The Second Coming of Christ – the Coming of the Comforter
by Martinus

1. The Third Testament and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit
First of all I would like to bid you all a really warm welcome this evening, and to convey with all my heart my very deepest and sincerest thanks for the interest, trust and love that you have shown in my work. I have received enormous thanks from all of you, but I am in fact not the person you should be thanking. What I have explained are eternal realities that were in existence before I explained them. I have been merely the tool that has presented them to human beings. I bring them in fact directly from Christ himself, thanks to some cosmic experiences that have caused me also to be able to relate what has taken place.
We live in the times of Christ's second coming. The second coming of Christ does not mean that Christ or some other man will come and preach. There are so many who do that, and who believes in such a man? – What is taking place at the moment is a continuation, or an initiation, of the world culture that Christ founded through his crucifixion and his divine words. These words could only be expressed as dogmas. They could not be explained scientifically, owing to the fact that the majority of human beings at that time could neither read nor write. Christ said: "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear." "But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." "He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you."
This is exactly what has happened. I now have the authority to say that "The Third Testament" is "the Comforter, the Holy Spirit".
2. The last days
So what is "the Comforter, the Holy Spirit"? – It is a science that will be delivered to human beings. This science is the Holy Spirit. Spirit is knowledge, facts and experience that one can acquire. In other words, spirit is consciousness. A science will come into being in the world that will teach human beings what Christ could not tell them, since they would not have been able to understand it. It was announced that it would come at a later date, and that time has now come.
Christ also said that there would be much darkness around the time when he would return. I am, of course, using the word "he", but we have to understand that Christ means the Christ consciousness or science. When this Holy Spirit comes to the world, the "devil will rage". Darkness will reach its culmination. But why should it? – For the very reason that human beings had not experienced this Armageddon when he was on Earth. But they have now experienced it through the world wars that have swept across the Earth. And the world wars are not yet over, a colossal culmination is due before long. It will come. It is karma.
3. The meaning of darkness
There are many people who say to me: "Why does there have to be so much darkness in the world? It cannot possibly point towards the existence of a God." – But it in fact points to the fact that a God does exist. We have to leave behind everything to do with the "devil", "Hell" etc. These things were told to human beings that lacked the intellectuality or intelligence with which to understand. They had to be told in a way that people say to little children: "If you are not good, the bogeyman will come and get you!" – They were told: "If you are not good, you will end up in Hell!" – That is what I learnt in my confirmation classes. In addition the clergyman said that children that had not been baptised would go straight to Hell. He also said that there would always be a curse on children born out of wedlock. But in my case it has been a good "curse"; I have always been quite happy to have been born out of wedlock. (A burst of laughter from the audience)
But why does this immense darkness exist? – Take a look at it, without this darkness in the world one would not be able to gain the experiences that are needed in order to learn to be good and loving, and to forgive and love one's neighbour. Where else would that experience come from? – This explanation of darkness will become scientific to human beings, but it could not become scientific just by Jesus stating that it is so.
Jesus said: "You shall love you neighbour as yourself, and love God above all things", and he suffered crucifixion in order to demonstrate the absolute peak of what human beings will attain.
4. All vibrations and movements in the world are expressions of God's creation
The greatest saying in the Bible is that in which God says: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness". That is the most important saying, and that is what is happening in the world. Is not the world in an enormous state of movement? – Science states that everything is vibration and movement. But we can see very little of it. Much looks as if it is solid material, but if we magnified it we would be able to see that it consists of movements. These movements prove to be logical. We can see that the whole world is built up logically, and this proves that there is a creative consciousness behind the whole. Everywhere there is creation, and we can see that this creation is immensely logical and perfect. Are not our eyes extremely perfect? – Is not our respiratory system brilliantly perfect, as long as we do not destroy it? – Is it not extremely logical that our "sewer" is placed at the opposite end of our body to our sense of smell? – There is logic everywhere!
5. What does it mean to experience darkness?
Human beings have been told in the Bible and from the prophets that they should cease doing evil, but this is precisely what they could not do. Darkness has to become the kind of knowledge that they have experienced themselves, and this takes many lives. What can human beings learn in one life, if they can die at birth, or when they are two, five, ten or thirty years old, or if they can die at any age? – Are these people that die early in their lives excluded from being saved, as the saying goes? Do they end up on the rubbish heap? – Where do they go? – They do not have time to learn how to love their neighbour. But it just goes to show that one single life is nothing more than the lifetime of a tool. Our physical bodies are our tools.
