The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 19
Imagined social rank and "the emperor's new clothes"
The purely social "upper class" and "lower class" are thus based solely on, and supported solely by, "pride" or the erroneous belief that the difference in the amount of material assets one possesses is the same as a real, natural, and thereby cosmic, "class difference" between the individuals, and that it gives the "upper class" the right to rule and exploit the "lower class". As we see here, it was real cosmic clear-sightedness that caused the saviour to pronounce his realisation of the fact that it was impossible for the "rich man" to enter the "kingdom of heaven". It is not strange that the wise men of the world recommend "humility" as the only absolute way to God, for "humility" is the only attitude of consciousness that can prevent the individual from succumbing to "artificial" superiority or imagined grandeur. Only "humility" can free the terrestrial human being from going around in nothing but a shirt, like the emperor in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, and being laughed at by everyone because he imagined that he was walking around in the world's finest clothes. A better picture of the emptiness and hollowness of arrogance and vanity than this divine fairy tale can hardly be imagined. The imagined grandeur or social rank that is the very nature of pride cannot in the long run be maintained in the face of absolute reality. Those in one's surroundings are not deluded in quite the same way and will sooner or later unveil the true nakedness of the individual. Only through "humility", which is actually the same as the individual's real perception of his mental nakedness or real spiritual standard, can he protect himself from the dangers of "walking around naked", which pride and vanity in themselves are, and which the emperor in the fairy tale succumbed to.