Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Cosmic Consciousness
Chapter 15
The road to "cosmic consciousness" goes through the development of the faculty to understand and forgive
"Cosmic consciousness" is thus the same as the human being's "completely developed mentality", the mentality that is the goal of the great process of creation or the transformation of the Earth, the degree of mentality that enables mankind, when the majority of its individuals possess it, to understand the world plan and thereby be in harmony with the great process of creation itself and thus administer and distribute the planet's abundant vital products and output in such a way that no one any longer needs to starve or freeze, no one feels the desire to steal from anyone else or rob them, no one will die of poverty or extravagance, just as this state of consciousness is an expression of such a great and extensive mental index that the individual thereby will be able to perceive all life's ups and downs as a luxurious process of instruction staged by Providence, which, through the formation of memory, unwaveringly will bring all beings to the realisation of the great answer: "Everything is very good." Thus the world plan's identity as culminating love will be manifested through all living beings regardless of how they now look, think and act. Every movement, every vibration, every act is God's manifestation, is light and love and thereby the creation of well-being for all living beings. Verily, being in contact with this creation is the fulfilment of life's greatest gospel or the realisation of the angels' glorious Christmas message: "Peace on Earth."
      Our heartfelt wish for all terrestrial human beings ought therefore to be that they may quickly learn to understand everything that they today do not like, everything that they want to persecute because, with the true understanding, they will be able to forgive those beings they feel have done them an injustice, those beings who have slandered them or who even, from a physical point of view, have destroyed their joy of life. Only in the training of forgiveness does the road to "cosmic consciousness" lie open. But as one does not need this training in all the fields that have one's full sympathy and love, since everything here is already forgiven, then one can open the doors to heaven only by lovingly embracing all one's enemies. It is true that it is not very easy and that they would perhaps not tolerate or understand such an embrace, but that cannot prevent us from doing it in our thoughts. There is no enemy that we cannot let into our hearts in that way, thus liberating our radiant spirit from the dark spots that today prevent it from perceiving the eternal Father accompanying us through spheres and zones, through time and space for all eternity.