The Immortality of Living Beings
The article: The Immortality of Living Beings
Chapter 2
In order to reach the highest perfection or become "man in God's image" it is essential that one experiences with one's intellect God's love and justice in the universe
Is there anything in life or existence that confirms this view in such a way that it can become something other, something more, than a beautiful assertion? Yes, life itself confirms this view to such an extent that it can become concrete knowledge for every normally developed, intelligent and undogmatic human being. It is the meaning of life that the human being will be able to learn to observe and experience the real truth about his own immortality and fate with his intellectual faculties in such a way that it becomes concrete knowledge about the justice or love of God in the government of the universe and thereby the unshakable basis of life for the being concerned. With this basis of life or cosmic knowledge the human being cannot avoid becoming a joy and a blessing for all other living beings in his surroundings and thereby himself becoming one with God. It is the only way in which he can fulfil the divine purpose – to reach the highest initiation or to become "the human being in God's image". God is solely a joy and a blessing for all living beings. And this alone can be his purpose in his evolution of the human being. The human being, through his behaviour, will fulfil the divine principle: to be shining, warming and life-giving. Without this behaviour he cannot possibly be "in God's image".