilation or suffering in his own organism, and after such suffering his faculty of compassion is brought forward to that standard of feeling which is normal at his stage of intelligence.
The development of living beings may be very strongly intensified, and then it manifests itself as severe sufferings and unhappy destinies; or it may take place "drop by drop", almost imperceptibly, which then gives an almost carefree and apparently happy existence. In the first case the beings obtain an immense progress in one single life, while in the last case it takes centuries to make the same progress.
3. Human beings are becoming more and more divided into two contrasting groups the anti-militaristic minded and the military enthusiasts
Regarding earthly human beings we see that they to a great extent are subjected to an intensified development. The massive repercussions of suffering are prevailing on a large part of the earth. Many countries are dominated by rebellions, revolutions and wars, catastrophes of nature, floods and failure of crops, while other countries and districts are dominated by quiet and direct peace promoting tendencies and conditions. The separation of the "sheep" and the "goats" at "Doomsday" is thus about to show itself strongly. Human beings are more and more being divided into two sharply contrasting groups; namely, those who are antimilitaristic minded and those who are military enthusiastic. These two groups may also be expressed, respectively, as the advocates of internationalism and the special devotees of nationalism. In previous lives the beings of the first group consequently have outlived the military ideals and the worship of the nation, and now being in contact with that sort of thing almost gives them mental sickness. They grow more and more up to the divine ideal and the true foundation of world peace, namely to put above the welfare of the whole earthly humanity over that of the nation. They develop collective unselfishness, which means the fulfilment of that reality which means the same for the "salvation" of the nation and its ultimate unwavering welfare, as personal unselfishness means for the "salvation" of the single individual, or its entrance into the true condition of happiness. The beings of the second group have not yet outlived the military ideals. They are still carrying the killing principle in their heroic halo. They are still animated by collective selfishness, which means that to them the interests of the "native country" are above all, quite regardless of how these interests might harm the international welfare, no matter how much oppression, death and mutilation, sorrow and indignity they might bring to other nations, other people, other "native countries". They make their nations live in accordance with the motto "every man for himself", and thus make war the highest ideal. And the goal for the release of all energy thus becomes the creation of the best and most refined murderous machines and killing methods in order to make the "enemy" as defenceless to these as possible.
4. "Doomsday" is now about to come to the earth and "the sheep shall be separated from the goats"
Making our starting point the essence in the Christian moral, "turn the right cheek when you are smitten on the left", "whatsoever a man soweth, that he also reap", "put up again thy sword into his place, for all they that take to the sword shall perish by the sword", it is not necessary to be specially developed or gifted in order to realize which one of the two groups has come furthest in moral development or has reached the greatest position in the fulfilment of the Christian religion. One need not be very old in order to be able to realize that the first group is the "sheep to the right", and the other group is the "goats to the left side". "Doomsday" is now about to come to the earth. The "sheep" are being separated from the "goats". This separation is largely taking place - imperceptible to the individual - through reincarnation, If a human being is a big supporter of war and militarism, then he will in his next incarnations be born in countries where he will be able to find vent for these interests of his; just as if he has great love for the opposite tendencies, he will be born in countries where these interests can come to unfoldment. And this is the reason why some nations more and more to a special degree are being populated with passionate believers in military power, with heads of state, leaders or politicians who to a special degree are the servants of the sword, gunpowder and death, and who very much favour and honour those of their citizens who are best suited and most obedient to play the same game. And this same principle of separation causes that other countries more and more are being populated with beings who long ago - mainly in previous lives - have finished with war and therefore have an innate faculty to understand its true primitive nature, and consequently can only work in the service of peace, which means; in the service of anti-militarism? They can only accept a peaceful solution of all national, international and private interest. And so the population of the earth more and more appears in the aforementioned great main groups - the "sheep and the "goats".
Now, what causes this process of separation and what is the use of it? To the cosmic observer the mental process of separation shows itself to be a very great factor in the "moral education" of humanity. Without this factor the creation of a real world peace would be an impossibility. The announced "new heaven" and "new earth" would never become a reality. The mentioned "new heaven" and "new earth" is not a new globe or a new heaven; on the contrary, they are respectively a new mental condition pervaded with love among the human beings and solely resting on "'the Holy Ghost", and an administration of the physical, social conditions and the good things of the world based on the same love and spirit.
