About Kosmos

Kosmos is a spiritually scientific magazine based on Martinus’s world picture. It is published by the Martinus Institute and comes out in English as a digital magazine twice a year. The English version of Kosmos is free. 

Kosmos magazine was first published in 1933 with the aim of conveying Martinus’s spiritual world picture and analyses, both through his own texts and through articles, where writers with an interest in Martinus looked at, for example, relevant developmental tendencies in modern society. 

Today Kosmos is published in a modern magazine format but is still based on its original fundamental ideas and aims.

The Martinus Institute

Twice a year (spring and autumn)

Jens Christian Hermansen

Contact with the editorial team:

Tidsskriftet kosmos 2020-4

Martinus’s wishes for Kosmos

Martinus described his wishes for the contents of Kosmos several times, including as follows: 

“Firstly, the aim is to report on the growth of my cause and innovations within it, so that those who are interested will be able to keep abreast of events, and so that the magazine over time can also – along with other material – form the basis for the history of the cause. 

Secondly, the aim is to demonstrate the influence of the new world impulse in terrestrial human beings’ lives and in nature, and here the possibilities are many. Fields specifically to be mentioned in the magazine include social and human progress, new scientific discoveries, advances in technology and economics, art, religion, literature and much more, all presented in such a way as to connect these subjects with the new cosmic world picture,” he wrote in 1952.