Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Cosmic Consciousness
Chapter 9
The right understanding of life and the ensuing humane attitude to everything and everyone cannot be conveyed to any being through dictate, torture or punishment
In order to attain real peace, it will be necessary to walk in the footsteps of the world redeemer. It will be necessary to try to adapt oneself to the fact that no being can be different from it actually is or act differently in the now or at the moment to how it actually does, quite regardless of how much damage or benefit, how great suffering and pain, or joy and comfort this way of action may bring it. To learn to understand this is to learn to not try to enforce your will on the sun and the moon, to not try to enforce your will on the Godhead. But this understanding and the following humane attitude to everything and everyone cannot be given to you by any dictate, torture or punishment just as little as it can be given to you through any form of miracle. Directions or instructions for acquiring the right kind of behaviour can be useful, but not until you have reached a point in time where Providence or Nature in another way has made you so mature that you, in confidence and trust, can accept the instructions as desirable ideals, and thereby make them a guide in your daily life. But to be able to accept these ideals in this way, life itself, Nature or Providence, must also create in your consciousness a suitable previous maturity for these ideals, which means, a hunger, thirst or desire for just these ideals. This maturity, that is, this desire for ideals or hunger for a more perfect existence, is created by Providence or Nature only through your daily fate. Through your daily experiences and particularly through your bitter, agonising and painful experiences, your mentality is given the maturity that is the condition for the beginning of the creation of peace in your inner self. And here we shall therefore dwell a little on the vision of how Nature manages to lead you forward to this maturity.