The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 2
A journey in the dark
This journey goes over continents and seas through barren deserts and ice-cold polar regions, over frozen tundras and swamps, over rivers, lakes and brooks, through luxuriant, flowering meadows, gardens, fields and forests, up craggy rocks and mountain sides and down through deep, dark abysses with cold mud holes, slimy vermin and poisonous fumes, through swelteringly hot, fever-inducing country with thick undergrowth filled with all kind of dangerous, wild animals, such as tigers, snakes, crocodiles and insects. But we have not yet reached the end of the road. There are still strange, vast areas to cross before we reach the "gate of wisdom". We have thus to go through dreadful, dark zones of death, where the living beings can maintain their existence only by murdering other beings. And we go through other zones where the poisonous flames of hatred cause the living beings to lie, slander, murder and kill each other, not because it is a condition of life to kill as it is among the animals but only in order to conquer each other's advantageous place and progress in the great journey. Over battlefields with deadly tanks, the thundering of cannons, the snarling of machine-guns and bombers, which make God's bright sky – the last refuge of the fading eyes of the dying – dangerous to look at, goes the eternal road. Ever onward the road continues over stinking corpses, over the ruins of great towns, over vast soldiers' graves, overcrowded hospitals, poor and hungry populations tortured by epidemics, periods of scarcity, robbery and plundering. And from "air shelters", cellars and caves people cry towards the sky, which they themselves have poisoned and therefore do not dare to look at, for the one and only great thing, namely "peace". Nothing else matters to them.