by Martinus

1. Light and dark
In my previous two lectures I have talked about the two great fundamental concepts of "light" and "dark", and we saw how each of these two factors had its own culminatory zone in the section of evolution that I call a "spiral". This evening I would like to show you how these two principles are influencing us at the moment and how they are dictating the degree of culture that we are experiencing. You all know that there is something that we call "culture". We say, for example, in everyday speech that this or that person is cultured, and that this or that person is uncultured. So what is culture? Culture is the collection of talents, abilities and character traits in the consciousness that are the result of our planned, willed efforts to bring the primordial forces in us into contact with the laws of life. You know that we have both mental darkness and mental light in our consciousness. In my previous lecture I showed how darkness was at its culmination in terrestrial human beings' mentality. Where this has been over­powered, the human being is cultured; there light rules in its thinking. It is clearly a fact that darkness or the killing principle exists in us as a primordial force. If you observe yourself you will see that you experience being irritated, perhaps even angry or hot-tempered, without having thought of initiating such a state. Human beings become cultured once they have brought these states under control. An examination of our consciousness will show that there are areas in it that have become cultured, in which we are master of life, and other areas that are still like jungles, where life is master of us. It is these uncultivated areas that we should mobilise our reason and will power against, so that through our efforts the whole of our consciousness can become cultured.
2. The animal's way of life is simpler than the human being's
Animals have no culture. However, this does not mean that they live in conflict with the laws of life, it simply means that their existence is not as complicated as that of human beings, which means that they do not need culture in the same way that human beings do. Animals have no other interests than procreation, food, their offspring and mate. They are born with these interests as primordial forces. When an animal goes in search of prey it does not question whether the prey belongs to this or that group. It is second nature for the animal to take the food wherever it finds it. For human beings on the other hand existence is far more complicated. They cannot as a matter of course just go and take the food wherever they find it. And this also applies to the other things that they need. There are some that do so to a certain extent, but they are human beings that have not brought the primordial forces in themselves into line with the culture that is required for the formation of what we call a well-ordered society. What is this difference between animals and humans due to? It is due to what we call "evolution". Human beings have undergone many more experiences than animals and have therefore grown to the stage where they have a far more complicated experience of life. Accumulation of experiences will always be the same as evolution. From having lived in the animals' immensely primitive world of thought, terrestrial human beings have grown to a stage where they have the ability to differentiate consciously between what is pleasant and what is unpleasant, and to combat whatever goes against the satisfaction of their desires. Animals have not reached this stage. Nature has endowed them with the means to manage the situations that they come up against. Of course this does not mean that animals do not undergo experiences. Like all living beings they undergo their experiences and through these they are very gradually transformed. They do not stay where they are on the same mental step, but their intelligence is gradually brought to life so that they can begin to think about how they can improve their existence and thereby avoid any unpleasantness they might be subject to. When they have reached this stage they are no longer ordinary animals but take the form of what we would nowadays understand to be early human beings, which means human beings on a far lower step than that on which present-day primitive human beings are to be found.
3. The first forms of culture were entirely in the service of the killing principle
At this stage the creation of what we would call culture begins. We can see how primitive human beings' day consciousness is built up of a concentrated collection of experiences, out of which they create the first elementary laws that form the basis of their society. As these laws are created out of a body of material based on the experience of power, we can detect that there often arose a discrepancy between the continuous mental development and the laws that had at one time been produced, a discrepancy that brought with it a great deal of suffering. The first forms of culture were entirely in the favour of the killing principle. Right up until the time when the Norse gods were those in command, darkness and raw might were the ideals. The human beings saw the killing principle and darkness as light, and they thought of Providence as a being that must be just as angry, revengeful, punitive and full of hatred as human beings. To the human beings of that time the killing principle was the ideal, and in it they also experienced a certain form of happiness. But everything follows the laws of the cycle. And in the same way every culture also has its beginning, culmination and conclusion, where it will become out-dated and replaced by a new culture. Humankind has in this way passed through cultures of various stages. Primitive human beings gradually grew into what we today call cultured human beings.
4. Primitive human beings and cultured human beings
We call primitive human beings primitive because they are on a lower cultural step than the one we are on. They still live mainly on their primordial instincts or on the tendencies that they were born with that are still to a large extent in evidence. In cultured human beings, who have begun to combat the unpleasantness that the primordial instincts have inflicted on them, existence gradually becomes so complicated that they need a complete system of laws to counteract the unpleasantness from the human beings who live merely on their primordial instincts. Our entire judicial system can be likened to a sieve whose sole purpose is to hold back the effects of the primordial instincts in favour of the expression of the culture that we, through our advanced thinking, have acquired.
