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Symbol 65: The Effect of Atomic Catastrophes in the Organism
The Effect of Atomic Catastrophes in the Organism
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Symbol 65: The Effect of Atomic Catastrophes in the Organism
The Effect of Atomic Catastrophes in the Organism
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Symbol 65

A summary explanation of symbol no. 65 – The Effect of Atomic Catastrophes in the Organism

The symbol shows what the body looks like when it has many illnesses. At the top we see how the sexual sphere, symbolised by the colour blue, has entered the sphere of intelligence, a sphere that should be entirely green. Sexuality based on intuition, that is to say life-destroying sexual speculation, has entered the being's way of thinking.

In the area around the sexual organs we see correspondingly how the intellectuality or energy of intelligence has penetrated the sphere of intuition, causing confusion in this entire sphere. The energy of feeling (yellow) has penetrated the sphere of gravity, where the whole area should be orange. Intelligence has penetrated the sphere of instinct, where the whole area should be red.

When the energies are mixed as much as they are, it is due to the fact that the being's way of thinking has been quite out of control. Fortunately, it is not as extensive as shown on the symbol, because each of the sufferings is so intense that the being will begin to stop short. But it can, however, degenerate to a state of being mentally retarded where it cannot manifest itself on the physical plane without having to be fed and taken care of by others. But this is then also the turning point.

Martinus' own explanation of the symbol can be found in The Eternal World Picture, vol. 5, which is not yet available in English.

See also