5. The "sheep" are peace loving while the "goats" still lack the experiences of sufferings
In the cosmic world plan, sufferings constitute the only means by which wisdom can become a matter of fact. Sufferings give the best and most profound experiences. Experiences are the same as knowledge. Knowledge again is the factor on which all perfect creation unshakably rests. Where knowledge is missing, disharmony is flourishing. And as the culmination of disharmony is war, mutilation, is destruction and "hell", then it becomes obvious that "the sheep on the right side", which means the peace-loving and anti-militaristic minded group of beings, have experienced the foolishness of war and the killing principle and therefore they are friendly in disposition towards anti-militarism or have antipathy against brutal and bloody methods of settlement.. But when they have reached this mental attitude, they need no more take part in life's own teaching and demonstration of the killing principle's true nature and means, they need no more to be mutilated in order to know what mutilation is. Could it be more natural, then, that nature in this connection acts just as logically as it does in all other situations, and separates these beings from the beings who still have to be hit in person by war or blind unfoldment of power in order to experience this foolishness? In the opposite case these beings might risk being additionally hit by sufferings which are absolutely of no use to them because the experiences, the purpose of which the sufferings are to release, as you know, already exist in these beings' mentality as personal experiences. But in life or nature nothing useless can take place and the beings are consequently automatically being removed from the suffering; and according to the experiences that they have acquired in such a profound way, the leading of their will becomes stimulated, in the direction of love and peace. Suffering can also be stimulated into leading the will in the way of hate and revenge, but only in its first stage, where that change of mentality which is its mission to manifest in the individual has not yet taken place. Beings who hate and pursue, torture and torment other living beings, no matter for what purpose, no matter if it is in the form of a vocation, or it is in the form of amusement or vengeance, consequently still are very much belonging in the zone of suffering and will have to go through many severe sufferings; namely all those that are needed in order to develop the faculty of compassion so much that they no more have the heart to do harm to any living being.
6. The "sheep" are born in peace loving countries, while the "goats" in countries with military dictatorship
But as "the sheep" and "the goats" thus are being separated from each other and thereby more and more each live in separate countries, then it becomes easier for Providence or the Omnipotence to give "the goats" that process of suffering which they are lacking in order to be on the level with the "sheep" in evolution. If this separation did not take place, the "sheep" would be a great hindrance or obstacle to the "goats'" unfoldment of war and killing. As a result of this we notice that certain countries, the inhabitants of which were formerly democratic or politically free, now are subjected to military dictatorship. Their press is only allowed to stimulate and glorify war and the spirit of brutal power. The war business thrives and gets a popularity in these countries which it only had centuries ago. All genuine peace-loving and thus anti-war instruction, literature and art are tabooed, and racial intolerance is looked upon as a virtue. If to this is added that the propaganda of war already is a link in the education of children and the qualification for handling murderous instruments of war has become a school subject for children; then it is easy to see that the "sheep's" strong and democratic free and peace-loving personalities or leaders here have died out, and thereby the military enthusiastic "goats" with their lust for conquest, war-minded propagandists and dictators have freedom to act. And of course, in the domain of such beings and under such circumstances there are no special conditions for the "sheep" beings to incarnate; they have already long ago outlived these conditions. However, in the concerned realms suitable conditions are created for the incarnation or birth of the "goat" beings.
7. The darkness of "Doomsday" ultimately will establish, through the rendering of moral education, a new "heaven" and a "new earth"
And in this way a corresponding condition has been created, in that war with its many consequences in the form of different kinds of sufferings, can come to a quick unfoldment in the realms mentioned. And finally these realms will represent quite an Armageddon, a whole collective "vivisection". How else would the concerned beings be able to reach the same level as the "sheep" beings with experience in learning and understanding as regards to the foolishness of the conscious unfoldment of killing and like these become receptive to a higher theoretic instruction and creation of real peace? Thus Armageddon is nothing but the sufferings which the "sheep" already have experienced in previous lives, and which are now in store for the "goats". And just as the mentioned sufferings transformed the "sheep" into their present mental and peace-loving attitude so they will also transform the "goats". And when this has taken place, a new world redemption will lend a hand in the disclosing of the real and true mathematical world picture in which all the holy books greatest conclusions or earlier highest pronouncements from the wise men of the world will become scientific facts. And on these facts the predisposition or the faculty to "turn the right cheek when one is smitten on the left", the faculty to "put up again thy sword into its place" towards the adversaries, the faculty to understand that finally "all is very good" will flourish. And this blossoming is culminating love. This love is the highest result of "moral education". It is the "new heaven" and the "new earth", which after the darkness of Armageddon will let every individual experience the eternal nearness of the Godhead.
Original Danish title: Moralsk uddannelse. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 8, 1937. Translated by Mary McGovern.
Article ID: M1735
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 2, 1982
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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