Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Cosmic Consciousness
Chapter 6
The cause of "everyone being at war with everyone else" is a question of experience and sensory perception
It is thus natural that we do not all sense the same things, problems or objects with equal ease or equally quick understanding. We are able to understand or grasp some problems or objects quickly, while there are other problems that demand years of study for us before we are able to master them entirely. At the same time, there are beings who absolutely cannot understand problems that are very easy for us to comprehend, while those beings, on the other hand, can have a greater faculty for understanding or comprehending problems that for us seem difficult. As we see, it is not enough that the outer physical senses are one hundred per cent sound, clear and pure. The quality of sensing is to an equally great extent dependent on how our material of experience is previously constituted. And as we have not already had exactly the same fate or in another way have had the same experiences, it is not so strange that we manifest ourselves as differently as we do. Indeed, this difference can at worst simply make the individuals quite, obstinate and antagonistic towards one another so that they in reality for the time being are predestined to misunderstand each other in a lot of fields. And it is this predestination that constitutes the deepest root cause of the blossoming of the opposite of peace, which culminates in what we call "the war of everyone against everyone else".
      We have thus come to the root of what today torments and pains humanity. When there is war here or there, be it between one man and another or between states, it cannot be blamed on this or that party, for the misery is, from a cosmic point of view, exclusively a question of sensory perception. No form of fighting can arise unless the respective parties have a wrong perception of each other. If only one party senses or sees correctly from a cosmic point of view, that party would fully understand that the other party can in no way be different to what it is at the moment. The whole development of the latter is the result of its total memory or its collected material of experience. The fact that the same material of experience has not been rich enough for the other being to be able to understand the situation correctly from a cosmic point of view is not its fault, just as it cannot do anything about how many centimetres its physical organism measures in height or whether it has brown or blue eyes. But as the party in the fight thus lacks material of experience, its consciousness, and thus its sensory perception and the action based on this, must also necessarily show or be characterised by this lack. As this lack is caused by a lack of material of experience, its consciousness, and thereby its sensory perception, constitutes a mental growth that is incomplete. The being is not yet fully grown from a mental point of view. It is still a minor and can thus manifest only minors' actions or conduct. If the opposite party were a cosmically conscious being, this party's mentality would be filled so profusely with material of experience that it could easily understand its opponent's mental immaturity, and no fight would arise. A normal human being does not start beating another human being because it is not so and so many centimetres tall or in any other way shows that it is still a minor. It never expects anything from anyone other than that which this being does or manifests. That this manifestation may be imperfect can never animate the being to act brutally towards the imperfect being. It knows that the being's development so far is not in any way a question of vengeance but one hundred per cent a question of growth. We can now better understand the world redeemer's response to his executioners when he said: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."