On the physical plane there exists no life whatsoever, but there exists creation. We see that the bodies are tools that become worn out, just like other things that are used as tools. Children start off with new bodies, young people are strong and clever etc. but gradually they become older and their bodies come to an end. But it is what lies behind the bodies that makes the decisions.
These are the analyses that have been particularly held me up in finishing the book, The Third Testament. There I will expand very much on the analyses that you already have. And there will also be something about why darkness is necessary. What does it mean that we have experienced darkness? – It certainly means something when we can take the experiences with us from one life to the next.
We can see that a child is born and grows up with many imperfections. Some human beings are farther ahead and are more loving than others, but what this shows is that they are in the process of being created. Universal love is the goal of God's creation. Universal love is God's way of being. Human beings have still got a long way to go before they are perfect, but they are all in the process of being created "in God's image".
That I can stand here and say these things and that I have written these things, is because I have reached a stage where this is something I am able to do. And every one of you will reach this stage. It will be something that you will all experience personally as a fact. Since you now have access to all this knowledge and can study the analyses, you can yourselves take part in this creation. It would make no sense if Livets Bog or The Third Testament, as it will now be called, could not explain what you should do in order to free yourselves from the difficulties that you so often find yourselves in.
6. World logic and reverse logic
If one takes a look at the world today, one can see that it has sunk into what I call "reverse logic". So what is reverse logic? – Well, human beings are constructing great logical plans, and building, for example, atomic power stations that later prove to be extremely destructive. The universe exists according to a certain logic and everything will arrive at the stage of being in harmony with it. This logic is universal love. But when one goes in the opposite direction and constructs a long, logical chain of thought that ends in trouble and suffering for human beings, I call this reverse logic. This logic does not endure when it comes into contact with world logic; at this point the thief or the murderer will be found out. Everything, your own life included, will arrive at its conclusion in world logic.
7. A new world culture and a new world kingdom
You are at present experiencing a terrestrial life in which you do not have the whole of your consciousness to the fore. You have only that particular part to the fore that is to be developed with the help of karma. You have karma from previous lives and you have new things you have to learn in this life. But there is of course a lovely place on the spiritual plane where you go between lives. Human beings will not arrive at the true, great, divine world kingdom, which Christ calls "the kingdom of God", until they have gained Christ consciousness or when they have become Christ-beings. It will take many lives for human beings to attain Christ consciousness, because they will have to be able to allow themselves, like Christ, to be crucified and pray for their enemies. In the midst of the sufferings that their enemies have inflicted on them they will have to be able to pray for these enemies, not just by going through the motions, but they have to feel deep down: "if only they could be freed from having to be punished". – That is what Christ had to demonstrate on the cross. He demonstrated what will now become the enduring culture. A new world-culture, the Christian world-culture, is now beginning to develop. It has of course been founded on Christian dogmas, but it is now appearing for the first time in its true form.
8. The third world war or Armageddon
There will be a great Armageddon and this will mean that now will be the time for retribution. People will begin to realise that this Armageddon will give confirmation to the Holy Spirit. It will show that defence is mankind's greatest curse. People have believed that they could save themselves using defensive tactics, and they are competing in a race to make defence as vile, as painful, as devilish and as destructive as possible. And one cannot blame them, it is in their nature to do so. But it has become their most serious affliction, and it is right that it should be so. Things have now reached the stage when there will be a release of pent-up tension, an Armageddon. It has already begun with the world wars we have already experienced, and it will continue. I don't know when it will happen, but I have always been of the opinion that it would perhaps be around the turn of the century, but it could be sooner, or it could be later. There will be many violent, powerful explosions and much destruction. But the divine consciousness will also set in motion very great forces in order to help human beings.
It is good that my books will have been written by then. It is not so nice to have to talk about one's own things, but I need to tell you what I have done. My Livets Bog, The Third Testament, will then be a help for human beings, since it builds up the whole world logic.
