Man and his Life-Force
by Martinus

Behind every movement there is power. Without power, no movement whatsoever could take place. Therefore everything which exists and can be experienced directly by the senses must be a manifestation of power. It makes no difference whether it is the light of the sun or the weakest whale-oil lamp from the past. It makes no difference whether it is the roar of the animal or the whirring of a tiny insect's wings. It makes no difference whether it is someone's caress or his handling of a murderous dagger. It makes no difference whether it is his death-cry or his heartbeat. It makes no difference whether it is the flashing eyes of hate or the gentle, all-forgiving smile of love. Everything is a manifestation of power. But if everything is a manifestation of power, then man's daily life must also be a manifestation of power.
Now, power can only be realised as movement. Movement can in turn only exist as a realisation of power. It is this realisation we see. By its very nature, the power itself is inaccessible to our senses. When a railway train rushes past us along the track, it is not the power itself we see but its realisation. We see the train moving along the track. The train itself is not the power - it is something which is kept moving by the power. In the same way, power - just like time - will always be something which is inextricably present in everything which can be perceived. That which cannot be perceived can no more be a manifestation of power than it can be a manifestation of time. So if everything is a manifestation of power, then power must be a common factor found in all that exists. The whole of our way of thinking and behaving is a manifestation of power, and a manifestation of power is of course the same as its realisation.
Now, power is not the highest 'something' in existence. The highest 'something' can only be that which controls the power. Is power then controlled? Yes, all power in Nature is bound by law. The manifestations of power - in other words all created phenomena - will always ultimately be a joy and a blessing for living beings. This applies to the earth's transformation from a glowing and blazing state of fire to its present, splendid condition as a world inhabitable for evolved people, just as it applies to the ripe grapes, apples, oranges and other edible fruits. If the power - which manifests itself as the fruits and the conditions of the earth - had not been bound by law, how then should the earth and the fruits have become the blessings for living beings which is actually the case? If the power which lies behind mankind's works and creations, such as the making of houses, machines, clothing and other everyday articles, had not been bound by law, how then should these things have obtained precisely that form which they have obtained, that form which makes them useful items? If that power - of which all the functions occurring inside the living being's organism are results - was not bound by law, how should these functions have come about or been maintained in exactly that state of functioning and movement which is a condition of life for the organism's originator?
Now, how is this regularity brought about? We see that regularity is the realisation of another form of power. Power can only be changed by power. A weaker power can be overcome or controlled by a stronger power. But if logic, which is the same as absolute sense and purposefulness, did not exist behind the stronger power which controls the weaker powers, resulting in all the life-conditioning, created phenomena such as the earth's transformation and the conditions for vegetable and animal life-experience, then the powers would never have become the blessing and potential for life-experience for living beings which is in fact the case. Without rational control of the forces, their realisations would only be random, which is the same as chaos. But in Nature's creations, or control of the forces, we never see random chance in any situation whatsoever. It is a total impossibility in Nature's creations. Isn't our organism perfectly formed in even the very finest details, not only the organs we can see, such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and glands, but also the senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste etc.?
Is one to believe that random chance has directed the forces behind these organs to such a complex, logical co-operation like the cogwheels in the works of a clock? Is it not a fact that the works of a clock cannot possibly build themselves or be the result of a random combination of forces? But how then should the living being's organism, which is a far more complex combination of forces than the works of a clock, be able to be the product of chance? And this is not to mention the complex pattern for the direction of forces which has shaped the earth's transformation in order to fulfil for us the possibilities of life. No, wherever the forces are a joy and blessing for living beings, they are bound by logic, which again means they are a result of logical thought. Logic is actually the same as regularity. But regularity can only exist as combined chains of thought, by which regularity comes about. But regularity can only exist as the wishes and desires of living beings. So we here arrive at the point where we can see that thought-function lies behind the creative processes of the earth and Nature, exactly as thoughts, wishes and desires lie behind the creations of man, such as houses, bridges, means of transport, foodstuffs, articles of clothing etc. Are they not all expressions for previous wishes, desires and intentions? So we here arrive at the point where we can see that behind all powers in the entire universe there lies consciousness, which means thought processes, desire and will. We now see that two sorts of creative processes occur in the world, namely, man's creative processes and Nature's creative processes. Nature's creative processes are the more logical, whereas logic is often lacking . in the creative processes of man. A lack of logic in the creative process is here to be understood as the same as a failure of control. But where control, or man's logical command of the powers, has failed, the powers are out of control, and can then only release themselves in chaos, which means the same as having no purpose or direction, being the result only of chance.
