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Symbol 3: Intolerance
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Symbol 3: Intolerance
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Symbol 3

A Summary Explanation of Symbol No. 3 - Intolerance

Intolerance is the cause of the deathly flames of war. Where two beings or two groups of beings have become enveloped in these flames and are at war or in discord with one another, they sabotage the keynote of the universe, which is the perfecting force, absolute peace, joy and love. Having enemies is a sabotage of normality, and means war, sorrow and suffering. Forgiveness is the way forward towards the light, towards absolute peace, towards harmony with real life and the Godhead.

See also Martinus' description of symbol no. 3 in The Eternal World Picture 1

The main details of the symbol:

  • The orange stars symbolise two living beings or groups of beings.
  • The orange rays that cross one another symbolise the fact that the parties are at war or in discord with one another.
  • The burning Earth symbolises the effects of animosity between the warring parties.
  • The sea of rays indicates the keynote of the universe, which is love. That the sea of rays goes round the Earth without touching it symbolises the fact that where hatred rages, love cannot possibly be expressed.
See also