5. When an energy wave returns, experience comes about
Have human beings, in the process of becoming cultured, become happier now than when they began? Not at all. They are not even as happy as the animals that live in a far greater contact with the laws of life. Human beings moan and groan under their sufferings. They go to war, murder and mutilate each other, even though they are cultured human beings. But their culture is not perfect. It is a mixture of light and dark, and until these factors are separated in a completely different way than they are today, human beings will not be happy. Through everything that human beings are experiencing today they will gain knowledge of the true extent and character of the killing principle. This knowledge is a natural result of the evolution that began with the worship of the killing principle as light, as an ideal, and that led to it being shameful to die a natural death of old age. Such a way of living and thinking could not of course continue without its consequences. The fate waves that such a way of living represent will, with unwavering certainty, return and give rise to unpleasant consequences. Thanks to the law of existence, we reap as we sow. This means that an energy wave that is sent out cannot just come to a halt; it has to return to its origin. Whatever comes about in the consciousness when the energy wave returns is what we call experience. Due to the formation of experience a refinement of the human being's consciousness takes place. What we call the capacity for compassion comes about. The capacity for compassion is an ability to recall unconsciously memories of experienced suffering, so that one can sense one's neighbour's sufferings and can imagine oneself in them in such a way that one reacts in favour of freeing one's neighbour from their suffering.
6. The capacity for compassion grows as a result of suffering
This therefore means that, if we happen to be present at an accident, we can put ourselves in the position of the injured person and sense their sufferings to the same extent as if we had ourselves been in the accident. It is therefore inevitable that human beings through their ever greater accumulation of experience should as a result have an increasingly refined consciousness. This refinement of the consciousness has given rise to a constantly growing wisdom, a constantly growing capacity for love, which has given rise to a steadily deepening conflict between the view of culture of the past and that of the present day. The disharmony with the killing principle has increased as the longing for humanity became the predominant element in the consciousness.
7. With the entry of the Christian religion into the history of culture the conditions were created for technological development
The longing for humanity was supported to an overwhelming degree by world redemption. It is the case that all world redeemers, the so-called heathen as well as the Christian, teach that one should manifest greater perfection and greater love towards one's surroundings, human beings as well as animals. The practice that these religions proclaim has given human beings a great deal of noble thoughts that all lead away from killing, and have thereby contributed an enormous amount to the refinement of the consciousness and the nervous system. With the entry of the Christian religion into the history of culture the conditions were created for technological development. This purely materialistic development was, deep down, for the best, since darkness should be experienced to such a degree of perfection that human beings should not for one single second be in any doubt whatsoever concerning what is the most correct and loving way of behaving, whether by "coming to Valhalla" or by "putting one's sword in its sheath". One develops one's intelligence by working with matter. Human beings' ability to reason would never have developed to the stage it has if they had not worked with purely tangible things. The religions of the East differ from Christianity in that their followers seek the light outside of material things, which they despise. This seeking the light is in itself just as beautiful as the Christian one, but because matter has to be overcome, this road does not lead to the experience of total cosmic consciousness. Many Orientals have great mental abilities, but despite these abilities they are unable to make the true world picture understandable. The materialistic development has been absolutely essential. Human beings have to begin by getting to know the physical substances and the tangible things, so as to be able, through this knowledge, to go further and get to know the higher forms of energies that stimulate the activity of the consciousness.
8. The Christian culture contains the "seed, in which all the peoples of the earth shall be blessed"
This means that, by creating the conditions for a materialistic development, the Christian world religion transformed the culture, and in fact created a completely new culture. In this new culture – the Christian culture – is to be found the "seed, in which all the peoples of the earth shall be blessed". In this culture human beings have developed to the stage where they are able to create artistic works of genius, but also ingenious machines for waging war, which are absolute marvels of technology. But since nothing can be born fully grown, culture must also have a childhood stage. This is the stage that human beings are at and they are at the moment having the experiences through which they will become tuned into corresponding with higher mental energies. By corresponding with these energies, human beings will become artists. Today we can see a great many human beings writing, playing and composing music, writing poetry, painting etc.. This entire activity has refined their consciousness and nervous system in such a way that, in their thoughts, they have decided in favour of a higher, nobler culture in place of the culture of killing. As children, human beings learned that they should love their neighbour as themselves, and this teaching is still being implanted in them from thousands of pulpits the world over. It goes without saying that this constant influence inevitably refines the nervous system. And yet it has not left such deep marks on human beings' way of life. Human beings now have refined organisms, but they live under the Christian culture in the same way that they did under the culture that was based on the teachings of Odin, Loki and Thor.
