Mental Short Circuits
by Martinus

1. An electric current must be insulated
We all know mains electricity. We know that it is a network of wires through which electrical current is conducted to lamps, motors and radiators, through which phenomena the current is converted into light, power and heat respectively. We know also that this current must be totally insulated so that the power cannot leave the wire prematurely. This insulation is thus a substance through which the current cannot pass. It is very important that the current is bound to the wire for otherwise one cannot conduct the current at all, yet it is even worse if the current goes astray because then so-called "short circuits" occur. These short circuits are extremely dangerous. They have caused multiple fires and destruction worth millions, quite apart from all the domestic animals that are sometimes burned to death at the same time. Many people have also been killed by the power going astray.
2. Every substance has its specific reactivity
Electric current is in itself a substance of a radiant nature. Matter appears of course in the form of a solid, liquid, gaseous and radiant state. To this last state belongs electricity. All matter can become radiant and thus become a kind of electricity, just as all electricity can become gaseous, liquid and solid matter. These four kinds of matter work together in nature and are present everywhere. But every state has its laws. They each constitute matter, just as all matter in itself releases force, is in motion and creates reaction. Water extinguishes fire, but fire converts flammable material substances into gas and ashes. Salt salts just as sugar sweetens. There is no substance at all that does not trigger one or another kind of reaction. When we can taste, it is because the substance that our tongue consists of triggers a special vibration or force. When some other substance, for example salt or sugar, touches the tongue, then the release of force of the salt or sugar collides with the release of force of our tongue, by means of which there arises a collision between the two forces. And we can feel the difference in sugar and salt's reaction and distinguish between these. We call the sugar's reaction sugar and the salt's reaction salt. We can therefore with the sugar "sweeten" and with the salt "salt". If the sugar substance and salt substance were total stillness, not only would we not be able to taste anything at all, but the salt and sugar would not be visible or physically manifested at all.
3. Our life force is an electric current
All these diverse substances that make up the universe can arise by virtue of the fact that matter can thus transform from a solid to a radiant state. By that means are created all the different chemicals that exist. And by these blendings and joinings together a myriad of new chemicals and substances again arise and so on continuously. This creation of matter thus occurs because the radiant matter can travel through the other three types of matter and keep them in a constant state. And this radiant matter is thus a fourth element. In this element or this kind of matter, our whole psychic structure or spiritual side is created. All our thoughts or types of thought are thus in reality an electric current and flows through every detail of all our physical bodies. This current is thus rightly perceived as our life force. Without this, it would be impossible to maintain our physical organism. Inside our organism as well as in the earth's or the outer world, there is thus an electrical force. But there is a difference between the electrical power that is in our body and the electrical power that is present in the earth's or nature's outer details and which we are used to calling "electricity".
4. Macrocosmic, mesocosmic and microcosmic electricity
Here we must learn to understand that there are three kinds of electricity, just as there are three kinds of universes or cosmoses. The great universe with its nebulae, galaxies, suns and planets, and to which our earth also belongs, we call the "macrocosmos". This cosmos also has its particular electricity or life force. This we are obliged to call "macrocosmic electricity". And this electricity is the force we are used to calling electricity. We then come to the organisms of living beings: plants, animals and people. These organisms also each form a cosmos, which by virtue of their structure of atoms and electrons constitute galaxies, star and solar cities but on a small scale. These small nebulae and galaxies thus form the cosmos we must call the "mesocosmos". These cosmoses or organisms are also pervaded and maintained by an electrical force or a form of electricity. We may call this electricity "mesocosmic electricity". It is this electricity that makes up our consciousness, our thoughts, our hatred and our love, and thus becomes the element of our whole creation of fate. But there are still smaller living beings who live in universes, in solar and galactic systems of such inconceivably small phenomena that they almost escape our sensory perception. It is everything that comes under the concept of atoms, electrons or those forces that move in the unimaginably microscopic sphere. We may call this electrical force "microelectricity" or "microcosmic electricity". This last form of electricity continues downwards into the infinitely small for us, just as macroelectricity comes to us from the infinitely large. We thus see here that the whole universe, in the small as in the large, is pervaded by the electricity suitable for each domain. Electricity is thus the very life force in the macrocosmos as well as in the mesocosmos and microcosmos.
