The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 6
Pride and humility
This immensely long journey through an unending chain of lives in sorrow and suffering, pain and mutilation had thus not been in vain. It had brought us a kind of "knowledge", albeit quite a different kind to the one we had expected. It had shown us that at present we have not the greatness or capacity in knowledge and spirit, creation and exercise of will that we had imagined, and therefore boasted of. As boasting is in turn the same as "pride", our journey through life led us thus to the fall of this "pride". But where "pride" is removed from the consciousness, normally only "humility" is left.
      As we will here understand, "humility" is thus at first only an "understanding of one's own inferiority". "Humility" is not, as some people think, an expression of a worshipping, grovelling, slave-like nature that blindly submits itself to tyranny or abuse. Such a nature is not "humility", but on the contrary the same as a "training" produced by "fear" of brutality and terror. Such a state has naturally nothing to do with the great solution or aim of life in the form of absolute self-knowledge, which was the goal of one's journey through life's many labyrinths, sufferings and difficulties or special structure.