The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 8
When "small people" think they are "great"
This false authority is far more widespread than we generally imagine. It emanates its undermining fumes over a large part of the religious world and the material world. We see how primitive upstarts, which in this case means "small men" who have become "big men" far too quickly, have admired themselves to such a degree that the fumes of arrogance cause them to deny their own origin and rank and even buy a new name because the name given to them at birth or baptism is not flattering enough, and because they want to try to hide that they are descended from a poor Lazarus or beggar. (Here of course, we must exclude cases in which the reason for changing one's name is of a purely practical one, such as one's name in a telephone directory and so on.). But in general, a change of name is not necessary because one has become a "great man". There is no danger that a truly "great man" or absolute expert in one field or another will drown in the masses merely because he has a common name. Is not Hans Christian Andersen known all over the world? Or does one think that he would have become more famous if he had changed his name and called himself something strange and fanciful? Do you think that his books would have been translated into more languages if he had hidden the poor circumstances of his birth or the fact that he came from the "lower classes"? Indeed, the light of a genius or a truly great human being cannot be hidden, no matter what his name or origin is. On the contrary, the genius forces his or her name and descent up to a higher plane, where they are surrounded by his or her honour and glory.