The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 32
One gives one's full friendship only to, and confides only in, a human being who is understanding and loving
For the loving being all the doors of life are wide open. Does one not go to a loving being when one feels sad or when one's soul is heavy with sorrow, suffering and misfortune? Does one not prefer a loving and perfect being as a co-worker? Does one not prefer to see the same perfect and loving nature in one's spouse, in one's friend, in one's neighbour, in one's superior and subordinate, in one's advisor or teacher, or in any other kinds of beings that are our neighbours? Does one not open up to, and confide in, beings who one supposes are loving and understanding? Who does one believe would show this affection for a manifestly boasting, insensitive being who from his imagined "high" cultural stage, which most often is indicated only by a large bank account, condescendingly turns a deaf ear to any prayer and regrets not being able to help, at the same time as he thanks God that he does not belong to the proletariat or the "poor" and primitive "lower class", but fortunately belongs to the "well-to-do" and "cultured" "upper class"? Let us at once say here that what has been said above is not in any way intended to express bitterness towards arrogant individuals, which would not be a very seemly thing to do, since arrogance, like any form of what we call "evil", is something absolutely all of us have to pass through in our eternal spiral cycle or evolution. If we today can say that we are free of "pride", it is only because we have once been proud. And if we have not been proud, then we are inevitably on our way to being so. There is thus no basis whatsoever for any being to express bitterness or to gloat over "proud" beings of today. When the analysis of the extreme consequence of "pride" is nonetheless presented here, it is only because it is intended to be material for spiritual research. And in this presentation there would be no point in decorating or camouflaging things or covering them up; on the contrary, it is more appropriate to reveal the naked absoluteness of the character of these things so that they can form as easily identifiable and accurate a picture of reality as possible.