Mental Illness 2 – Mental Skin Diseases
by Martinus

1. The experience of life
In the same way that human beings have a physical organism with which they can live or exist on the physical plane, they also have a mental organism with which they can experience on the physical plane. It is not enough that we are able to exist. This existence would mean nothing were we not in a position to experience this existence. But in order to exist, movement is needed, and movement is in turn the same as change. Change is in turn the same as creation. Creation is the faculty to create details. These details in turn constitute registrations of the eternal existence in which we live. This registering of our eternal existence is the same as what we call the experience of life. But what is so wonderful about the experience of life is that it is a phenomenon that can be both perfect and imperfect. If the experience of life could not be both perfect and imperfect, it would be impossible for the living being to reach the stage of being a liberated being, the master of perfect creation, and as a result able to experience the highest and most perfect form of the experience of life.
2. The aim of life is to create ultimate pleasantness
This creation of the experience of life takes place with the help of our physical organism and our mental organ-ism. In the structure of this combined organism the mental bodies have reflex-organs in the physical organism. One could say that the physical senses are outpost-organs for the mental experience, just as the spiritual or non-physical organs are in turn outpost-organs for manifesting creation on the material plane. Through these organs the being has the ability to get to know pleasantness and unpleasantness and so become master of pleasantness and unpleasantness. And in this way the being will eventually, on the basis of its own experience and through its own willpower, be in a position to create the ultimate form of pleasantness, which is in turn life's ultimate aim for the unfinished human being. We are all to some extent familiar with the way the Godhead teaches and develops the being towards such a total mastery of life.
3. The origin of illness
All the many forms of suffering that occur in everyday life are a demonstration of the fact that human beings have not yet become masters in creating pleasantness. Their daily life is plagued by failures in many areas. The many thousands of people in hospital with sick and wretched physical organisms show that they have sides in their physical and mental behaviour where they have not managed to create the total pleasantness or the nor-mal wellbeing that the experience of life in itself is and should be, as it is manifested by those beings that have become masters of life. They became ill because they found themselves in situations they did not understand, and because they did not know that these very situations could be the cause of the sufferings that they are now experiencing.
Of course one should not think that just because you are now healthy and agile this means that you are superior to these human beings. This is not necessarily the case. The reason can very well be that you have not yet been subjected to the particular situations that caused the illness in the ill people. And if one day you are your-self perhaps afflicted with a similar illness, it will demonstrate whether you are able to respond to the particular difficult situation differently than the person who is now afflicted with the illness. Of course there can be occasions in which in this situation you are master of life, but there can still be hundreds of other difficult situations in which you are at the mercy of the situations and in which you act blindly, as if in a fog.
4. Mental illnesses exist in the same way as physical illnesses
Terrestrial human beings are at present living in an epoch in which they are learning and gathering experience about illness. The physical organism, together with the mental organism that works through it, is the instrument through which we will practise and experience becoming totally perfect human beings. For this reason our experience of life will more or less stand or fall according to the health and wellbeing of this organism. We know already that this organism needs nourishment. It needs food and drink. It needs fresh air and it has to be kept clean. It needs exercise. The parts of this organism that are not exercised or used wither and degenerate, irrespective of whether they are in the mental or the physical part. If the organism is not fed it dies, and if it is given the wrong kind of food it can also die, but this applies only to the physical part of the organism. But the mental part of the organism is in reality subject to the same laws and principles. It also needs "food and drink", care and attention, cleanliness and exercise. Here it can also happen that abilities and aptitudes die if they are neglected or are not used. Also in the mental part of the organism one can suffer from hunger or lack of nourishment. Also here one can become ill from eating the wrong kind of food. In this particular area human beings are really still much more backward or underdeveloped than in the field of purely physical nutrition and hygiene. And this is why there are so many more mental illnesses than physical ones.
5. Beings adapt to the habits and inclinations of the flock
This state of mental illness can be so widespread in a being that the being is more or less mentally dead. It can neither reason nor think logically, and as a result it cannot acquire knowledge but appears on the material plane to be mentally disabled. This illness or death is really a non-physical or mental suicide that is gradually commit-ted over several lives. This suicide consists of the combined effects of many mental illnesses that have gradually undermined the individual's mental state. In what follows we will take a look at just some of the failings that combined with other failings can lead the individual into this nightmare.
