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G. Venkatachalam
Tak for brev og julekosmos. Tak for tre dage på MI. Erik Gerner Larssons besøg i Indien. Besøg i Danmark tvivlsomt. Venka skal til Kina. Vedlægger breve til EGL og Vera.

JANUARY, 16, 1956

Dear Beloved Martinus,

     I do not know how to express my profound feelings of thanks for your very sweet letter and copies of the beautiful Christmas-Cosmos and the booklet "Pages from God's Picture Book". I saw them only two days ago, and read the booklet in one sitting. What a poet you are! Even in translation your words are winged-thoughts, clothed in translucent colours. The book may be more aptly called "Pictures from God's Book of Nature". When I heard you speak on that Friday I was there, I knew you were inspired and your words flowed from your heart and lips in rhythmic cadence, like a mountain stream. I recognised the poet in you then; and now your written words are equally poetic and beautiful. Thanks, many thanks, indeed for these precious gifts and I shall preserve them like treasures. You have been wonderfully kind and good to me; and when I met you at Bangalore for the first time I seemed to recognise a long-lost brother in you. I felt the same when I saw you in that dim light, outside the SAS office, at Copenhagen. Those four days with you passed off as if in a dream state. I felt indeed most happy in your company and in your home, where everything was peaceful and soothing. I had a wrench in my heart when I parted from you all. I love Martinus! I love Martinus' family at Mariendalsvej! I love Copenhagen! I love Denmark!
     I have not met Anna after I returned to India. I have been away in the north most of the time. I am planning to meet her next week when we all discuss about Erik's visit to India this winter. Of course, he has a home in Bangalore and at Kotagiri and also in Madras where he can stay as long as he wants. I can arrange a series of illustrated talks by him on your Cosmology in different centres here and in (side 2) Madras. He can tour a bit in the country visiting all the important cultural and spiritual centres, and also delivering lectures. I have no doubt he will carry on your message and work wherever he goes. He will be welcomed in India, I assure you. I believe he will be to you what Annie Besant was to Blavatsky. I wish you both all the best in this big enterprise.
     Bangalore is beautiful just now. We have sunny days and chill nights. Flowers are in bloom everywhere. This is the season to be in Bangalore. Anna wrote to me that she was at Adyar with her sister and brother for the convention. I could not go as I was in Calcutta, Benares and Delhi at that time. I have not met her brother as yet. I hope to next week. I have to be in Delhi, Lucknow, Bombay and Ajmer the whole of next month. I will be back here only in April. I have been able to do some good work for Indian artists after I returned from Europe. As a member of the Government of India Art Advisory Committee, I was able to find decoration work in the Govt.buildings in Delhi for about a dozen artists. The Government will spend nearly five lakhs of rupees on them. I am enclosing herein two more letters, one for Erik and another for Vera, which I expect to be shared by you all. It is not to save postage stamps that I do so but to ensure their safe delivery. A letter I wrote to Erik in November seemed to have got lost. Ranganayaki is in Bombay just now, and she was happy to hear from me all about you and the Institute. She may visit Germany sometime this year, and is she does, I shall ask her to visit you at Copenhagen. My coming is not certain as I may go to China in August. Nothing is settled now. Of course, I should love to visit you all and see more of the Scandinavian countries. They interest me more than the rest of Europe. Well, dear Martinus, thanks again for all your kind thoughts and deeds, and I close this with my affectionate regards to one and all of you. Did you get my New Year greetings?

With much love,

Yours Affectionately,

Venka –

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