The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 7
Why humility is absolutely necessary
We must here distinguish between "fear" and "humility". While "fear" expresses itself in forced submission or "subservience", "humility" expresses itself in voluntary "respect" for and admiration of natural or real spiritual superiority, regardless of who it may occur in. As "humility", as pointed out, is an unreserved knowledge of oneself, of one's own inaptitude or inferiority, it is easy to see that this state of consciousness is the only one that can open the "gate of wisdom" or is the absolutely only attitude that can open us to new knowledge and wisdom. Without the recognition of one's own inferiority, there cannot possibly be any talk of susceptibility to instruction, teaching, advice and guidance, because without this recognition one would believe that one already had the necessary knowledge. As a logical consequence of this, one would naturally look upon any instruction not only as quite unnecessary, but even as faulty because one does not understand that it is one's own knowledge or perception that is wrong. Indeed, one may even begin to hold forth about the false knowledge that one has in this or that field, and fight to be acknowledged as an expert in that same field, and one may begin to regard everyone who will not bow to one's supposed knowledge as an enemy. Thus one is filled with hatred and intolerance towards the real experts in the field concerned, because one's own imagined authority prevents one from acknowledging or understanding them. That this must lead to catastrophe is certain. A false authority cannot in the long run bear comparison with a genuine one.