9. In order to be able to represent a higher culture there must be an agreement between thinking and way of life
There are people who believe that it is a condition of life for human beings to eat meat, but it is in fact the case that we do not need to kill animals in order for us to be able to live. This truth is, however, largely unknown today. The majority of people believe that they will not be able to live very many years without food of animal origin. Human beings still live to a very great extent with this primordial attitude. But the human being of today has an organism that is very different from that of the Vikings. Of course there are some individuals who are robust enough to swim in ice-cold waters, but that is not the norm. Human beings to a large extent eat and drink in accordance with the old Norse culture and to a large extent think in accordance with the Christian culture. This causes disharmony in the form of illness. Only a very small percentage of human beings die of old age. Tuberculosis, cancer, hardening of the arteries etc. bring about the destruction of human beings' organisms, which have gradually become so refined that they cannot tolerate the barbaric way of life that is common today. I am not saying this to criticise people who eat meat, but only in order to warn and guide. In order to be able to represent a higher culture there has to be an agreement between thinking and way of life. Experiencing illness leads to the recognition of this truth. Everyone will be brought to the stage where their food is brought into contact with the refined organism they have been given.
10. Because of their ability to think, human beings experience great physical and mental conflicts
Materialistic scientists who deny the existence of God also have extremely refined organisms. The entire way of thinking based on intelligence, which is a necessary condition if one is to be able to devote oneself to science, causes the blood to be refined. But it is an inevitable consequence of this refinement of the blood and nervous system that these human beings come into conflict with the laws of life when, at the same time as carrying out their research, they engage in coarser forms of thinking and live on primitive food. Whereas animals, due to their uncomplicated way of life – which is furthermore in harmony with the functioning of their consciousness – do not come into conflict with the laws of existence, at any rate not in a way that affects their physical organisms to anything like the extent that we are familiar with in terrestrial human beings, we can see, on the other hand, that human beings, precisely on account of their ability to think, experience great physical and mental conflicts. Human beings have within them a tendency to want to solve all riddles. The entire process that is needed in order to solve the riddles of life is promoted with the help of the brain, the nervous system and the blood, and this is how the organism becomes refined.
11. The urge to be hot-tempered should be combatted
But human beings have other tendencies in them than the urge to carry out research. Large conflicts arise wherever the nobler tendencies come up against the lower ones, in other words wherever human beings do not make the effort to control their primordial forces. I am referring, among other things, to the tendency human beings have of being hot-tempered. This state can come over a human being quite spontaneously when they, for example, meet someone that they feel antipathy for. This urge to be hot-tempered has to be combatted, because it has a directly destructive effect on the organism, which is no longer able to bear the mental energies that are natural for beasts of prey. If a human being is dishonest and deceitful, they will continually come into conflict with their fellow human beings, and the same thing applies if they excessively brutally elbow their way forwards at other people's expense. Of course at the moment you may well be in luck and feel that "things are going your way" if you use these methods, but they bring in their trail the unfortunate consequence that sooner or later things will invariably go wrong when the fate- or energy-waves that you have sent out return.
12. From the purely physical point of view human beings have made enormous progress
All deceitful transactions are based on out-dated instincts and should be combatted. The fact that there was once a time when much of what is forbidden today was allowed, does not alter the fact that the range of activity of the primordial forces should be limited. This limitation is to a large extent stimulated by the ideological writings of the religions, all of which are against the tendencies inherited from the animal kingdom.
If we take a look at today's human beings and see how far they have come in their so highly prized culture, we will see that from the purely physical point of view we have made colossal progress. We can turn on a light just by switching a switch. All distances have become shorter thanks to railways, cars, aeroplanes etc. Human beings have, to an enormous extent, taken control of the elements, forcing them to work for them. In this area they have come a long way.