5. The "spirit of God upon the face of the waters" is macroelectricity
This electrical force is thus the force of consciousness or the mental force that streams through the universe described in the Bible as the "spirit of God upon the face of the waters". And the same power was likewise called the spirit of God when, at the dedication of Solomon's temple, it was made to sparkle and shine through the galvanic battery made by the two great columns or pillars and the copper vessel or the Molten Sea. It is said here that the spirit of God filled the temple to such an extent that one had to stop the worship service. Likewise, the Ark of the Covenant was also protected by this "spirit of God", which made it life-threatening to break into the holy of holies and touch the Ark of the Covenant. It was only the high priest who knew of the insulation built into his high-priestly garb that enabled him to enter the holy of holies without harm. Since macroelectricity is mental life and life force in the large or giant macroforms of organism to which the earth belongs, it does not become an expression of superstition or naivety when already in the wisdom of Solomon macroelectricity is called the spirit of God and likewise in the creation story the macroelectricity is called the "spirit of God upon the face of the waters".
6. Science believes that electricity is a dead force of nature
By our modern and almost extraordinary material intelligence, macroelectricity, that is ordinary electricity, is considered a mere dead force of nature. Not as a mental force, a thought force and life force for giant organisms or macrobeings, since one does not recognise the existence of such beings either, because one considers the universe, planets, suns and galaxies to be only dead natural forces or phenomena that are governed by chance. Here one can thus see that what today is thought as science, this regard of electricity as a dead force of nature, is in reality a life-threatening superstition. At the present time, one does not know what electricity is. One knows only what fine details and conditions it occurs under. King Solomon knew what electricity was; that it was a force of macroconsciousness. It was the spirit of God. One knew also its true result, but of course one did not know its fine detail to such an extent as one knows it today and can therefore make use of it in a much larger area than one could in Solomon's time and the rest of history.
7. The necessity to insulate the mecroelectricity*
But while one thus knows the danger of macroelectricity without insulation and have therefore become experts in being able to isolate it and thereby bring it under the control of one's will, one does not know the electricity that constitutes the human being's own life force or the life force of the mesocosmic organisms to which the organism of the human being belongs. That is, the mesocosmic electricity. The mesocosmic electricity is the radiant force that makes up our entire world of thought, the material by which thoughts, ideas and exercise of will are conveyed. We will call this mesocosmic electricity "mecroelectricity".
While in our relationship to macroelectricity we see only its external effects and therefore believe that it is a cold and dead force of nature and call it electricity, we experience mecroelectricity instead as thought, consciousness, desire and will – everything we experience as grief and joy, as misfortune and suffering – and call this experience our consciousness or mentality and do not understand at all that it is the same as electricity. One does not therefore understand the full necessity of being able to insulate it. While one knows almost entirely about insulating macroelectricity and thus be greatly blessed in mastering it, one does not yet understand how to insulate mecroelectricity and thereby has a life that is in reality only a permanent experience of short circuits. Where human beings do not understand how to insulate mecroelectricity, they become there a victim of this force. Where they can insulate it, the mecroelectricity becomes the most obedient servant of the beings, becoming the tool that will carry them up to the highest mental peaks of life. The mecrocosmic electricity is thus the life experience and mentality of all mesocosmic beings.
8. The terrestrial human beings have not learned to insulate their mecroelectricity
If we now look at the life experience of terrestrial human beings, to all appearances it consists of degrees of martyrdom. The human beings sigh and groan under severe suffering, terrible diseases, sometimes horrible hateful relationships with certain other people; they have enemies, are persecuted by other beings and themselves persecute other beings. People kill people, quite apart from the multiplicity of killings they trigger in the form of hunting, fishing and slaughter, although this is not a vital necessity to a greater degree than they themselves think. Where they are capable of freeing themselves from that superstition, they will discover that the earth is full of occupations that do not require killing or murder and therefore are suitable for the future human being in God's image. And as long as they thus kill life in order to live themselves; as long as they think they must unleash anger, hatred, revenge and bitterness in order to exist; as long as they praise the battlefields and death terrains of war as the field of honour; as long as they gather into barns and appropriate surplus materials at the expense of their neighbour, they release with their life force grief, illness, disability and destruction for both themselves and their fellow beings. But such releases are precisely short circuits in their mecroelectricity. They have not learned to insulate their mecroelectricity as they have learned to insulate the macroelectricity. The human beings can thus better manipulate macroelectricity than they can manipulate mecroelectricity or their own life force.
