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Symbol 33a: Registration of Symbol No. 33
Registration of Symbol No. 33
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Symbol 33a: Registration of Symbol No. 33
Registration of Symbol No. 33
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Symbol 33A

A Summary Explanation of Symbol No. 33 - Registration of Symbol No. 33

(See also symbol 33 - Animal and Human Thought Climates)

The terrestrial human being is at a transition stage between animal and human being. It has an animal consciousness that is degenerating and a human consciousness that is growing. This transformation is not an act of will but is a matter of maturity and evolution, in the same way as becoming a musical or artistic genius or the like is. Being able to love one’s neighbour as oneself is the same as being a moral genius. The principal, cosmic, organic foundation for the transformation of the living being from animal to human being is its sympathetic constitution with the masculine pole and the feminine pole. The relationship of these poles to one another is the cause of the being’s appearance as a being of the male sex, the female sex or the human sex, the latter being the finished human being in God’s image. The relationship of the poles to one another forms the basis for war as well as peace; the poles are the main organs for the formation of the human being’s fate. They maintain the principle of contrast through which the possibility for all forms of sensory perception exist.

See also Martinus' description of symbol no. 33 in The Eternal World Picture 3.

The main details of the symbol:

The symbol is to be read from the bottom up and is divided into three main sections, which show the evolution of the thought climates from

  1. the animal kingdom proper, sections 21-24 (see symbol 33A),
  2. up through the unfinished human kingdom, sections 25-30, which are the stages for the transformation of terrestrial mankind from animal into human being,
  3. into the real human kingdom and the higher spiritual worlds at the top, sections 31-34.

The present mankind of the Earth is situated primarily in sections of evolution nos. 27 and 28. Here people experience the last major manifestations of their coarse, dark karma.

The symbols vertical figures, which are marked nos. 1-20 (see symbol 33A), symbolise the various beings’ thought climates and manifestations in the various sections of evolution. Concurrently with the course of evolution, each of these climates grows up towards a culmination in the being’s consciousness and then declines again as new thought climates grow up in its consciousness.

  • Figures nos. 1-2: Reincarnation or the principle of rebirth.
  • Figures nos. 3-8: The transformation of the sexual poles in the male being (figures 3, 5 and 7), and the transformation of the sexual poles in the female being (figures 4, 6 and 8), that is to say the development of the male beings and female beings into human beings. Green indicates the masculine principle, and yellow indicates the feminine principle. In section of evolution no. 28 the feminine pole begins to make its presence strongly felt in men, and the male pole begins to make its presence strongly felt in women.
  • Figure no. 9: The terrestrial human physical organism. From being a tool for the killing principle, it develops towards having a more refined form and a high-intellectual function.
  • Figure no. 10: The killing principle. Murder and killing other living beings characterises the way of life in a large section of evolution.
  • Figure no. 11: The kinds of thoughts that promote death and suffering and that lie behind the killing principle. Jealousy, greed, fraud, vengefulness, thirst for power and so on.
  • Figure no. 12: Arrogant and ambitious kinds of thoughts. Self-worship, ambition, the pursuit of honour, vanity, snobbery, slander and so on.
  • Figure no. 13: The birth pangs of the real human kingdom. The effects of the transformation of the sexual poles. Divorces, unhappy love, crimes of passion, suicide and sexual derailments. Contempt for and persecution of the double-poled state.
  • Figure no. 14: The beginning of the emergence of neighbourly love. Develops concurrently with the double-poled state into the main, universally loving level of consciousness. Humaneness, giving rather than taking, forgiveness that can dissolve war, hatred and persecution.
  • Figure no. 15: The art of the animal kingdom. Expresses the ideals of the various steps in evolution from the glorification of war and killing to a eulogy on copulatory love, among other things.
  • Figure no. 16: The religious principle. From the worshipping of gods of war, via the love implicit in the humane religions, to spiritual science.
  • Figure no. 17: The psychic sensory faculty. The basis for all kinds of magic, black magic as well as white. The most supreme high-psychic abilities in the service of Providence.
  • Figure no. 18: The great birth. The being has attained the perfect mentality and has become a finished human being with cosmic consciousness.
  • Figure no. 19: “The Paraclete, the holy ghost”. Life’s very highest thought climate. The being can move freely in the spiritual worlds.
  • Figure no. 20: Materialisation and dematerialisation. The being creates its organism or its means of identifying itself using the power of thought.

The flames at the top of the symbol symbolise the spirit of God or the highest fire.

See also