13. Untamed primordial instincts cause states of suffering
However, if we look at the way human beings live in everyday existence, we see a glaring disparity between their outstanding abilities and their behaviour. It has never shown itself with greater clarity than at present that human beings have not succeeded in using their intelligence to create a more loving relationship between themselves and their neighbour. What we are experiencing right now is the culmination of this state before our very eyes. Never before has there ever been, and never again will there ever be, such a powerful demonstration of the effects of the killing principle as what we are witnessing. This demonstration is in reality a powerful emphasis of the fact that human beings should change their way of living, and bring their primordial instincts under the control of the will. Untamed primordial instincts give rise to states of suffering, and these primordial instincts in turn eventually cause human beings to speculate over the causes and purpose of these states of suffering. It is a well-recognised fact that human beings are not at all happy, despite their impressive colleges, schools and universities. When you think of the extent to which human beings have access to study, they ought to be able to live in a kind of paradise. But the Earth is certainly no paradise.
14. The Earth can be likened to a luxury compartment that human beings are travelling in, but they are filling it with stinking filth
We are travelling through space on this planet, on the surface of which we live. It can be likened to a kind of heavenly carriage with a compartment. How are human beings behaving in this compartment? Like cultured human beings? No. They are beating, tearing, ripping and slashing one another. They are fighting each other to such an extent that they have absolutely no time to look out of the windows of the compartment. Just think of the marvels in the form of star-cities, solar systems and the like, which human beings are missing out on just because they are intent on fighting to secure a place in the compartment. Some are drunk and noisy, some are shabbily dressed, while others are dressed in silk. Some have a God that is prepared to shed streams of blood just so that he will be acknowledged as the greatest. Others find the very thought of God completely ridiculous and so on. In truth it is a luxury compartment that human beings are travelling in, but they are filling it with a foul smell.
The human beings in this compartment are all different beings on extremely different evolutionary steps, which is the reason why their wants are so extremely different. This situation cannot, however, continue, at any rate not to the extent that it is at present.
In truth all the human beings are crying out for time to be allowed to look out of the windows of the compartment. But as soon as someone comes to the window to look out, someone else immediately comes along and says that they should not. This state of affairs is highly unfortunate, because the human beings will be very astonished when the day comes when they will all have access to admiring the view. In order for this to come about, all those on the journey will have to experience and realise the disparity between the positioning of the seats and the possibilities in the compartment. They will have to realise their lack of ability to agree about the positioning of the seats and learn to make the most of the possibilities.
I saw two pigeons that had made their nest in a tree just outside here. They had no worries or sorrows. They gave no thought to, and did not dwell on, their fears about the hard winter. It is only human beings that can spend years dwelling on their experiences, in fear and trembling of losing some of their possessions. The richer they are, the greater their tendency to be worried. This worry is due to the fact that human beings do not live in contact with the laws of life. For example, what they eat and drink is not really appropriate as food. They smoke tobacco and thereby pollute the air. They take various drinks, the effects of which they try to remove with powders, without coming any closer to the actual cause of their malaise – they are deceiving only themselves.
15. Social activity is constantly improving
But since this self-deception does not cause the sufferings to cease, we can see how these sufferings gradually give rise to questions the answers to which lead to a change in eating habits. In all areas we can see the effects of mental development that is the inevitable result of suffering. We can see how the judicial system has periodically been altered to bring it into line with greater love and humaneness. We can see how the life of society is constantly improving. Human beings are becoming more knowledgeable. They are becoming familiar with certain laws of Nature, and we can see how their cry for greater knowledge or greater "light" is constantly increasing.
In other words, we can see how we are surrounded by a culture that is developing, and if we take a serious look at the problem, we can see that the only things that prevent this culture from reaching its full flowering are the uncultivated areas in human beings' own consciousness. These uncultivated areas constitute all those tendencies that were appropriate in a distant barbaric period in humankind's childhood and that now appear in the individual human being as uncontrolled primordial instincts.
16. There does not yet exist any kind of world culture on Earth
Human beings are now experiencing the Passion, the darkness or the crucifixion that will lead to the resurrection. This resurrection is the culture that is growing. There is still no world culture. Every single nation has its own culture and believes that it is the only nation to have found the means of saving the world, the philosopher's stone. The truth is that there is really some truth in what each of them has found; they each have something that is right but also something that is wrong. They are all groping towards the light in the belief that their system is the right one, the only one to offer salvation. They are therefore elbowing their way forwards, using ruthless and blood-stained means, to muscle their way in great haste towards peace, tranquillity and the perfect world culture where human beings can live in peace, where they can work and pursue their interests, completely free of all the terrible conditions that now cause them to sigh and groan.
