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Symbol 63: The Intrusion of the Energy of Intuition into the Sphere of Intelligence
The Intrusion of the Energy of Intuition into the Sphere of Intelligence
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Symbol 63: The Intrusion of the Energy of Intuition into the Sphere of Intelligence
The Intrusion of the Energy of Intuition into the Sphere of Intelligence
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Symbol 63

A summary explanation of symbol no. 63 – The Intrusion of the Energy of Intuition into the Sphere of Intelligence

The symbol shows how the energy of intuition (blue) has mixed with the sphere of intelligence (green). Here it is not so much in the physical area as it is in the mental area. This can mean perversities, excessive sexuality, derailments and so on. In its most profound analysis it manifests itself as the mental function expressing itself wrongly. The stellar systems come too close to one another. Our stellar systems have to be in their correct position or correct orbit.

Martinus' own explanation of the symbol can be found in The Eternal World Picture, vol. 5, which is not yet available in English.

See also