When people go so far as to act in such a way that they destroy their organisms with vices and fatal addictions, it means that they lose their power to control the forces logically. But this in turn means that, in their life-functions, releases of power which are more or less prerequisites for life are entrusted to the play of chance. And where there was previously healthy functioning of the organs based upon the logical control of the forces, there is now chaos and chance, based on lack of control of these forces. And a corresponding part of man's organ-functions becomes impaired - either the bodily organism itself or the mental part of man's structure. All illness without exception is an expression of such impairment, whether mental or physical. But an impaired faculty to manifest and experience can only give an impaired result. So someone with such impairments who must live among other people can then only experience life with these other people and surroundings in an impaired way. And it is this impairment which is mankind's great trouble today, now more than ever before. People struggle with a world of ill-health. They struggle with a profusion of other forms of suffering. The root of this struggle has released itself in literal mass-murder of fellow-beings. Terrestrial mankind has created a growth of this capability to enormous proportions by means of its atomic weapons. Some groups of people struggle with exchange-rate difficulties, while other groups struggle to preserve a monopoly over valuable resources. Some groups perish in poverty, amorality and degradation, while other groups perish in wealth with its excessive luxury, gluttony and idleness. Some groups perish in their daily lives through perversity or mental derailments, sadistic murder, psychopathic behaviour and mental illness. What is the cause of all this? The cause is simply the lack of logic in the control of the life-force. Man has lost control of his life-force. Much of his daily life and thereby his way of thinking and behaving are only directed by chance and chaos. But how can one keep oneself healthy and free from illness; how can one be ensured against other people's anger and bitterness; how can one maintain even a normal experience of life, which means real joy and pleasure in living, when that which restrains the force promoting this well-being is out of control and this force is thus only directed by chance?
The life-force is present in the physical body of all beings from the moment of birth to the moment of death. During the embryonic stage and throughout the years of childhood until the being himself consciously takes over command, the being is led by Nature's own logical control of the forces. And as long as instinct leads, everything is perfect. But where the being himself has taken over command of what he should eat, how he should live, how he should behave towards other beings - people, animals and plants - it is entrusted to the being himself to control the forces in favour of a normal way of living and existing. But here the troubles arise. Man is not developed enough, which means that his sense of logic concerning the purely bodily and mental area is not so advanced that with this sense of logic he can ensure himself a perfectly logical control of his innate life-force. And where logic fails, chance takes over. And where chance, or a mistaken perception, controls, man guides his life-force blindly, even if he thinks that he acts in full accordance with reality, in other words, perfectly. But where the life-force is not subject to this logical control it becomes a death-force. And we see that millions are killed by their own life-force because it has become a death-force. Very many people today suffer from the fact that much of their life-force has become a death-force and only a small part of it has been preserved as life-force.
Now, how can one see how much of the innate, original life-force is death-force and how much is still life-force? One can see this in those areas where the being is in conflict with Nature's method of creation. Nature, which really means God, never loses control over His life-force and therefore everything which is created by Nature becomes unfailingly in its final result a joy and blessing for living beings. That this logic must be the only one which can remove chaos and chance and thereby catastrophes from all existence should be considered as a matter of course. But the living being is a part of God, a part of the Creator, and man is the being here on earth who is furthest advanced in this relationship. Therefore he has been given freedom to direct the life-force in himself. And when he directs his life-force so badly that he loses control over it and it thereby becomes a death-force, then this really only stems from the fact that he is not yet practised enough in handling this life-force. He has not yet learned enough about how to control his life-force in favour of life and therefore it becomes in favour of death. People cannot therefore be blamed for their imperfections. But we see, of course, that they would like to learn when the begin to discover these imperfections. They must learn to think logically and to create logically. Is this not what we see in connection with technical and chemical creative processes? Does one not here have to study for many years in order to obtain the logical thinking by virtue of which one can control the material forces so that they become useful and logical? This logical thinking behind creation ensures that houses, skyscrapers , bridges and factories do not collapse; and likewise that the chemicals in modern chemistry are not combined in such a way that they blow up laboratories or in other ways become highly dangerous for people. That our behaviour towards our fellow-beings and our attitude to daily life must be logical thus becomes self-evident. How can one experience a perfect relationship to one's fellow-beings if one's behaviour is not logical, but is a collection of uncontrolled forces which are dangerous for these fellow-beings? These fellow-beings must then of necessity react to this release of force because they see that it is lethal or deadly for them. Only the being himself cannot see that his life-force has become a death-force, both for himself and for others. In those instances where we think in bitterness and anger; where we wish to torment or inflict pain on our neighbour; where we speak ill of him in order to injure him; where we live at the expense of others; where we would rather allow ourselves to be served that serve; where we do not forgive our neighbour - there our life-force becomes a death-force both for ourselves and for our neighbour. It cannot possibly create joy and well-being for ourselves even as it cannot create joy and well-being for our neighbour. Long before the life-force has reached the blood and the physical organs, it has actually already begun in our innermost being which also consists of organs. Here inside our own organism it is also lethal. And therefore it becomes lethal in the blood and promotes illness in the physical organism and furthermore it then becomes released towards our neighbour and here too becomes detrimental to life, or lethal.
In relation to what I have explained, one will now be able to see that the life-force is the most important innate blessing. But it demands logical control so that it can continue being a life-force. All illness, all unhappiness and suffering, all unhappy fates reveal a correspondingly impaired and uncontrolled life-force. The being has become a death-being instead of a life-being. Therefore Christ's words: "You shall love God above all things and your neighbour as yourself" here become scientifically evident as the fulfilment of all the laws. To the same degree as this love is lacking, the being's life-force becomes a death-force. To the same degree as he wakes up every morning and with the whole of his heart wishes to be a joy and blessing for living beings, to the same degree he obtains a one hundred per cent life-force which again means corresponding health in mind and body, meaning bliss, happiness and love, which means initiation or "the Great Birth". He has become one with God.
Original Danish title: Mennesket og dets livskraft. This lecture was given by Martinus at the Martinus Institute on Sunday 23rd October 1955. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 8, 1983. Section headings by Ole Therkelsen. Translated by Mary McGovern 1983.
Article ID: M1628
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 4, 1983
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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