Every striving that a human being has can be likened to a little stream that joins up with other streams all of which are heading towards their balance. According to the law of movement they cannot come to a halt until they have reached their state of balance. It is therefore easy to see that the world culture is in the process of developing towards the light. As yet there is no form of world culture on Earth; it is in the process of being built up. At present it is found in a misty state and is in the process of condensing so that all nations will come under the same culture – the world culture. It is necessary for the nations to have a common world culture, this being the prerequisite that enables the individual human beings to leave behind the situation they are in with each other. We can also see how evolution is now guiding human beings towards the step where each individual human being has realized the necessity of mutual cooperation. As the result of great sufferings the wish for peaceful cooperation is coming about over the whole Earth, a wish that is intensified through the sufferings that the combined community of human beings is at present undergoing.
17. The Christian religion carries in it the seeds of the coming world culture
Our present-day culture is based on the Christian religion, and this religion carries in it the seeds of the coming world culture. Nevertheless, there are today a great many materialistically minded human beings who have still not reached the stage where they have seen the necessity of global mutual cooperation, and these human beings claim that the Christian religion is merely something dreamt up by someone or other and consequently they can just ignore it and go on living as they please. And of course it is to a certain extent true that one cannot use something that someone or other has "dreamt up" as the basis of a change in one's overall view of existence. The true seeker of truth chooses facts and irrefutable realities as the basis of his view of the life that he experiences. For example, our organism is not something that someone or other has dreamt up; it is in reality a fact. It is thanks to our organism that our entire experience of life takes place. It is from our organism that we look out at life and existence, and in doing so we arrive at the stage where we have the attitude that it is a question of learning from what life is telling us, and we will then eventually become totally independent of what this or that person says.
18. The true seeker of truth seeks the truth everywhere tirelessly and in a fully awake state
Independent of what this or that nation claims to be the actual truth, the seeker of truth knows that he should seek the truth where it is to be found – in Nature and in life – not only in books or theories. The true seeker of truth seeks it everywhere, tirelessly and in a fully awake state, regardless of whether it is to be found in this or that nation. Absorbed exclusively in truth for its own sake, he investigates it in everything he experiences, in a mental state that is raised above sympathy and antipathy. Such a liberated, objective and impartial view is the one that all sages have proclaimed to human beings. You know that I speak from my own view of life, totally independently of what this or that person says or thinks. And that is how all human beings will eventually see life. Today many people are bound by what this or that political or religious party or community teaches, but all these parties and communities can nowadays be likened to so many streams and brooks that are now flowing rapidly towards a state of balance, towards unity and cooperation, out towards the great "ocean", that is to say the world state that is to come.
19. The causes of illness are to be found almost always in the mental area
I would like to explain to you a little bit about certain things that have to be changed before our culture can be truly perfected. Take for example the question of food. When the vast majority of humankind eats food of animal origin, which is suitable for completely different, far more robust, organisms than the refined ones we have today, you have to understand that these organisms are in one way put under a strain by this food, food which is at its core barbaric. This strain manifests itself in various forms of weakness in the body, or everything that we call "illness". It is true that we have come to the point where the doctors prescribe vegetarian food for some of these illnesses, but in many cases we also see that once the desired healing has taken place the patient immediately goes back to his old way of living, which in many cases causes a "recurrence" of the illness. Human beings should understand that the causes of their illnesses are almost always to be found in the mental area. For example, in the case of food of animal origin it is the case that it consists to a very great extent of life-units that are not suitable to be taken up as nourishment in our organism. These life-units are in reality microcosmic beings that are far too highly evolved to be able to be taken up as nourishment, and consequently being taken up as nourishment means death to them. They therefore quite naturally resist this process. Only those life-units that can remain alive as they go over into our blood can provide us with life for our continuing existence, the former life-units, on the other hand, have to leave our organism as excrement. Due to the fact that human beings have until now fed themselves to a large extent on food of animal origin, which produced a great deal of refuse, that is to say a great deal of excrement, they have a digestive system that is based on transporting a certain quantity of refuse. For this reason they cannot all of a sudden go over to one hundred percent vegetarian food – in other words the flesh surrounding the stones of fruits – but should follow a natural development, that is to say a progressive change that takes place over several centuries, which gradually transforms the organism's digestive apparatus so that it is adapted to totally pure food, in other words pure