Christianity is the world science, and it is the science of the universe. In The Third Testament one will have the opportunity of reading about the structure of the entire universe, and about how the universe is a living being, and one will be able to see how the living beings are connected to this being, and why all these sufferings have to exist.
9. Neighbourly love will become science
It will be the case that both cosmic as well as physical science will affirm that one should not be spiteful or jealous, and that one should not kill, murder or wage war. One should forgive over and over and over again. But this new world culture cannot begin by telling people: "You should accept everything as it is". – That is not possible, even though that will be the slogan in the future. Human beings will gradually begin to strive after learning to forgive instead of defending themselves against their enemies. That is the greatest victory of all, and one will then be following world logic, one will then be growing towards acquiring power and strength.
Human beings have witnessed appalling cruelty during the Armageddon that has already occurred in the wars we have just been through, with the concentration camps and such like. And it is not over yet, there is more to come. And one could well ask, "Why does it have to be so difficult? Could it not be just a bit less?" – It could possibly be a bit less hard, but in that case human beings would also be less gifted. The aim is that they should be gods. Human beings should grow to become "almighty, all-knowing and all-loving". It can perhaps sound rather odd, but they will become in "God's image". If they are lacking in some parts, they will not be in God's image, and they will then not have been brought to completion.
Christ himself said: "To me has been given all power in Heaven and on Earth". He was indeed the model for the finished human being, and that is the goal. It is a long road with many lives, in which human beings have to learn from their mistakes. But mistakes lead to the development of reason and the ability to avoid mistakes, and it is this ability that is described as the Holy Spirit. It is the science of what happens when one does not follow world logic and is not all-loving.
10. Through the evolution of the poles, human beings will reach the divine state – universal love
Universal love is a divine state. It is not the kind of love that finds expression in the act of mating in animals and unfinished human beings. It is the revelation of God in the primitive stages, for how else could God reveal himself there? –
In every living being there are two poles: the "masculine" pole and the "feminine" pole. The Bible states that God created Eve, and this means that at some point in the plant kingdom one of the poles in the beings became stagnant while the other continued. In some beings the feminine pole became stagnant while the masculine pole grew, and they became "male beings". In others the opposite took place, and they became "female beings". The act of mating between the beings of the two sexes is necessary in order to be able to create the many bodies that are needed in order to develop into "God's image".
Once human beings are free from the act of mating and no longer need to be born and die, they will no longer suffer the pains of falling in love with all the worries that these create. We can at present see that marriage is in the process of disintegrating and that human beings are changing from being mammals to being something else. Of course human beings have to change. If human beings are to become godheads and be almighty, they cannot go on being mammals.
So we can see that human beings are changing. The double-poled or homosexual aspect in us is not something that people have understood, particularly around the time of Moses. But we are now beginning to understand that it is something that is found in all human beings.
11. The spiritual plane and the immaterial plane
Evolution comes at the cost of many bodies, just look how many bodies are being destroyed, particularly today. Is it not an everyday event that they are shot down? – Can we not read in the newspapers about violent killings, murders and executions, and bombs being thrown into the midst of people in the streets? – It costs many lives or bodies to evolve into "God's image".
The spiritual plane is made up of many environments. On the physical plane are to be found only the physical bodies; that which is truly alive is not found on the physical plane. Even though our bodies consist of the bodies of living microbeings, they too have their small I's on the spiritual plane. It perhaps sounds crazy but our aim is to arrive at an immaterial plane. This does not mean that it is a nothingness. It exists, even though it is immaterial. It is "something that is". We cannot take it away because it contains that which is living in the living being.
This immaterial plane contains the talent kernels for all sensory perception and all creation. It contains the talent kernels for the primal desire, the mother energy, the energy of instinct, the energy of gravity, the energy of feeling, the energy of intelligence, the energy of intuition and the energy of memory. These are all immaterial or inaccessible to the senses, only their effects are accessible to the senses. When one, for example, measures intelligence, one is measuring the effects of something eternal. The sensory ability it eternal and therefore belongs to the immaterial, which is the fixed point in life. It is the only fixed point that there is, and from it all movements, all creation and all consciousness emanate.
