Mankind and the Earth on their Way towards Cosmic Initiation
by Martinus

1. An explosive development
The human beings on Earth have entered a colossal, accelerated, in fact an explosive, development in which more is taking place in ten years than previously took place in centuries. It is true that some human beings view the present circumstances as if they have gone in the opposite direction, towards the downfall of mankind. But that is absolutely not the case. What we are experiencing is the downfall of a culture, that is to say its death pangs, but it is at the same time the birth of a new culture and thereby its birth pangs. That is the reason why there is so much suffering and pain, and so many difficulties. In addition, the old world impulse, the religions based on faith, no longer have the same influence and ability to inspire human beings as they did previously, where they were a fixed point in existence that could help in hard times and difficult situations in both life and death.
These days the terrestrial human beings are increasingly focused on physical matter, and in one way, physical science is just as significant to them now as religion was previously. Material science has certainly also the answers to many of the questions concerning material knowledge and capability. But as it merely concerns itself with movement, speed, wavelengths, measure, and weight, which are its natural boundaries, it cannot provide human beings with a fixed point in existence. For this reason, many human beings find themselves in a spiritual emptiness. They have let go of something old that could no longer inspire them, but they have not yet found something new that can help them to find the inner balance, out of which the outer chaos can be transformed into cosmic harmony. The transitional state in which terrestrial mankind finds itself is the final phase of the change from animal to human being and this will bring the individuals such experiences that make them receptive to a new world impulse that is already radiating in over the Earth. Many human beings have begun to be receptive to its influence and are working more or less unconsciously for it, but it is of great importance that more and more people acquire knowledge about what it actually is that is taking place with the Earth and mankind at the moment. It has been my task, through my cosmic analyses and symbols, to give an account of the eternal laws of the universe in such a way that those terrestrial human beings who are prepared for them, and there will in the future be more and more of them, will through them be able to see the world situation in the eternal perspective and at the same time in a current perspective, so that they understand what is at the moment the most important thing to do, and that every single human being has a task and a mission when it comes to creating peace on Earth.
2. Education in evil and good
What kind of an explosive development is it that mankind is experiencing? Human beings are in the process of receiving practical education in what, from human beings' point of view, is evil and what is good, in contrast to what is evil and what is good according to the law of the jungle or the principles of the animal kingdom. That can seem naive since it sounds so simple, and perhaps also because it makes some people think of the old Bible story of Adam and Eve, the serpent and the tree of good and evil, and that is certainly a very simple and naive story. Nevertheless, this ancient symbolical narrative contains a great cosmic or universal truth and is extremely relevant to this day, when one understands what it is that it is saying. It is relating in symbolical pictures about mankind's current situation. Mankind is eating of the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in order that they, as the "serpent" expressed it, "should be like God and know the difference between good and evil". This symbolical picture is ingenious in its simple presentation of the facts. That which is naive actually lies only in the fact that the concept of the "fall" has been seen as something terrible, as "original sin", which has been passed on from generation to generation all the way from these "first human beings", and rests as a burden on all human beings until they, through the belief that Christ has taken the whole matter on himself through the crucifixion and placated the angry God, can be redeemed from life on Earth and enter into the rapture of the kingdom of heaven in "the great white flock" singing hymns to the glory of the Lord and waving with palm leaves.
This naivety should of course not be criticised, since the human beings have not been developed enough to see it in any other way. But today when thousands of terrestrial human beings have grown out of such a naive standpoint without having found a new standpoint that can help them in life and death, it is very important that the cosmic symbolism that is hidden in the old narrative is revealed to human beings so that they can see how relevant it is today.
Many human beings in our time and even more in the century ahead will be mature enough to understand that that which is characterised as a "fall" is in reality the first form of world redemption. It is the symbol of an ancient cosmic impulse that has influenced terrestrial mankind for many long-gone millennia. It is "the dark world redemption", and it is an absolutely necessary factor in evolution, in fact, without it the subsequent "light world redemption" would not be able to influence human beings at all. It is in the darkness that the light shall be lit, in order that it can be experienced as light. It is for this reason that the living beings need to experience darkness before they can experience light.
3. The necessity that the human being understands the principle of reincarnation
The situation of darkness has for many terrestrial human beings gradually become a state that they are tired of. But how has this come about? And why are the terrestrial human beings on such differing steps regarding what they can bear to do and what they cannot bear to do. These questions and many others of a similar nature come together into one single question: what is the meaning of a life from conception to death, where so much apparent injustice, evil, and unpleasantness can strike a human being? At one point it was seen as the beginning of that which, for the believer and the "saved", had its closure and its payment in Paradise. In our times one is more likely to see it as an expression of pure chance.