fruit flesh. Pure fruit flesh, in its ripe state, is created so that it can be absorbed one hundred percent alive into the organism, since the life-units in fruit flesh consist of micro-individuals that can pass alive and without being killed into the blood. But a sudden transition to living purely on fruit flesh would be such a breach of the laws of Nature that it would border on causing the destruction of the organism. Therefore a gradual transition to a form of nutrition that causes no death to animal life but that still fills the stomach will be the most loving, and for this purpose grains, leaves, stalks and roots are perfectly suitable. The life-units that these things consist of represent vibrations that give rise to no significant disharmony in our organism, and they are therefore suitable, natural food for terrestrial human beings today. At this point I would just like to add that I find it appropriate that human beings, in the transition from one form of nutrition to another, should for the time being supplement the directly vegetarian food with butter, milk and cheese and in certain circumstances with eggs. Nevertheless, when human beings on this step eat food with coarser vibrations it leads to all the unpleasant consequences that we are familiar with. Eating coarser vegetarian food certainly involves a certain amount of killing, but it must be said that plants, unlike animals, have no awake day-consciousness on the physical plane other than the slightest ability to sense vaguely, and consequently their destruction will not result in a definite experience of suffering. Animals on the other hand are so day-conscious, and have such a refined nervous system, that they will experience tremendous pain, even though the killing is carried out in the most humane way. At the very moment that the slaughter is to take place the animal knows quite instinctively what is going to happen, because for hundreds of lives it has experienced being subjected to mutilation.
The fruit flesh that surrounds the stone is, however, not the only final form of nutrition. At some point even the most ideal vegetarian food will seem to you to be just as coarse and inappropriate as the food of animal origin now seems. At that point you will receive all your nourishment by breathing. This form of nutrition also has its limitations and you will then come into contact with the most perfect of all forms of nutrition – thought. When nutrition through thought takes over, you will have ceased to be a physical being.
20. Terrestrial human beings are building up their fate blindly
As I have already mentioned, the present-day culture is not a world culture, and this is due to the fact that the world today consists of many different peoples and nations, primitive human beings and cultured human beings, all of which are divided up into a great many religious organisations that are certainly not united by a common culture. During the current imperfect culture it is very common that when a human being experiences a so-called injustice he or she replies in kind, which instead of limiting the concept of injustice merely succeeds in increasing it. Terrestrial human beings are building up their fate blindly, until they come to the point where they realise that they have to change their way of being and behaving in order to avoid the states of suffering that are the consequence of repaying antipathy with antipathy. One should arrive at an understanding that there is a scientific truth contained in Christ's words: "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword". And this applies as much to nations as it does to single individuals. The nations should also arrive at an understanding that the most loving thing to do is to "put the sword in its place". In the case of single individuals it can happen that, even though they have received a good education and are perhaps well-qualified, they are nevertheless struck by a fate-wave that comes back to them, and which sends them down into primitiveness and suffering. This can happen as long as they are not focussed on living in accordance with the laws that their mental and physical state requires them to observe if they are to function effectively and satisfactorily.
21. The light in the world will not go on being obstructed
I would like to point out that in life there exist two important factors that are everywhere in evidence: dark and light. It is of inestimable importance that individual human beings become clear about which of these two factors they should follow. Can it be right that one should "turn the right cheek when one has been hit on the left one" or that one should "love one's neighbour as oneself" and so on? Only those who have discovered their own position in the universe are in no doubt about how to steer their "ship".
Today human beings' consciousness is predominantly based on animal types of thought, on the explosive energy in existence, the energy of gravity. But gradually, as the energy of feeling and the energy of intelligence become developed to such a high degree that they balance each other, real love will come about. This process is now on the increase. Life shows that the energies are so positioned that the energy of feeling can bind the energy of gravity and the energy of intelligence can in turn bind the energy of feeling. Wherever this has not taken place, wherever the explosive energy can freely burst through, human beings will meet with mental states the culmination of which we know in the famous sentence "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" But the light in the world will not go on being obstructed. After the current culmination of the dark mental forces, they will decrease, degenerate and disappear. The light mental forces will increase and reach such a degree of perfection that even here in the physical area where terrestrial human beings live, there will eventually no longer be found any form of physical pain or suffering whatsoever. The community of terrestrial human beings will, after the state that is now at its culmination, face an immensely great and bright epoch in its evolution.
