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Symbol 71: The Fate Element and Talent Kernels during Discarnation
The Fate Element and Talent Kernels during Discarnation
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Symbol 71: The Fate Element and Talent Kernels during Discarnation
The Fate Element and Talent Kernels during Discarnation
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Symbol 71

A summary explanation of symbol no. 71 – The Fate Element and Talent Kernels during Discarnation

The symbol shows the fate element in the superconsciousness in a discarnate human being. Its talent kernels for building up a new physical body are shown in the orange ring.

The black hole in the middle symbolises the I of the human being, the violet area its faculty to create and the black holes at the edge the I's of its microbeings.

In the fate element we find all the talent kernels that the human being has developed in its previous physical lives, including the talent kernels for creating a new physical organism. We see that some talent kernels are damaged. This means that the human being will be born with a correspondingly defective organism in its next incarnation.

Martinus' own explanation of the symbol can be found in The Eternal World Picture, vol. 5, which is not yet available in English.

(Note: The three symbols nos. 71, 72 and 73 also form part of the combined symbol no. 74.)

See also