The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 23
When primitive vanity ultimately gives rise to humility in the arrogant mind
Why do human beings become unnaturally vain? Indeed, is it not exactly, as we have mentioned previously, their longing for admiration, their longing for people to think that they are people of "rank" who belong to the "upper class" that is the cause of this form of energy that is manifested as "vanity? Is it not so that people wish to indicate that they belong to a "higher" cultural stage than others? And with this unloving attitude towards their fellow beings or with this excessive desire to shine with a "higher" cultural stage people industriously "sew" the "new clothes" that in the fairy tale are nothing but the emperor's shirt. People create or acquire the most extreme and extravagant fashion. And they walk proudly along the roads and lanes in "nothing but their shirt" enjoying the "higher" cultural stage that they, with their "modern" appearance, believe they represent. And it is just this imagination or mental attitude that constitutes "pride" and that sooner or later must fall. The presence of this hidden "pride" – the belief that one is superior to others – offends the surroundings, so that the representatives of these extreme views are despised by their fellow beings and given a hard time by them. These fellow beings can, albeit unconsciously, mentally feel the extravagant beings' complacency about their imagined greatness and the hollowness and emptiness that sometimes hide behind their outer, at times large-scale, modern refinement. And one day these fellow beings will cause the delusion of "greatness" or "high rank" to shatter, thus filling the "prodigal son's" consciousness with the recognition of his cultural nakedness, this recognition being the same as "humility". And the "prodigal son" subsequently turns his gaze towards the creation of real "culture" or his sense for humaneness.