We actually say: "I did it, I ran, I saw, I was ill and I was healthy". – Why would I say "I" if it did not exist? – It is eternal and is therefore neither large nor small, but it can make large and small things. Everything that the I makes is time- and space-dimensional and is thereby something created that we can weigh and measure. But the creator cannot be created. Who would create the creator? – It would have to be a nothingness of some sort, but there is absolutely no nothingness in the universe. There exists no empty space whatsoever. There is "something", and from this "something" we have our "I".
12. Life on the spiritual plane
The reason that human beings are at present going through so many unpleasant things and experiencing such awful lives is because it is their karma. They have to go through a certain amount in order to understand what they should and what they should not do. It is therefore a very good thing that their lives are interrupted so that human beings can have, between their lives, a lovely experience on the spiritual plane. On the spiritual plane one cannot evolve, because there one does not have to work for one's food. There one can amuse oneself with one's talents and one's memories. There one can construct things in spiritual matter that obeys thought. One cannot do that on the physical plane; there one has to plane, saw, and hammer in order to create. Whatever one has learnt on the physical plane one can give free expression to on the spiritual plane.
So on the spiritual plane one has a lovely time compared to the physical life one has just lived through. If one has lived tolerably well and grown old, one will experience a pleasant time in the kind of environment that corresponds to the physical environment that one lived in. If one has been in a higher physical environment, one comes into a higher environment on the spiritual plane, and that is how it continues until one comes to the cosmic plane, where it goes no further.
13. The threshold existence and guardian angels
There is no need to be afraid of dying. Even though many human beings have done various things wrong, they will be met by guardian angels in a threshold existence. They still see themselves with bodies and everything else. They think that they are physical, and do not know that they are on the spiritual plane. Some of them are very angry: "Mind your own business! I can manage it myself!" – It is from this plane that beings possess human beings on the awake plane. Those who have died and who are in this threshold stage can possess human beings who are alcoholics or drug addicts, or who are abnormal or sexually derailed.
But a time will come when these disincarnated beings will begin to realise that everything is seen in a grey light. There is no sunshine and no birdsong. They meet only people with exactly the same character as themselves and they begin to think: "What kind of an existence is this? Am I in Hell?" – They begin to be afraid, but at a certain point they become serious and that is when the guardian angels arrive on the scene.
But one has to understand that guardian angels are not angels with wings; they can be extremely highly evolved human beings that are for the time being discarnate. While they are on the spiritual plane they can be guardian angels for such beings. Human beings in the forecourt can therefore be helped by the guardian angels, by having all the darkness suggestionised away, they will then be given the opportunity of coming into the light environment that matches their level.
Take, for example, the case of a very primitive, rough person who has treated people in a very hard way, but who has perhaps stroked a little dog that he was fond of. This love allows him to enter the light plane and experience the delightful things that go with that environment. And in the same way, we each have our own environment. One can work it out for oneself where one will come to. It corresponds to the life one has lived.
If you have done something bad or unpleasant, it is a very good idea to put it right before you die. But even though you die without having done so, you will be helped by the guardian angels when you repent and feel unhappy about it. Several years can go by in the case of hard, brutal people, but eventually they become humbled.
14. The glories of the spiritual plane
To the extent that one evolves on the earthly plane, one will enter higher and higher environments on the spiritual plane when one dies. Eventually one will enter the final plane, where one has cosmic consciousness and where one no longer needs to be born of a woman. But already before that, one will begin to come into the world through materialisation and to leave it through dematerialisation. But human beings still have quite some way to go before that can happen.
These are the glories that human beings have in store for them. In the Bible it says that Christ will appear in the clouds with great power and glory. And people believe that he will stand mighty above the clouds. But what are the clouds? – Clouds block out the sun, causing the weather to be overcast and cold and creating storms with thunder and lightning. But when the clouds have gone, there is sunshine and beautiful summer weather. This is a symbol of Christ's glory.
Is this not precisely what happens when, between the extremely harsh terrestrial conditions, one experiences a bright existence? – All human beings experience this. But if they die at birth, or as a 5 year old or a 10 year old or as a youth they soon come back. One can detect that soldiers in the world wars come back in five years or so. They do not spend so much time on the spiritual plane if they do not have so many memories. Old people who have many memories that they can enjoy spend a long time on the spiritual plane. There their memories appear bathed in a golden light, as joyful, beautiful, pleasant experiences or as states that promote joy.
