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Lulu Wilding
Om Maries arbejde og "God's picture book

"Aruna", Kotagiri, Nilgiris, 30-1-56.

Revered and dear Martinus.

It was a great joy to get your photo and the little book of Annas translation of "God`s Picture Book", also the Danish booklet in which I had the privilege of writing that small letter.

The thoughts in "God`s Picture Book" are so beautiful and as I look out from "Aruna" I see one of His beautiful pictures painted before me – the grey blue hills in the distance covered with soft, white clouds, og and the green valley with the little white houses among the trees, in the foreground. All "God`s Picture Book" has been touched with a new and more radiant light since you came to us.

I have had happy letters from Marie from New York. Her work has prospered there and her lectures on India, and her concerts in which she has played the Angel music of the Nilgiris` have been welcomed. So, even in [side 2] the midst of the rush and "go, get" haste of a huge city there are those who are ready to hear "the still small voice". Marie is concentrating, the says on the music and paintings. She has not been able to contact any producer to see if they will accept on her plays "The new Dawn" and the "Rose of Life". She says she thinks she will have to go back again later for that, perhaps after two years.

We are looking forward to the coming of mr. Larsen and hope the way will open for his coming. and that some time you, yourself will once more come with your Sun Light to India.

With love to you and the dear fortunate people who help you at your centre.

Lulu Wilding.

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