Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Cosmic Consciousness
Chapter 2
Involution and evolution
Every living being's consciousness is thus based on desire, and the will triggered by this desire. The fact that there is a great field of the individual's manifestations that function automatically, e.g. its inner organic functions, neither changes nor invalidates the principle. According to "Livets Bog (The Book of Life)", automatic functions can arise only through having first been awake day-conscious desire (A-knowledge), and thereafter, through the conscious manifestation of the will, having become practical manifestation and action (B-knowledge), and then finally, after sufficient repetitions, being manifested as routine or habitual functions (C-knowledge), which again is the same as automatic functions. This inner force, or the individual's desire and will, is thus the "light" that the Bible places on Creation's "first day". But what does one understand by the Creation's "first day"? According to "Livets Bog", life and thus Creation have never begun, just as Creation will never cease. But this eternal existence occurs in the two alternating periods that I have expressed in the above-mentioned book as involution and evolution, which in turn are realities that together form the section of life-experience that I have called "the spiral". By involution we must understand a form of experience that is just the opposite of the form of evolution that we are now passing through. While the being, through this latter process, becomes increasingly enriched with experiences, thus causing its feeling and intelligence to grow, the being becomes intellectualised or more and more spiritualised; then the individual, through involution, becomes more and more encapsulated in matter, and from being a spiritual being, it is transformed into a material physical being that is quite ignorant of its own, originally spiritual, condition. While the culmination of evolution takes place in the highest spiritual plane or "the divine world", the culmination of involution takes place in the most material realm, "the animal kingdom", or the zone of the killing principle, which thus culminates in the sphere of the human beings. These two sections of the spirals overlap one another smoothly and very slowly, so that there is no sharply defined borderline between them. We will thus find that in a certain part of the spiral, evolution and involution exist at the same time. A sign of involution is the terrestrial human being's decreasing concept of God or its increasingly materialistic state, which ultimately culminates in a total or one hundred per cent denial of God, and the same individual's corresponding hundred per cent interest in or preoccupation with matter. In this condition it is impossible for the individual to believe or understand that there can be any living consciousness, Godhead or Providence behind all the functions of Nature. He believes that his species is the highest existing form of manifestation.