22. In the true human kingdom pain and suffering are only known in the form of memories
Plants can only have a vague inkling of pain in the form of unpleasantness, We on the other hand have a much more awake day-consciousness on the physical plane and can sense pain and suffering both mentally and in flesh and blood. In the true human kingdom, the kingdom that Christ said was "my kingdom" and which he describes as being not yet of this world, pain and suffering are only known in the form of memories. In the true human kingdom one does not take offence, one does not feel "hurt" and one does not experience slander. Sensing all these things is unworthy of a true human being, and since access to these higher worlds is only granted to those who have grown out of these states, that is to say removed them from their minds, you now have the explanation of why these worlds are so beautiful. Terrestrial human beings on the other hand cannot normally bear being offended. And yet a great change is about to take place in this area. A great many bitter experiences have bestowed on individuals a great deal of wisdom concerning life. Already many human beings find it below their mental state of balance to get angry, to say hurtful things, much less spread gossip and spiteful scandal.
23. The balance between feeling and intelligence causes intuition to begin to grow
If we examine our mental structure we can see that we do not have one but six different "bodies". We have a "body of vague sensing", a "body of gravity", a "body of feeling", a "body of intelligence", a "body of intuition" and a "body of memory". Our experiences teach us how these bodies interact with each other. We can see how our ability to have merely a vague sense of something is degenerating and how the energy of gravity or explosion (which is housed in the physical body) is, through bitter experiences and floods of tears, brought under control by the body of feeling and the body of intelligence. Whereas the body of gravity, that is to say the current physical body, is specifically built in order to release the killing principle and is therefore often both coarse and ugly, the body of the true human being is built entirely in order to release high intellectual forces and is therefore extremely beautiful. In the world of true human beings loving one's neighbour as oneself is a characteristic that one is born with, in the same way that in this world hatred and feelings of revenge are often characteristics one is born with. In terrestrial human beings intuition is latent, but gradually, as the beings achieve a balance between feeling and intelligence, intuition begins to grow. Through their growing intuition terrestrial human beings will themselves acquire the ability to see through the structure of the universe. Evolution will therefore lead terrestrial human beings towards zones where their bodies, due to the steady increase in spiritual development, are refined in such a way that, from being instruments of explosiveness, hatred, hot temper and killing, they will become instruments of humanity and neighbourly love, from being short, plump and muscular in build with brutal facial expressions, they will be tall and slim with faces that bear the signs of spirit.
You have to acknowledge that you have in your mental make-up both light and dark mental forces. It is the way that these two forces relate to one another that determines your attitude to your surroundings and to your fellow beings. It would be a good thing for you to get out of your study of the cosmic analyses, if you could recognise that it is the light aspects of your being that you should cultivate, so that you can leave behind the often sad and pessimistic states that today make you, if not directly unhappy, to some extent tired of the life you are experiencing.
24. "Conscience" is the first sign of the dawning of the human state of consciousness
If you examine the principle of contrast, which forms the basis of the experience of light and dark, you will see that each of these two factors has its path that it must follow. The light principle culminates in what I call "the divine world", or the world in which intuition culminates. At that point it begins to decrease and becomes latent in the culminatory zone of the animal kingdom, which by contrast is where darkness finds its fullest expression. This is the zone that terrestrial human beings represent. In this zone the light is experienced as that which in human beings we call "conscience", and which is in fact the first sign of the dawning of the light, or the human, state of consciousness.