It begins in a way that seems quite innocent. The illnesses or imperfections that are the beginnings of the non-physical weakness are habitual states they can sometimes in fact actually be seen as fashionable by an entire social group of human beings. These days it is the case that the majority of human beings suffer from the same mental weaknesses. They eat the same mental food that causes illness and they have the same habits and inclinations that also cause illness. And as a result it is often the case that human beings that really live in the perfect, normal way, and who consequently stand out from the crowd, are seen by the majority as eccentrics or as abnormal beings. And it is often the case that it is the fear of what the flock will think that prevents individuals who have less willpower from acting in the right way. They would rather not be subjected to being seen as a bit strange. But this mental attitude is itself a mental weakness. But a weakness is an illness. This weakness is more dangerous for the person who is conscious that they are acting wrongly but out of fear of being judged by the flock nevertheless continues to act wrongly, than it is for the person who has no idea that they are acting wrongly but who believes that they are acting correctly because the whole flock is acting in this way.
6. A non-physical eczema or skin disease
When a being is conscious that it is acting wrongly it causes the being to be in disharmony with itself. This dis-harmony will continue from time to time to gnaw away at the being's conscience. It will be a kind of mental itch, a non-physical skin disease, a non-physical eczema. The being can drown out its conscience in this particular field so that it is no longer bothered by the illness, but the illness has not gone away, it has become chronic.
The same sort of weakness can also occur in other areas. There are people who are so shy that they absolutely dare not give expression to their opinions – even in situations where they have every right to do so. They would rather suffer than risk being exposed to the unpleasantnesses that their complaint could perhaps give rise to. Here the weakness has become an inferiority complex. The person is annoyed about his or her own weakness. The eczema has become an even more serious non-physical skin disease. Why can this be likened to a skin disease? Because it is an external illness. It occurs in a layer of the consciousness that comes into direct contact with the outer world or the non-physical atmosphere of the external surroundings. In the same way that the skin of the physical body is the outer layer that comes into direct contact with the surroundings, the being also has outer mental layers that come into direct contact with the effects of other beings, with their customs, fashions, commonly accepted, public opinions etc. These outer layers can be such that they adjust to the mental atmosphere of the outer surroundings. But a being can also be so mentally sensitive that the mental layers of the surroundings can affect it too strongly. The being can be affected in the layers that come into direct contact with the mental atmosphere of the outer world.
7. Healing non-physical skin diseases
So how can the being be cured of its non-physical skin disease? Clearly by guarding against or making itself immune to this atmosphere. By knowing with absolute certainty that its own behaviour is absolutely correct, so that it becomes totally used to being totally unaffected by what the flock thinks. In the words of the Danish hymn writer, Christian Richardt,
Fight for everything you find dear,
die, if that is what it takes!
For life is not so very hard,
and death not so hard either.
Here the medicine takes the form of gaining the knowledge that demonstrates that it is one's duty to live life in contact with one's own inner, higher knowledge and conscience, and in the understanding that through one's behaviour one can play a part in helping God to lead human beings towards a higher and more perfect state. Not daring to allow other people to see one's true, real love to a greater degree of perfection than that represented by the flock, is a mental weakness that leads to an inferiority complex. To live with a permanent inferiority complex produces in its turn a permanent weakening of the being's vital force. If such a being comes into contact with difficulties or unpleasantness from its fellow beings it will not have sufficient resistance against it. It will therefore be afflicted with a new and very dangerous mental illness, namely depression and mental breakdown. It will feel helpless and a victim. It will think that the world is completely unjust. It will see itself as cruelly persecuted by beings and situations. And in the worst cases it will resort to suicide. It will see suicide as the absolutely only way out. It can sometimes take only a tiny bump in the road to topple a great load.
8. Prayer is a vaccine against all mental illnesses
Modesty is a fine quality; it is a splendid virtue that creates an agreeable atmosphere around its source. But this modesty should not mean that in order to avoid offending those in one's surroundings or in order to avoid them criticising oneself one chooses to do something that is quite contrary to one's nature, something clearly abnormal. Just in order to be a member of the flock, one should not go along with their drinking and other excesses if it is obviously contrary to one's nature and one can clearly see that it is immoral. To go along with it is of no benefit to the flock and is extremely harmful to one's own conscience and mental wellbeing.
Here one has a real need of the mental help and power that we call prayer. There are no occasions where one can get greater mental help than in those very situations where one wishes to counteract unnaturalness in one's behaviour. Prayer, in combination with the most skilled treatment of mental illnesses, is the most powerful vac-cine. Here the following words are relevant: "Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you." Everything that we pray for in Jesus' name, in other words in accordance with Jesus' way of being, will be given to the being.
Original Danish title: Mentale sygdomme 2 – Åndelige hudsygdomme. This article is the unfinished manuscript written as a preparation for the 17th lecture in the series "The world picture and the problems of life" that Martinus gave in the lecture hall of the Institute on Sunday 24 January 1954. Minor corrections and headings by Ole Therkelsen. Approved by the council 07 02 2011. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 5, 2011. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2011.
Article ID: M1696
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 3, 2011
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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