The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 14
Just as individuals are rich and poor, so too are nations rich and poor, thus sharing the same circumstances of fate
It is with nations as it is with single individuals. The same laws, the same mistakes and the same "arrogance" or "pride" that rule a nation's single individuals and cause mutual discord, injustice, legal action and persecution also decide the fate of this nation's relationship to other nations or states on the planet. We therefore see that nations have a "character" like individuals do. Some nations are superior, having great social and material power and position gained through the same authorised and unauthorised "methods of plundering" as those that have turned smart and clever "businessmen" into "rich" or "great men". That these nations therefore, like rich magnates, act on their belief in their own infallibility with regard to morality as well as business and commerce, and believe they are justified in deciding over fellow nations and making them victims of "plundering", is only what is being established as a fact for the awakening man in the street all over the world. It is of course inevitable that the fate of the nations will be affected by their overestimation of themselves or their belief in their false authority, and that "pride" goes before a fall in nations as well as in individuals,. We see, therefore, nations that live in luxury and abundance, and nations that live in destitution and poverty. In the "rich nation" as well as in the "rich man", we find a complete lack of understanding of the true assets or values in the world. For both, the measurement of value is gold and matter instead of the ability to create, this ability being the only thing that can give matter value, the only thing that can turn "something" into a "living being".