15. "Birth number one" and "birth number two" will become the terms used in cosmology in the future.
In my books I have done away with the term "death". We must leave behind everything to do with death, because there is no sense in having a word for something that does not exist. And death does not exist. We are merely talking about a transition from the plane of physical work to the spiritual plane.
One is suggestionised when one speaks about death. When people talk about death and call it death they go on believing in death. One therefore has to find a name for it that corresponds to what it really is. As I have said before, when a little child comes into the world, it is a birth from the spiritual plane to the plane of physical work, and when one dies one leaves this plane and is born on the spiritual plane. So there are two births, the first I call "birth number one" and the other "birth number two", and these will be the terms used in cosmology in the future. In a few generations children will ask: "What was death all about? What was it in fact?" – And people will say: "Well, at that time people thought that they died when they disposed of their body". (Much laughter)
16. Prayer is a great source of strength
You can rest assured there is no death. You do not need to be afraid. There will be a great Armageddon, but when that happens you will have the possibility of directing your thoughts towards the Godhead. When there is something you do not understand or that you would like help with, you will gain enormous strength by sending your thoughts to the Godhead.
Christ said that "your prayers will be heard, if you believe". There is of course a specific karma that we should have, but there are certain karmas that can be postponed until far better states, and there are in fact many things that can happen, but I cannot explain them to you now.
For as long as I can remember I have prayed to God every day. From the time when I was a child until I reached the cosmic state, whenever there was a problem I asked myself: "Would Christ be able to do this?" – I had the ability to sense whether he would be able to do it or not. If there was something that told me, "No, he couldn't do it", I didn't do it. But if an inner voice told me, "Yes, he could well do that", then I would do it. In a sense that was how I was brought up. When I was a child my foster parents, that is, my uncle and his wife, were fairly old, but they were kind and good to me. They had only the bare essentials and lived out in the country, where I didn't really acquire so much knowledge. The amount of schooling I received was what was normal in the country, that is to say, two days a week in the summer and a little more in the winter. I liked Bible history very much and consequently I learnt a lot from it.
But as I was saying, there will be an Armageddon, and when that happens I think one should pray to God. Christ also said that one should "always pray and not give up". This may sound crazy, because people have completely left religion behind. The one and only great power that can be of any help people laugh about, they don't want to hear about it. Instead they make use of atomic power, and they have caused a great deal of destruction with that.
17. Atomic power is sabotaging the Earth and this is causing its organism to become constipated
In using atomic power the world is doing something wrong, and this wrong will have to be put right by higher powers. We have split the atom and we should never have done that. In doing so we have begun to sabotage the Earth. The Earth has in fact become "micro-ill", that is to say, ill within itself. Quite apart from the violent explosions, the killing and the destruction of towns, it is becoming apparent that the forces at our disposal are intensely awful, destructive and deadly. There is a surplus of material that cannot pass over into Nature's cycles. The Earth is a living organism, just like us. Everything within us has to pass over into the cycle, to become excrement, sweat etc. Human beings have caused a restriction and the powerful radiation from atomic power is bursting out.
18. Atomic power and cancer
Atomic power is so colossal, simply so gigantic in relation to a human being's power! – This power is an ability that bestows life and is healing to the Earth. It is "macrocosmic life-force". We have something similar in us that I call "mesocosmic life-force".
This atomic power has been released and causes cancer in the cells within the Earth's consciousness, in other words in human beings. When some of this atomic power finds its way into human beings, it causes some cells to grow out of control. They are given such enormous growing power that tumours are formed. This is the deepest and innermost explanation of cancer. Many other cancers can arise, but they are not so dangerous. The really troublesome cancer arises because we have released the inner life-force of the Earth, a force that should be the inner life-force of the Earth alone and not of human beings. We have our own life-force, which heals our wounds for example. Human beings can heal some cancers, but this really deepest cancer they cannot heal.
