The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 35
Humility removes the "guardians of the threshold" and opens the gates of initiation for the "prodigal son", who thereby becomes one with his eternal Father
True "humility" is thus not a false underestimation of our own self or I that makes us live a grovelling, slave-like life fettered by snobbery. "Humility" is, on the contrary, the only absolutely true and mature attitude to any kind of enrichment with any higher knowledge or "occultism". It is thus the ABC of, or main prerequisite for, perfect "occultism" or high-intellectual existence. He who has not become "humble", he who has not acknowledged his own "imperfection" and does not understand the limitation of his faculty to sense or manifest cannot possibly evaluate or judge the beings and things he encounters in an occult or true and just way. His own self-deification therefore makes him begin to try to convert the highest authorities on wisdom or the really high-intellectual beings, indeed, even a world redeemer if he gets the opportunity to meet one. He declares war on religions, sects, society and people who will not pay homage to him, just as he does not shrink from snobbishly ingratiating himself with amoral beings and in many other ways rushing in "where angels fear to tread" when he thinks that this rushing is in favour of his imagined "greatness". That this rushing, regarded as "cosmic chemistry", is an experiment with unknown explosive forces, a combination of cosmic chemicals or kinds of thoughts that together form a way of being that irrevocably must collide with the law of love or the divine world order is naturally just as certain as it is that every wrong combination of strong physical chemicals must result in the creation of something that will become a catastrophe, a disappointment, pain and suffering, instead of the joy and satisfaction that would have arisen, if the chemicals had been mixed in the right way. This catastrophe is nothing less than the discovery of the hollowness and emptiness of imagined "grandeur" and "infallibility", on the strength of which the being has very proudly and rashly asserted his false judgement of fellow beings and things. With this discovery this false judgement is delivered to the being himself. He now sees that the judgement that he passed on his surroundings, beings and things applies better to himself than to his surroundings and fellow beings. Through his own occult nakedness he now feels the ice-cold night frost of "pride" or egoism. And, mentally freezing and shivering, he cries out to his heavenly Father or Godhead asking to be allowed to be one of His "hired servants". And here "humility" makes its victorious entry into the consciousness of the "prodigal son". He no longer wants to convert prophets or wise men, or in any way direct the course of the sun. He has discovered his own microscopic smallness in the midst of the great universe. He has discovered that he is not the great figure or authority he thought he was. He has acknowledged that from a cosmic point of view he in fact knows nothing. And with this knowledge he is only now ready or developed enough to be able to listen to the Godhead's speech, which means, the speech of his "fellow beings". And now this speech suddenly becomes a sphere of interest to which he intently and reverently listens. And his "neighbour" now delights in the respectful interest and confidence, the understanding and obligingness, he now receives from the being who previously, from a mental point of view, contemptuously kicked him aside as a primitive "proletarian" and "lower-class being", unworthy to be in his proximity, and he now gladly opens his heart to him. And the "lost" but now "humble" son looks straight into his open heart and mind and sees there life, beauty, perfection and the Godhead. And it is in the formerly so despised "proletarian" or the primitive "lower-class being" that the prodigal son again meets his eternal Father. "Humility" removed the "guardians of the threshold". The light of heaven therefore sparkles and radiates towards him from all beings and from all things. His homecoming became an initiation and opened the door to the solution to the riddles of life. "Humility" is thus the "key" to all wisdom, and thereby the "key" to the experience of being "one with the Father" or appearing in "God's image after His likeness". Without "humility" the gates of love are closed. And without love there can be no wisdom, no bliss of "heaven" and no Godhead.