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Symbol 29: Cosmic Paths of Evolution
Cosmic Paths of Evolution
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Symbol 29: Cosmic Paths of Evolution
Cosmic Paths of Evolution
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Symbol 29

A Summary Explanation of Symbol No. 29 - Cosmic Paths of Evolution

The symbol symbolises the eternal life of living beings, a life that is an eternally changing journey towards the very highest light. In the universe or cosmos there is an infinity of mankinds on entirely different cosmic paths of life to that on which terrestrial mankind finds itself. The beings of these mankinds have of course entirely different structures and forms of organisms than the beings of terrestrial mankind. Just as the organisms of terrestrial mankind are built up as tools for life on Earth, so the human organisms of other planets are adapted so as to be tools for the astronomical situation of these planets and the life conditions on them. But even though the beings’ organisms are built up differently, they will all, through their manifestation and way of being, ultimately reveal themselves as totally perfect beings ? human beings in God’s image after His likeness.

See also Martinus' description of symbol no. 29 in The Eternal World Picture 3.

The main details of the symbol:

  • The white mist that surrounds the step formation symbolises the I or X1 of all living beings.
  • The slight hint of the violet colour at the sides of the step formation symbolises the beings’ faculty and experience or X2.
  • The other coloured sections symbolise the beings’ organisms or X3.
  • The patterned stripes or runners on the steps symbolise various cosmic paths of evolution. The beings of every single path constitute a particular species with its particular characteristics.
  • There is an infinite number of paths of evolution in the universe. Most of them do not come into contact with the Earth but with other planets and worlds in eternal space.
  • The fifth path of evolution from the right symbolises the “mammalian path”, to which the terrestrial human being belongs.
  • The fourth and sixth paths of evolution from the right symbolise the path of the insects and the birds respectively.
See also