The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: The Principle of Reincarnation
Chapter 4
Total and partial replacement of the organism
When the transformation of the organism, the principle of rebirth or reincarnation, is thus subject to evolution, there must be a goal for this evolution, and this is to make the replacement more and more imperceptible. Terrestrial human beings and the categories of beings related to them have thus reached this goal to perfection within the individual terrestrial life. Indeed, they have reached such a degree of perfection that the human being does not notice the replacement of his organism at all and denies reincarnation. Only the process of replacement that is still imperfect and called "death" is noticed at the moment. A partial replacement of the organism has not yet been able to be created here, and human beings are subject to the total replacement of the organism, believing because they are used only to a "partial death", that the total replacement of the organism is tantamount to "total death". But it is only for a short time that people will have such a belief based on lack of knowledge of the eternal laws of life. Many seekers have already begun to succeed in finding a solution to the riddle of death.
      But it is not the purpose of life that people should concern themselves with "death" and "the spiritual world" on a mystical plane; it has to become crystal-clear science, and the human being with his knowledge and creative ability will in time be able to overcome death.
      It is the will of Providence or the Godhead that, after a long period in the spiral of evolution, the living being will reach a stage where it is able to experience its eternal existence without the interruptions in the organism that must occur in the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom of a spiral of evolution. This means that such an imperceptible replacement of the organism as that which the terrestrial human being has come to master within a single terrestrial life will one day in the future also be mastered by the same being when he slips from the physical state to the ray-formed state.
      The term "resurrection" will actually in time be a reality for the terrestrial human being who, when he has reached a step in evolution where he is able to control matter with his will, can no longer be described as a "terrestrial human being" but as a "real human being", a "human being in God's image".
      In my cosmic analyses and symbols I show where in the spiral of evolution this goal will become a reality. In the last part of the third kingdom of the spiral, the real human kingdom, such a perfect existence will begin to become a fact. Then the being's transition from the physical to the spiritual experience of life will no longer be hindered by any "death process". The transition will be just as perfect as the transition from childhood to youth, from youth to maturity and from maturity to old age is today for the terrestrial human being.