9. The perfect isolation of the mecroelectricity takes place through logical thinking
How can one realise that one knows the perfect isolation of the mecroelectricity? As we have mentioned before, this force must be insulated so that it does not cause harm and so that it can be directed to create life. Now, what is the insulation? It is a substance through which electricity cannot work. With this substance one thus can keep the electricity trapped or bound and also be in control of where it will be released to be able to express itself. With the insulation there are connected switches with which one can as it were switch the electric current on and off. The mecroelectricity will, if it is sufficiently bound by insulation and switches, create only a single mental state, which is to say completely logical exercise of thought and will. By the total logical thinking and exercise of will, the mental experience of life that is called "love" is created. Love is an intellectualised feeling. Logic is the same as a release of thought that, in its end result, creates the absolute blessing and joy for its creator's neighbour or fellow beings. Love is thus a feeling that is based on logic. Where feeling is not based on logic, the feeling does not become love or the complete mecroelectricity. There it becomes hatred, anger, bitterness, antipathy, untruth, deception or anything that comes under the term "evil". Where there is no true logic in the exercise of thought and will, the mecroelectricity of the being is not insulated. Thus, its life becomes full of short circuits. Just as short circuits in ordinary electricity or macroelectricity occur where the electricity is allowed to collide with forces that are not matched to the electricity's power, and there arises a kind of lightning collision that turns into an explosion or fire, there thus also occurs in the contacts with each other of two beings' releases of thought and will an explosive collision and fire where these two exercises of thought and will are not matched. That they are not adapted to each other can happen only due to the fact that the state of consciousness of either one or the other of the parties' or possibly both parties' is illogical. Where one is not logical in one's exercise of thought and will, which in turn is the same as one's mecroelectricity, this mecroelectricity is not insulated. And one must inevitably come to a short circuit in this electricity.
10. Logic is the method of creation that life itself uses
But since this electricity is our innermost life force, it is not so good to waste it on things and in situations where it becomes downright deadly instead of life-giving. What one can insulate one's mecroelectricity or one's life force with is therefore logic. But logic is knowledge. The absolute knowledge is the absolute insulation of the mecroelectricity or the life force of the human being and the consequent exercise of will and creation of the relationship with one's neighbour. But what then is logic? Logic is the method of creation that life itself uses. In this method of creation, there are not released any instances of phenomena that are not in their end results for the joy and blessing of living beings. Admittedly, we see in many places in nature phenomena that seem as if they are not for joy and blessing, but there the creation is not finished. There always exists a sour stage before the ripe. And so also in the creation of the human beings. They are now in the sour stage before the ripe. The mature stage is where the human being is able to think and act logically, so that everything it does and creates becomes a joy and blessing for the living beings. And this is where one loves one's neighbour as oneself and understands that the spirit of God hovers over the waters.
The manuscript ends with these words:
Show how to learn to be unaffected by other people's current views so that one does not attack or blame anyone.
* Translator's note: Martinus uses the prefix “mecro” (“mekro” in Danish) to indicate the middle state. He usually uses the prefix “meso” in the same sense.
The article is a reproduction of an unfinished manuscript that Martinus wrote in preparation for a lecture at Kosmos Ferieby, Monday 28 June 1954. Transcript and paragraph headings by Torben Hedegaard. Approved by the council on 20.10.2019. Published in the Danish edition of Kosmos, no. 3, 2020. Original Danish title: Mentale kortslutninger. Article ID: M1688. Translated by Anton Jarrod and published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 4, 2020.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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