30165      Se originalbrev
G. Venkatachalam
Tak for nogle dejlige dage i Danmark. Hilsen til "the Larssons" og "the Cavlings".
G. Venkatachalam Camp, Bombay.
24th October 1955.

My dear Martinus,

This is just to inform you that I am back in India and will be going to Bangalore soon. I wish to thank you most sincerely for all the wonderful time you gave to me during my stay at Copenhagen. I was really very happy there and felt miserable when I took off from the airport and as I watched you and other friends leaving the airport that evening. I found a home from home in your Institute. I shall treasure for long the sweet memories of my stay amidst you all. You have been really too kind and good to me and I cannot sufficiently thank you for it. I shall write you a long letter after my return to Bangalore.

Kindly convey my affectionate regards to the Larssons and the Cavlings. They have been so kind to me that i cannot forget them. Kindly tell Eric that I shall write to him as soon as I return home. I have already written to Anna regarding his visit to India next year. I hope we shall have him for some time. He is so devoted and enthusiastic about your work that he will be a fit messenger of your life and work outside Denmark.

With affection,

Venka -

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