25. What is needed is an agreement between your way of thinking and your way of acting
If one has cosmic consciousness one is able to see the mentality of the Earth in the mixture of dark and light that is in its aura or radiance. One is able to see how the light is steadily growing, whereas the dark is steadily decreasing. In 3,000 years the light will have displaced the darkness, which will then merely exist as the memory of a contrast, as the background against which the light will shine with an immense beauty. The tremendous, blood-drenched dramas, which the darkness is an expression of, are effects of the killing principle. This principle is undermining itself due to the law of the movement of the energies, which always allows living beings to experience the effects of their own behaviour. These effects create humanity, and humanity is the ideal of the future. Humanity will end up ruling the new culture. Without humanity there will be no culture. If you promote tendencies that belong to another level than the one represented by your ideal you will live in disharmony with yourself. The prerequisite for being happy is that there is an agreement between your way of thinking and your way of acting. In the true human kingdom where neighbourly love is predominant, the ruling factors will be art, science and humanity. These factors will rapidly begin to grow in terrestrial human society once the whole economic system has found its balance. The enormous experience of suffering that the whole of humankind is at present undergoing is teaching every single human being that the world is a unit and that there will be no real peace until all the countries have arrived at a steadfast cooperation under a common world government. Once this has happened humanity will rule the whole globe. The various human beings in the various nations on the globe will be able to enjoy all the good things of the Earth. They are all in the same "carriage". But they must be equally cultured in order to be able to enjoy being in this carriage. This is why the terrors of this "Armageddon" are needed in order to speed up the development of those who are behind, so that they can reach the same level as the others. And the killing principle must, just like every other form of manifestation, culminate in order to be able to exhaust itself. Once the drama, which today you see unfolding around you, is over, humankind will enter a period of development, the extent of which you have difficulty imagining. From being ruled by a judicial system, whose sole aim is to limit the effects of the primordial instincts that human beings are born with, and which requires an enormous police force to ensure that this be carried out, this development will cause these primordial instincts to be brought slowly into a state of culture in every single human being's mind, so that this judicial system, which in the beginning was something purely external, will gradually become something internal, become a part of every human being's mentality. Human beings will come to the point where they carry the law in their hearts, which means that they, with their own behaviour and way of being, will gradually render the police force as we know it today superfluous.
26. The perfected human being lives with a conscious knowledge of its eternal past and its eternal future
The only thing today that holds human beings back from experiencing the state I have indicated, is their own behaviour and way of being. This behaviour has to be changed, but this change cannot be inflicted through the use of force, only through personally experienced knowledge. Through all the sufferings that both the individual human beings as well as the societies are going through today, the personally experienced knowledge on which a new world will rest will come into being. You should use your awake day consciousness to practise forgiving and understanding your neighbour. You should abandon the principle of "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" in favour of Jesus' forgiveness: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do". By doing this you will be sowing a new "seed". It is the seed in which all the peoples of the Earth will be blessed. Through this behaviour and way of being you will succeed in achieving a perfect culture. Only in this way will you manifest wisdom and love, and therefore finally be a representation of the perfected human being. The consciousness of perfected human beings is not limited by the primitiveness that consists of not knowing about and not being conscious of their own immortality. They live with the conscious knowledge of their eternal past and their eternal future. They know that nothing of what they sense in the outer world is what it seems to be. They know that the concept of "coincidence" is an illusion, and that behind everything there is a plan and a purpose. From having lived in a world in which they were blindfolded, they have been raised up to a world in which they are conscious of the fact that everything they see and experience is God's own consciousness.
Terrestrial human beings live in a mental twilight, a night-time existence. But above this there shines the light of a new culture. It has been my task to make you aware of this new "kingdom", which the great human beings of the past subsequently acknowledged. I can see this light ahead on the horizon, and I know that it will bring human beings a completely new culture, a completely new form of manifestation. This form of manifestation is in no way restricted by primitive, egoistic tendencies. It expresses a one-hundred percent love for one's neighbour, the whole joy of which consists of consciously understanding and thereby loving one another. The stage that we are experiencing at the moment can be likened to the first glimmerings of morning light, before the light of day breaks through.
27. Human beings today are experiencing the birth of a new world culture
But there is no need for the individual human being to wait for humankind. Providence is abundantly equipped with the means of allowing every single human being to arrive at this high culture independently of the others. What human beings are experiencing today is the birth of a new world culture. All nations as well as all religious and social movements will be united into "one flock and one shepherd". I told you that human beings are travelling in a heavenly carriage. There will come a day when the age of murdering will be a thing of the past, and human beings will have learned to understand one another and to give each other space. There will then be plenty of space for everyone to see out of the windows of the compartment, and as a result there will be light and joy in the heavenly carriage, there will be peace and harmony. If this experience is what you are longing for – practise tolerance. Make it a habit to forgive those who hurt or annoy you. Give up your right to feel offended, and see only the bright, beautiful aspects in your fellow human beings. Only through this attitude will your mind be at peace. Only through this way of being will the new culture be born in your heart.
Original Danish title: Kultur. This article is a transcription of a shorthand copy by Hans Bønnelycke of a lecture given by Martinus in Livets Bog Bureau on Tuesday 28th April 1942. Edited by Mogens Møller and approved by Martinus. Published for the first time in Danish in Kontaktbrev nos. 18-21, 1942. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2015.
Article ID: M1200
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 3, 2015
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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