The general view of life in the West today is a short life in a harsh, hard-hearted world, lit up only by a few short joys, a life that began at birth and was destroyed at death. Seen in this perspective it is quite understandable that many human beings see the whole thing as meaningless and intolerable and commit suicide, and that some think that everything is unimportant and that one can therefore just as well derive as much pleasure as possible out of the short time, even though it is at the cost of another. Why is today's world so absurd? Because human beings have acted, and continue to act, according to the laws of the animal kingdom. But they will learn to stop doing so. Christ's words on the cross: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do", are words that are almost as relevant today as they were in the times of Christ. Almost as much, but not entirely. Why not? Because since then mankind has gained certain experiences. There are certain things that today one knows more about, for example, atoms, heavenly bodies, technology and certain ideas concerning a more human way of organising society. But what good does that do if mankind has not become happier and more joyful as a result? And it quite clearly is not. No, because the knowledge of material things that human beings have acquired is still only a beginning of a new knowledge. Only when they also begin to acknowledge and know something about life's spiritual realities, will they be able to change their world. And here it is first and foremost the understanding of the principle of reincarnation and the forming of fate, where one sows and reaps from one life to another that is important to have explained to human beings, so that they understand it and see how natural it is. As long as human beings believe that they have only one life, one cannot explain to them the real truth about life. And neither can one explain the real truth about life as long as they think that other beings can be to blame for their unhappiness and suffering.
4. Materialistic science has speeded up evolution
In our times, in which technology has set its mark on human beings' lives and activity, there can well be some who think that everything is going far too quickly. It is absolutely impossible for them to keep up. Nevertheless, they try to do so and perhaps suffer from stress or ulcers as a result of the mental pressure that they are exposed to. This takes place because the terrestrial human beings still do not master the technology and its effects. Also in this field one must get to know the difference between good and evil. And one will succeed in doing so. Human beings are experimenting more than ever before, in almost all fields. But experiments give rise to experience and knowledge, it is the eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. One cannot avoid making mistakes, and human beings make many mistakes, and thereby they gradually learn what is right, that is to say what is in accordance with the laws of life. Is it not this that is the case in the fields of science and technology? One has to think, act and create in accordance with the physical laws of Nature, otherwise it will go wrong. And what applies in the physical part of the universe, also applies in the spiritual field. One must get to know the laws and act, think and create in accordance with these laws. That is why there must also exist a spiritual science on earth. There is also such a science, even though it is still at merely an embryonic stage. But it will develop and will bring everything forward that materialistic science has set in motion.
Through spiritual science, human beings will gradually understand that their life absolutely did not begin at conception or birth and neither will it come to an end at death. They will learn to understand that the universe's principle of cycles that is in force in the world of matter and is similarly in force in the gigantic systems of the stellar worlds, that is to say in microcosmos and macrocosmos; this principle of cycles also applies to the life that is lived between the microscopic and the gigantic cycles, that is the one consisting of the plants, animals and human beings in the field I call mesocosmos. Everything to do with cycles within cycles that the physical science reveals to us is truth. But it is not the final truth about the universe, a materialistic science cannot reveal this. The final truth cannot be measured and weighed and estimated in speeds, volume and wavelengths.
5. The Earth is being prepared to be a place where finished human beings live
The final truth about the universe is not a truth about dead matter, but a truth about living beings and about the cycles of living beings within living beings; beings that constitute respectively matter and universes for each other. The life of the human being is therefore no exception from all other life where the principle of the cycle applies. And life from birth to death is merely a part of a larger cycle, in fact gigantic universal cycles that the human being will become conscious of when it is ready for it. It is such a cosmically conscious state that the whole of mankind is, in its evolution, on its way towards. It is in the process of being created "in God's image after his likeness", that is to say, it is in the process of becoming conscious of the universe's spiritual reality, the living universe that is the God in which we "live, move and have our being". But since the terrestrial human being is, at the same time on its current evolutionary step, a being that largely still belongs to the animal kingdom, it must overcome all these unfinished animal aspects of its mentality before it can, in future lives or incarnations, come further in its cosmic evolution.
The truth about our world situation at present is that, from the cosmic point of view, terrestrial human beings are undergoing an initiation process. They are in the process of being initiated in what it means to be a human being. One tries in one's ignorance, to humanise the principles of the animal kingdom, thereby creating an intellectualised jungle where war prevails in innumerable variations. It is what I call "devil consciousness". Those human beings who today are against war and show it, not only by demonstrating against war and violence, but also by standing back from it in their own way of being in everyday life, are human beings that in many previous lives have experienced the effects of war on their own body and in their own consciousness. They have eaten sufficiently of those kinds of "fruits" of the "tree of the knowledge". The world situation at present and in the years to come will teach those human beings who have still not made the necessary experiences, to distance themselves from war and from trying to humanise or intellectualise the animal principles, and instead get to know the principles of a human existence. It is a cosmic initiation, not only for human beings but for the Earth itself as a living being. Consequently, there is no reason to be afraid that some human beings will be able to blow the whole thing into the air with nuclear weapons. The universal power that we call the Godhead, which has sent the impulses to the Earth that have brought about mankind's evolution until now, unceasingly stands behind what is happening. But human beings will develop to become conscious co-creators of a world in which war in all its nuances will be replaced by peace and mutual understanding and love, which will set free and develop the human power to create to such heights that today's human beings will stand open-mouthed if they knew what radiant, divine characteristics are lying latent in every single human being.
From a lecture given by Martinus at the Martinus Institute on Monday the 11th April, 1960 (date uncertain). The manuscript for the lecture has been edited by Mogens Møller and was published for the first time in Kosmos nos. 14-15, 1969. Original Danish title: Menneskeheden og jorden på vej mod den kosmiske indvielse. Article ID: M1580. Translated by Andrew Brown 2021 and published for the first time in the English edition of Kosmos, no. 1, 2021.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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