How do we use donations?


A significant part of the Martinus Institute’s economy is based on monetary gifts. We are grateful for all donations – large and small.

The gifts we receive from our supporters ensure that, year after year, we can continue all our activities both at the Institute in Frederiksberg and at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Odsherred.

The money enables us to provide information, to teach, to translate and publish books and other material in many languages, to ensure the safe-keeping of the original works both physically and digitally, and to ensure the maintenance and renovation of buildings and inventory.


Annual reports

In the Martinus Institute’s financial overview you will find annual reports (in Danish) for the past 5 years with detailed information about the Foundation’s financial matters, including financial matters related to the renovation and extension of our properties.

The Martinus Institute of Spiritual Science Foundation 2023

The Martinus Institute of Spiritual Science Foundation 2022

The Martinus Institute of Spiritual Science Foundation 2021

The Martinus Institute of Spiritual Science Foundation 2020

The Martinus Institute of Spiritual Science Foundation 2019