19. The new energy of the future is a power that is analogous to the power of the heart
Human beings are going on building more and more atomic power stations. They think that they can manage them themselves, but spiritual beings now have to be there helping. Human beings do not understand that they will have access to a new source of energy that is analogous to the heartbeat. We each get our energy from our heart. But what is it that causes our heart to beat? – It is fire and coldness. That is why we have a temperature of 37 degrees. It is in the balance between fire and coldness that an energy can arise. If one can bring fire and coldness into this kind of a harmonious balance, one can create a new source of energy. It can work with ice and water. But I cannot give any more details, I myself have not studied these matters. But intuitively I have seen that this can be the energy source of the future. Why should not human beings also be able to discover the energy that the heart has? –
20. The culture of the future after Armageddon
Human beings are at present in Armageddon, even though there are pauses without war. We live in a beautiful area. Scandinavians and their neighbours live in the best places on Earth. But of course even here we will not be able to completely avoid the effects of war. There will be war and it will cause the world to become international with a common sovereignty. The world has already become extremely international as a result of human beings doing business, exporting and importing, and this is also what God intended. It is God's plan that we should become one world. Human beings can put up a struggle, but it will make no difference.
Armageddon will show people the wisdom or science of the Holy Spirit, and after that the future will be built up. The culture of the future will be a "culture of forgiveness", whereas the one we live in is a "culture of non-forgiveness". It is a culture of revenge and punishment. One cannot at this very moment say to people: "You should forgive everything!" – They have not developed to that stage yet. But they can begin to receive instructions and practise forgiving and thinking with greater love, and this will gradually bring human beings on in their development towards a new culture. After Armageddon, Christianity will form the basis of a world kingdom. And through this, human beings will arrive at what I have described in Chapter 4 of Livets Bog – the gateway into the higher kingdom that Christ calls the "kingdom of heaven", which is the true dwelling place for human beings. Just now they are in the physical world in order to learn about darkness and to find out how to live in eternal light. One has to create light and love all around oneself, so one can be a sun for one's surroundings. That is the quickest way to achieve higher abilities.
21. The highest mental training that leads to cosmic consciousness
Human beings are very busy doing a great many exercises, yoga etc., in order to gain higher consciousness. One certainly has to acknowledge that this is also a part of God, but it cannot lead you to cosmic consciousness. It is actually very simple, it is a question of forgiving your neighbour. That is the highest and most effective form of yoga that exists. It really causes something to happen. You cannot work with this state for very long without noticing how people begin to love you. One has to get people to love you, or to like you. And this I have done by always being fond of people, even before I gained this spiritual consciousness.
It is clear that I have experienced cosmic consciousness in previous lives. Later I received the information or impulses that told me that I was programmed for this mission in a previous existence. Nothing whatsoever of this have I learnt here. It has all come through me from above. But I must say that it is not something that I have discovered. These analyses are eternal realities. One can be receptive to them and they can enter one's consciousness, one can reveal them, one can live one's life with them and one can be a joy and a blessing to one's surroundings.
22. No association or sect
This cause is not meant to be some kind of association or sect. It is not something one can become a member of or resign from. There are no laws that say: "This is what you should do, and this is what you should not do!" – That is not how things are. This is your own cause. So in that sense, it is not my cause, even though I have created it and taken charge of it. With God's help I have created a cause for you, and you can join in or leave, you can read the books if you want to or you can give up reading them. If people have something that they find more inspiring, they can be involved in that. And if they are in a sect and that feels comfortable to them, they should go on being there. There is time enough in life. There may come a time when they want to move onto something different. There is no need to hurry them, and there is no need to give out propaganda. But if they approach you and ask for advice and guidance, you should of course be friendly and help them.
This movement is life itself, it is like the light of the sun that spreads to all and everyone. Each and every one is a member, although not all are active members. They go out into the world not knowing about the movement, but in reality they are members, it is God's command. It is God's way of being. It is God's life that is promoted in this way. God experiences life through human beings, and human beings experience life through the Godhead.
Is that not how it is with Nature? – Is not Nature a state of being together with the Godhead? – There is logical creation in Nature. Is it not from Nature that we have bread on our tables? – Does not everything we have come from Nature? – What do we have that we can put into our own bodies? – Nature provides a wealth of wonderful fruits, bananas, plums, grapes etc. Human beings will reach the stage where they will not kill animals or eat meat. This is also part of what we have to learn, namely, that we have to experience what happens when we kill animals etc.
