Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Cosmic Consciousness
Chapter 8
Only those who love everything and everyone have real peace in their hearts
As you see, the Christmas message or the Christmas gospel is a greater and closer reality than you perhaps may have thought. Its immediacy cannot avoid touching all those who live in discord, which means strife, suffering, sorrow and trouble. And who or how many human beings are free of these four causes of suffering? The answer will irrefutably be this: "Only those beings that love their fellow beings as themselves – which means, love everything and everyone – have a steadfast peace in their inner self, a peace through which the eternal spring of illumination, "the Holy Spirit" or "cosmic consciousness", unimpeded will reveal itself and substantiate this universal love with the Godhead's own knowledge, thereby enabling the being to think the Almighty's eternal thoughts and initiating him into a complete understanding of the object that it, in the form of everything and everyone, has already long since been embraced and enveloped in his love. Only in the being in whose breast love stimulates the beating of its heart in favour of the whole world, bringing joy to all other living beings, can the clear light of intellectuality or understanding, which causes all darkness to give way, shine."