The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 3
When human knowledge becomes a curse instead of a blessing
What does it mean that humanity has received the heavenly gift that permits it to rule the elements? Of what use is it that one has only to press a button to get light and water? What does it signify that one likewise only needs to press a button to be immediately lifted up to one's flat on the 4th or 5th floor or even higher, or by pressing another button one can be carried on waves of air at hundreds of kilometres an hour over seas, towns and countries, and that by pressing yet another button one is transported at great speed along kilometre-long motorways? And what are the implications of the fact that the pressing of other buttons causes the elements to produce machines by the thousands, machines that can in turn be managed by pressing buttons, thereby freeing us from all physical work and trouble, when every time we press such a button we mutilate ourselves, our physical body as well as our mentality, to a greater or lesser extent? What joy are we getting from our heavenly superiority and power, that is our technical knowledge – which actually does not belong to the animal kingdom, but according to "Livets Bog", is a "human" faculty or quality that allows us to speed over the clouds – when the same power and speed are conditional only on us at the same time, deep down under us on Earth, making our journey through the skies leave everything in ruins, making people homeless and unhappy and maiming them, causing sorrow and death, at the same time as we, while sailing over the clouds, sit in fear and terror of our persecutors or the defenders of the land, the homes and the people we have been sent out to destroy? Is there more joy in speeding along the motorways in technically marvellous, luxurious cars, when it can be done only for the same purpose as the above, and when there is here too the danger of being persecuted, of hidden mines under the road, of blown-up bridges or the like that can maim, kill and ruin us? And is it not just so all over the world? Have not all the results of the human being's acquired technical knowledge or purely "human gifts" ended in a "curse" rather than in a "blessing"?