23. Revenge or forgiveness, grace or evolution
But as I have said, the quickest or most truly effective way is to begin to consider: "Are there any people who I don't like? – Are there any people who I bear a grudge against?" – And learn how to think of these people in a friendly way, and also think in a friendly way of those people who do not like you. The road to the eternal light goes through loving the very people you don't like. It is not difficult for us to like the people that like us. But it is the people that don't like us that we should be fond of. This will bring the darkness in the world to an end. One cannot get rid of all the evil using defence and revenge. When a man has committed a murder he is put to death by the state. Two murders have then been committed, and that is the state of affairs wherever we look. One murder is avenged with another, and so it goes on. Human beings are doing harm, and the world is being transformed into an Armageddon. This Armageddon has now reached such proportions that people cannot avoid seeing that defence is the greatest curse and calamity for human beings, and consequently they want to take steps to create a Christ-culture. This culture will now come forward out of the darkness where it has been for a long time, even though it is already functioning to a colossal extent over the whole world. But you can experience a sense of it, and in that respect you can receive enormous help by praying to God. Even though you don't believe in prayer, pray anyway. The beings that hear the prayer are not so small-minded that they say: "Please get down on your knees before the mighty God." – No, God is not vain. God is not a slave-driver as some people believe. Neither is it through grace that we achieve forgiveness or salvation. Each of us has to develop his or her own cosmic consciousness. Such a consciousness cannot be given to people through grace. Why should one give anything through grace? – God would then have to have slaves. No, it stems from the fact that in the old days the lower classes were slaves of the great magnates, who through mercy or grace could free them from punishment. But there is no place for that in the modern, intellectual, Christian world.
24. Many thanks for all your help and support
So that is what I have been able to say a bit about. But you will be able to read about it in the book, "The Third Testament". [Intellectualised Christianity, posthumous manuscripts, Borgen 2004, not yet available in English]. – In fact, all the books will be called "The Third Testament", but in this new book I have had to write such important analyses that I am not blind to the fact that I am now putting your scepticism to such a hard test that it could prove to be the road to my crucifixion, were it not for the fact that God has another plan for me. [At this point Martinus was visibly moved]. But God has such a plan. Things are so cleverly arranged that there is no one that can strike me. When I have finished my work I will not be on this plane. But I will be here, I will still be among you, but not in a visible form. I will be just as much among you, even though I will not be in my body. This cause has been entrusted to me, but not to me alone, Christ and other Christ-beings in God's primary consciousness are of course behind it. I am well aware of that.
And with that I would like to say a very, very big thank you for all the help and support you have built up in the form of your gifts and your love. Without them the cause would not be able to grow. This is precisely how it can grow. It is, after all, your cause. You have contributed money, you have supported the cause, you have read and you have liked what you have read, with the result it has begun to be a cause that is growing rapidly.
Now that it is really becoming known to the wider general public, schools and colleges will be built. We have already been given money to help build a school at Klint, and it is agreed that this money cannot be used for anything else. So these gifts that you give me on my birthday, at Christmas and on other occasions are an enormous help. They are a great help to the cause, since the cause is still not earning so much money. But there will come a time when it will earn a lot of money, and that will make it easier to make things cheap or free, so that as many people as possible can gain easy access to God's creative process and consciously take part in it. It is a question of consciously taking part in this process, and when we are conscious of God's creation of us, we can help God. God has to plane, file and chisel away in order to break us of our bad habits and tendencies etc. But once we have become conscious of them, we can cooperate, and then it goes quickly, and we will very soon feel that we live in a blessed world, even though it looks dark.
And with that, I would like to say thank you for coming! [Very long applause].
Original Danish title: Kristi genkomst - talsmandens komme (Martinus' 89th birthday lecture). This article is based on recently adapted guidelines for the editing of Martinus' recorded lectures into articles. Experience with this work has led to improvements in editing that fulfil Martinus' wish to have his lectures transcribed in conversational language and at the same time provide the opportunity for a more detailed presentation of his spoken word. Editing, section headings and title by Ole Therkelsen. Editing approved by the Council of the Martinus Institute on 29.03.2008. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 7, 2008. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2008.
Article ID: M1189
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 4, 2008
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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