Ældre Kosmos og Kontaktbreve

Kosmos 1947/3 side 2
To our guests:
In extending to you a hearty welcome to Kosmos Ferieby we express the hope that the holidays you spend here may be among the finest you have yet enjoyed. We should like to tell you something about the place where you now are. Perhaps you have been a little startled at the name Cosmos, and have asked yourself what it may mean. We will at once say what this name alludes to. We have tried to found a holiday place within which a real true and embracing tolerance may reign. Cosmos Ferieby and Klintsøgaard do not belong to any sect. They are in reality only an outcome of a great spiritual work "Livets Bog" by the author Martinus. This work, of which the first volume was published 1932, and of which the end can only be dimly seen, has by its publication led to the creation of a comprehensive spiritual and scientific institute in Copenhagen, of which Cosmos Ferieby is a department. The principal object of this Ferieby is the formation of an estate where people of all religious and political views, as well as of all races, can meet and work in common studying cosmic problems in an atmosphere of complete tolerance.
If, as we suppose, you do not know anything about Martinus' work you cannot here easily avoid making acquaintance with its merely outward aspects. You will see that we, in addition to a restaurant for ordinary food, have also arranged a section for vegetarian food. The reason for this is that, although Martinus's work tolerates every form of nourishment, it does not make a secret of the fact that, both for ethical and aesthetic reasons, it stands for a gradual modification of the food of man from typical animal to typical vegetabil food. This is among other things the reason why we have combined with the Ferieby extensive gardens which with the orchard have the task of supplying the estate with fresh vegetables and fruit.
We are living in times in which people all over the world are talking about a "new" age as the result of the indescribable sufferings which these years have brought the world. Within this retreat you should meet with the first results of a mentality which, although it is not new to the world, yet is the subject of a conscious wish to the greater part of the inhabitants of the Ferieby: through the personal will to concentrate on the removal of one's own mental defects and to avoid seeing and being interested in the possible defects of one's neighbour. The estate is in this way devoted in its deepest sense to an instruction which, in teaching how one can be the personal master of his own temper, should lead to a greater delight in one's surroundings than would otherwise be the case.
In short, Cosmos Ferieby is an attempt to create a school in this form of humanism which is the real keynote of the great world religions. But while this sort of school is usually founded upon an association basis on given lines and within prescribed laws, the attempt which you are here witnessing is solely based on a free and personal common interest in the Cosmic problems to which Martinus in his book has given expression.
Thus you are here a guest among people for whom any wish in any way, direct or indirect, to use compulsion is absolutely alien. It seems to us you ought to know this because we have very often found that this "Our experiment with the truth", as Gandhi surely would call it, has won the interest of our guests. On the other hand, we would as urgently as possible tell you that we have never thought to use this place for any kind of aggressive propaganda.
We hope from the bottom of our heart that you will feel quite at home here, whether you come from our own country or from abroad. It is our earnest hope that this peace and mutual kindness we have here sought to create will afford you a restful and pleasant holiday.
Odsherred is one of the most interesting parts of Denmark, and it would delight us if Klintsøgaard and its surroundings impress you so much that we have the pleasure of seeing you next summer.
Erik Gerner Larsson,
principal secretary.