The Road to Initiation
The article: The Road to Initiation
Chapter 12
When a rich man gets into spiritual conflict with his Croesus way of living
It must, however, be pointed out that the type portrayed here is at its culmination or worst, and that not everyone who in everyday speech is described as a "rich man" belongs to the above type. The "guardians of the threshold" gradually leave their mark on the "rich man", he being inevitably subject to evolution like all other beings. So it is obvious that we find "rich men" who are in conflict with their Croesus way of living, who see the hollowness or emptiness and uncharitableness of it and therefore try to remedy their spiritual conflict as well as they can by bringing themselves into contact with the law of love, and, like the genius, by beginning to sacrifice themselves completely for the natural or normal well-being of their fellow beings. And just think what happiness and blessings can follow in the footsteps of such a great or small "Croesus" over terrains where the slave-whips of authorised and unauthorised plunderers still suppress human beings and hold them down in primitivity, poverty and degradation, thus creating the seeds of revolution, war and mutilation.