The article: On the Altar of Love
Chapter 7
The fulfilment of all the laws
We have here a brief overview of the present fate-situation of mankind itself. We have touched on essence of the guidance that it has received from its great leaders or world redeemers. We have seen that this guidance culminated in the life and behaviour of Jesus as a living example in flesh and blood of that relationship to God and that neighbourly love which is the fulfilment of all the laws. We have seen how mankind has not yet grown so far in evolution as to be able to fulfil this world-redeeming behaviour or way of being, not even where it calls itself "Christian". The result is that mankind to a corresponding degree must live in an Armageddon or domain of war with all kinds of deadly sufferings and mental darkness, horror and terror. We have seen that the essence of this guidance that has been allotted to mankind is based exclusively on the great principle of neighbourly love. This principle, and thereby the ability to love in the human being, will thus become the foundation for his liberation from dark fate. To the extent that his ability to love is developed, to the same extent he is a joy and a blessing to his fellow beings and his environment. And is it not precisely such behaviour or such a way of being that is significant? What is the situation in a religion or a view of life where there is no love? What is the situation in politics, unions and societies where there is no love? What is the situation between one man and another where there is no love? Is it not cold, sad and desolate and more or less full of antipathy, anger, evil criticism, inconsiderateness, gossip and the like? The present modern culture is to a great extent equipped with technical and chemical perfection, and can create wonderful benefits for people, but of what significance is this when it is not sufficiently loving? Disharmony, suffering, depression, feeling tired of life and suicide will always prevail where there is no love. Is it not one hundred per cent obvious that if every human being were a joy and a blessing to his fellow beings and the environment, and sacrificed himself in order to take part in promoting other people's happiness, there would be no possibility for the existence of an Armageddon? Where everyone is a joy and a blessing to everyone else the so-longingly-awaited lasting peace will be a fact, just as it is obvious that where everyone is more or less inconsiderate, brutal, vindictive, envious and intolerant towards everyone else, life cannot possibly be an expression of happiness or joy. We see here that the invoking of love as the only true way to light is not imagination or a mere assertion. The way out of darkness indicated by the world redemption is living, realistic knowledge or reality.
      We can see that this reality is further emphasized by Nature itself in a multitude of ways. Is the living being's organism not created in such a way that it is the greatest possible joy and blessing to that form of life up to which the same being at this moment has grown? Is our own organism with its multitude of vital functions not a joy and a blessing for us? Is it not an expression of love that we have eyes with which to see, and ears with which to hear, in addition to all the other life-promoting senses with which we are equipped? Is the goal of Nature's creation not this: to create a totally perfect being, that is a being that does not need to kill in order to live, a being that does not need to defend itself against violence or force, a being that can understand that all so-called "evil" is merely an expression of unfinished states in the divine process of creation or perfection we call evolution? And does this goal of creation not become visible when one looks at evolution in its entirety? Have people not previously stood on a lower step of consciousness than they do today? And have the beings on these lower steps not also stood on even lower steps and so on continuously in the line of evolution downwards through more and more primitive forms of being? And what are all living beings on the long scale of evolutionary steps other than the same being that, under the creating hand of God, is transformed from step to step in order finally to constitute the terrestrial human being of today and that is thereafter led further in creation or evolution to even higher steps and here constitutes the finished goal of this long creation: "the human being in God's image after his likeness"?
      Is this creation in itself not a shining manifestation of love? Are the earth's previous processes of creation not an expression for the same creating hand? Was it not through many epochs transformed from a flaming sea of fire to the now radiant, inhabitable world that has the possibility of becoming a divine paradise for the people of the earth when they have reached the stage of having overcome the animal natures in their mentality today imprisoning them in dark fates and states of suffering?
      So, the great truth about life's highest behaviour or way of being and happiness is this – that one must give one's life in order to come to own it. Just as the Godhead behind all the processes of creation has bestowed his love on us, so must we sacrifice ourselves for the Godhead, which can be done only through loving our neighbour. We met the love of God through a pair of parents or their substitutes when we, frail and helpless, came into the world. We met the love of God through the development of our organism as a tool for still higher and higher forms of the experience of life and thereby for the process of our perfection from primitivity to intellectuality. We met the love of God in the transformation of the world that made it a shining and warming residence for us in the universe. We met the love of God in the creation of Nature, which every day supplies food and vital necessities for the living beings. We met the love of God through all the beings who loved us, but we also learned to feel the love of God behind all the beings who persecuted and hated us. We learned to love them because we saw that they were God's life-belts for us at a point where we were on our way to drowning in the ocean of delusion, superstition and selfishness. We saw the all-embracing love of God in the wonderful abilities and talents that give the developed human being access to his radiant holy spirit or cosmic consciousness whereby he becomes able to be God's outstretched hand to help all those who are to be freed from darkness and sufferings, and be promoted upwards towards the radiant heights of life. And we saw the love of God in the shining flood of rays at the pinnacles of life where God in his omniscience, almightiness and all-love holds the fate of every single living being in his hand. This is the great truth about love.
      Real life is thus a cult of love. The universe is an altar of love. On this altar God bestows his love on the living beings, leading them forward on this high altar of life to being able to give their lives for the benefit of the liberation of their fellow beings from darkness and suffering, whereby they themselves come to live in the shining flood of rays of cosmic consciousness or the holy spirit.
      In truth! To love God above all things and one's neighbour as oneself is the fulfilment of all the laws.