The Road of Life
The article: The Road of Life
Chapter 2
The cosmic breathing and the eternal contrasts
Terrestrial mankind is thus travelling from darkness to light, just as it has previously come from this light down into darkness. After the experience of being satiated with this, the great culmination of light, which is now its goal, the Road of Life will again lead mankind forward to a new culmination of darkness. After satiation with this, the eternal road will again lead the beings towards light and so on in all eternity. Here, on the cosmic passage of the living beings through eternity and infinity, we are placed before the Godhead's eternal rhythm of life, an eternally continuous cosmic breathing, through which the Godhead and the consciousness of the living beings are maintained and renewed, this breathing being thereby turned into an imperishable ability to experience life eternally. It is this cosmic rhythm of life, this psychic or mental breathing of the Godhead, that not only brings about the contrast between light and darkness, the animal and the human, the evil and the good in the unfinished human being, but also vibrates through all the details of the universe as the basis for time and space. It is this principle we experience in the form of the combinations of contrasts, which are in turn the same as the objects accessible for sensory perception. Without these combinations all sensory perception would be impossible and no living being would exist. The universe, as regards sensory perception, would be a Nothing, where it now exists as the revelation of the Godhead in the form of immortal life. It is these combinations of contrasts we know as created things. But created things are expressions of life from a creator, that is from a living Something. This living Something is the source of the universe, which is the same as the eternal Godhead. He manifests and experiences himself through the organisms of all existing living beings. These are thus the Godhead's instruments for sensing and manifesting. And the I in the organisms of the living beings is, in the same way, the I of the Godhead. Through the living beings the Godhead can bring about all sorts of circumstances, all kinds of manifestations, and thereby reveal himself to all living beings regardless of whether they are micro-, macro- or mesocosmic beings; regardless of whether it is the tiniest animal or one of the highest beings of wisdom. Through the Godhead's revelation of darkness for the living beings he qualifies them to become one with himself in light, in love and in omnipotence, the experience of which is the greatest adventure of light that can at all exist and be given to any being.